Understanding Standards: Nominee Training Event

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2 Understanding Standards: Nominee Training Event
Hospitality: Practical Cookery National 3, 4 and 5

3 Aims of the day To support Nominees in their understanding of national standards by: clarifying the role of the Nominee in verification activity for the National Qualification (NQ) Units reviewing candidate evidence for units discussing this evidence and associated assessment standards with colleagues asking questions and seeking clarification about national standards highlighting verification decisions

4 As a Nominee complete Nominee induction part 1 and part 2 on SQA Academy attend the Understanding Standards training (27 October 2016) be familiar with the Unit Specifications and Unit Assessment Support Packages for Hospitality: Practical Cookery levels 3, 4 and 5 be familiar with the Guide to Quality Assurance for NQ (January Update) (available to download from the Appointee Management portal (AM portal)

5 As a Nominee Familiarise yourself with the Key Message Report – Round 1 (SQA website) Sign up for SQA alerts and ask your Centre SQA co-ordinator for the update letter in October Refer to the Review Report on the Practical Cookery homepage on SQA website Provide support to those within your authority, especially during submission of materials for event verification Feel well-prepared and confident to participate in verification activity this session and accept the invitation for event verification if asked

6 Your Role – Nominee and Team Leader
undertaking verification on behalf of SQA carry out, if selected, event verification at a central point be a local point of contact and share information about national standards with subject colleagues in your local authority write confidential reports on verification activity

7 Nominee and Team Leader
support the Principal Verifier(PV) in communicating and maintaining national standards support the PV in overseeing quality assurance activity for internal assessment in the verification group identified in centres refer to the current guide for Nominees all materials observed during verification and all aspects of discussions, outcomes and reports on verification activity must be treated as confidential

8 Six stages involved in Verification Activity

9 Event Verification Nominees will be invited to attend this by SQA. Please note only a small percentage of Nominees will be selected the event will be held at a central location after the introductory training from the PV is completed and Nominees are familiar with the contents of the current ‘Guide to QA for NQ Appointees and Nominees’ the verification activity takes place reports are completed in a full and comprehensive manner

10 Event Verification – Round 1
Evidence can be a mixture of: Unit-by-Unit Approach Cookery Skills, Techniques and Processes Unit Understanding and Using Ingredients Unit Organisational Skills for Cooking Unit Combined Approach Portfolio approach

11 Visiting Verification – Round 2
The following will only be carried out through a visit:- National 4 Added Value Unit (AVU) National 5 – Internally Assessed Course Component

12 Key Messages – Round 1 the majority of centres are using the UASP appropriately improved use of the ‘Assessors’ checklist of candidate attainment’ for recording assessment judgements a number of centres have submitted recipes for prior verification and these are now available on the SQA secure site Centres should ensure candidates follow recipes exactly to achieve the relevant assessment standards Assessors must give an accurate record of candidate performance and it should match any images present If the evidence shows that the candidate has attempted all of the assessment standards in the Unit, it is deemed ‘complete’ not ‘interim’ on the flyleaf

13 Key Messages – Round 1 In the combined assessment each of the tasks should be linked and not carried out in isolation National 4 candidates are not required to write a time plan The most up-to-date materials must be used at all times Internal verification needs to be rigorous, recorded, reliable and fair so that all anomalies are highlighted, allowing appropriate remediation to take place and thus ensuring work from the centre reaches the national standard

14 Workshop 1 National 3 – National 5 Combined Approach Exemplars
What you will need for this activity: Unit Assessment Support Packs – Judging evidence tables Assessor’s Checklist of Candidate attainment The exemplars contained within your pack for candidates 1-4 Independently assess the first exemplar

15 Workshop 2 National 5 unit-by-unit Approach – Organisational Skills for Cooking Unit Assessment Support Packs – Judging evidence tables Assessor’s Checklist of Candidate attainment The exemplar contained within your pack for candidate 5 Assess exemplar and discuss in pairs if candidate has met the assessment standard

16 Points to note – Practical Activities
Cookery Skills Techniques and Processes unit National 3, 4 and 5 assessment task is two dishes Understanding and Using Ingredients unit National 3, 4 and 5 assessment task is one dish Organisational Skills for Cooking unit National 3 assessment task is one dish National 4 and 5 assessment task is two dishes Combined Approach At all levels the assessment task is two dishes

17 Points to note – Candidate Workbook
Cookery Skills, Techniques and Processes evidence should include candidate assessment worksheet and assessor’s checklist of candidate attainment Understanding and Using Ingredients evidence should include candidate assessment workbook and assessor’s checklist of candidate attainment Organisational Skills for Cooking evidence should include candidate assessment workbook, assessor’s observational checklist and/or assessor’s checklist of candidate attainment

18 Summary of changes to unit
These changes to the documentation are for clarification. The standard has not changed. At levels 3, 4 and 5 shallow fry has been changed to read shallow frying / stir frying At National 3 (Understanding and Using Ingredients) the flour has been changed to wholemeal in the crumble recipe The information contained within the JET (column 4) has changed to reflect the changes made to the recipes last year in the National 3 combined assessment At National 4 (Organisational Skills for Cooking) there has been an amendment to the ingredients to add in parmesan cheese and basil leaves At National 4 (Added Value unit) it is no longer necessary to use an SQA assessment to assess this unit

19 Summary of course changes – IACCA
Candidates must complete the planning stage independently under direct supervision BEFORE the implementation stage takes place. This stage should be completed within 1 hour and 30 mins Clarification of the resources which maybe accessed during the planning stage No marks can be awarded for SERVICE of any dish presented after the end of the practical activity

20 Webinars 2016 – 2017 Health and Food Technology
Wed 19 October – National 5 Assignment Wed 26 October – Higher Assignment Wed 14 December – Health and Food Technology / Practical Cookery / Practical Cake Craft (Preparing for Event Verification)

21 Webinars 2016 – 2017 Practical Cake Craft
Thurs 10 November – National 5 (Course Assessment) Wed 14 December – Health and Food Technology / Practical Cookery / Practical Cake Craft (Preparing for Event Verification) Mon 30 January – Preparing for Visiting Verification

22 Webinars 2016 – 2017 Practical Cookery
Thurs 24 November – National 5 (Course Assessment) Wed 14 December – Health and Food Technology / Practical Cookery / Practical Cake Craft (Preparing for Event Verification) Thurs 2 February – Preparing for Visiting Verification


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