PI System Development Roadmap

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Presentation on theme: "PI System Development Roadmap"— Presentation transcript:

1 PI System Development Roadmap
Jon Peterson Christian Luckock OSIsoft, Inc. OCEANIA TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR 2008 © 2008 OSIsoft, Inc. | Company Confidential

2 Events and Notification Internationalization
The PI System Events and Notification Internationalization High Availability Managed PI Support Security The Deliver Information for Meaningful, Better Business Decisions Visuals The Turn Valuable Real-Time Data Into Actionable Information Analytics The Gathers, Organizes, Distributes, and Stores Data from Many Sources One Product—the PI System Many horizontal aspects of the PI System Support Managed PI Update Subsystem HA I18N Event driven Secure Server

3 PI as an Infrastructure
The PI System, once installed, is the Realtime Data Infrastructure. Explain using infrastructure analogies.

4 Product Development Roadmap
Technical Support Managed PI Support is an extremely important part of the PI System. Development is an important part of support. Great way to maintain customer contact and real world use of what they develop Managed PI. Quick explanation and goals.

5 Interfaces We keep writing them! BACnet Delta V Headend systems DDS
12+ full time developers BACnet Delta V Headend systems DDS

6 Interfaces Uniint New challenges Performance ca. 1992
Configuration automation Managed PI Meta data Instrument systems Business systems Performance

7 PI Server Microsoft Integrated Security Q3 2008 Authentication
Windows SSPI AD (Kerberos) Local (NTLM) Authorization Windows principles Better grouping Flexible ACLs Mention we released Rockwell SE, working on ME, PR1 SR1. Current work is on MSFT integrated security. Significant, and difficult changes, therefore decided to do in a focused release.

8 PI Security Configuration
Server <= Attributes Owner, Creator, Changer are PIUsers Group is PIGroup Access as String ACL Syntax “o:rw g:rw w:r” Server >= Attributes New Security attribute as ACL Creator and Changer are PIIdentities or Principals (Windows users) Incompatible case: Owner = PIUserIncompatible Group = PIGroupIncompatible Access = “o: g: w: ” ACL Syntax “ID1: A(r,w) | ID2: A(r,w) | ID3: A(r) | … PIIdentity Names or IDs Today we just have A (allow) we may add Deny in the future. That would allow explicitly denying a group member, while allowing the rest of the group.

9 PI Server PR 2 (Q1 2009) Server Side Buffering Cyber security
MDB -> AF support Horizon Future Data Archive Sets Performance HA improvement Aggregation Federation

10 Federated PI Server

11 AF Server 2.0 Released January 2008! MDB  AF tools Futures
Event Frames License enforcement Notifications Event pipes AMI (scaling, indexing)

12 Event Frames Batches Discrete Manufacturing Transfers
2007Aug06-ABC123 Batches Discrete Manufacturing Transfers Alarm and Event Interfaces Events/Incidents/Excursions/Accidents – Integrated with PI Analytics Demand/Generation forecast analysis for power Equipment start up and shutdowns New Infrastructure features require Event Frame Storage - PI Notifications will be Event Frames. This will allow for enhanced visualization and search support. Tight integration with PI Analytics will allow you to create Event Frames based on PI Analytics through configuration - no additional programming will be required. Ability to frame root cause analysis - While conducting root cause analysis in our client products - you will be able to create Event Frames and relate the current context of an analysis as well as associated data. Enhanced Batch Feature Set - Built-in S88 Templates for compatibility, user defined Templates relax current restrictions of PI Batch Database (namely single parent and singe active batch in a unit), increased database performance, tighter integration with all products and many client enhancements are being planned. Many external systems are generating Event Frames - no longer are just Batch systems generating Event Frames. We can get event frames from advanced analytic servers, alarm and event servers, OEE and downtime systems, discrete manufacturing events, etc. We need to have a flexible infrastructure to support all these systems. Context driven Visualization - Event Frames allow you to frame key events - such as equipment downtime, safety incidents, process excursions, and accidents - which can be easily searched with reason codes. Once the Event Frame is found - associated information can populate our client products - thus providing greater transparency, easier product navigation, and faster analysis.

13 Data Access Baseline Services PI System OLEDB Provider OPC UA PI SDK
AF SDK Analysis Event Frame

14 Analytics PIANO Analytics Overview Unification
Ground work for future analytics Analytics AF support of ACE Formula DR, PE Configurable Analyses Targeting 12 month dev cycle

15 Notifications Released January 2009! PR 2 Notification templates
Auto creation More analysis support Historize sub-AR UI—Web Parts, ProcessBook

16 Notifications

17 ProcessBook 3.1 July 08 Notification add-in Formatting toolbar
Format painter General UI improvements Vertical trends Scaling Statistics tool tips (min, max, average) Export to Excel

18 ProcessBook

19 ProcessBook 3.2 Internationalization Unicode Language selection
AF support Element relative displays Playback and other time manipulation Cursor synchronization across trends ActiveView PR 2 Support docking windows Allows advanced features of PB

20 RtWebParts 2.1 just released! Batch web parts
Forms based authentication Printing improvements Table improvements Multiple condition column formats Language packs

21 RtWebParts

22 RtWebParts 3.0 PR 2 4.0 AF Support PI Notifications
Acknowledgements Subscription Looking into 64 bit 4.0 SilverLight 2.0 SharePoint designer integration FrontPage site authoring

23 Developer Studio Subscription to PI System components for developers
To facilitate partner and customer development of custom uses of PI System components Simplify/Unify development offering Encourage usage of PI in Microsoft Office as a development platform

24 Developer Studio PI Server Components PI Client Components
PI Server, PI AF, PI Notifications , PI DLES, RtWP, PI ACE PI Client Components PI PB, PI DL (VBA, add-in development) PI Programming Tools PI OLEDB, PI OPC, AF SDK, PI SDK

25 Office Business Applications
“Office Business Applications are business applications built on Microsoft Office.” Paul Kaiser “Office Business Applications are a new breed of application that help businesses unlock the value of their line-of-business (LOB) systems and turn document-based processes into real applications.” OBA FAQ

26 Dynamic Office Business Applications
When the LOB System is PI or PI-based We Already Facilitate DOBA Construction PI OLEDB Provider PI ActiveView PI DataLink DataLink for Excel Services RtWebParts


28 DOBA DevStudio Content
Accelerators Including PI Data in Enterprise Search Results Easy Transition from PI Point to Trend in MOSS Using RtWebParts to Drive DataLink Spreadsheets Manually Entering Data Via InfoPath Business Intelligence Integration (PerformancePoint) Including complete demonstration of real-world energy management scenario White Papers Best Practices Architectural Guidance Training & Learning Labs

29 Next Generation User Experience
Research about users of the PI System Unifying technology in the PI System Tools

30 Next Generation User Experience
Developed through Interaction Design Operations Engineering Maintenance Corporate Investigator Enabler

31 Next Generation User Experience
Workflow between personas For example: Operators enact production schedule, follow accepted procedures Engineers support production targets Design imperatives Operator’s activities reflect area of responsibility plus the manufacturing process in effect now Process Engineer is a Troubleshooter

32 Enabling Agile Product Lifecycles
NGUX findings will influence many products ProcessBook, DataLink, RtWebParts, AF Need to enable product feature agility Use modular, portable components Can be repackaged in many ways All features should be pervasive Traditional Thick Client – high performance Web Client - many operating systems Smart Client - thick client with web access Mobile Client – anticipate future platforms

33 Enabling Technology Single code base for all platforms - .NET
Based on Windows Presentation Foundation Uses Silverlight and WPF for web clients Portable to other platforms – Mac, Linux, Mobile Architectural agility Scalable up and out Throughput over various connection models Adjust for client capabilities Separate data access, data shaping and visualization Replaceable Data visualization

34 Advanced Meter Infrastructure
MDUS SAP for Utilities High Speed Meter Data Handler Meter&Energy Data Repository Meter & Energy Data Management AMI System 1 Meter & Device Master Data Meter & Device Management Marketing/Sales (Self) Service Billing/Invoicing AccRec/C&C Meter Data Repository AMI Enabling Set of Enterprise Services along defined Industry Standards CRM/CIS Data Master Data Synchronization Command Mgr & Event Handler AMI System Unification Intercompany Data Exchange Service Provider Data Enterprise Asset Management Service Mgmt EAM Data AMI System n SAP Lighthouse Council Enterprise Management & Business Support NetWeaver SAP XI NetWeaver Enterprise Service Repository AMI-Vendors OSIsoft

35 OSIsoft Business Gateway
Service Enabling the PI System Response to outside Systems via Web Services OSIsoft Business Gateway . Module Web Service Enhancement Package Module Web Service Request Manager Module Module Module Web Service Module Schedule Manager Web Service Requests from other systems. Enhancement Package PI Server OSIsoft PI AF Module OSIsoft PI AF Module Module Web Service Module

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