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Emerging Technologies in Autonomous Driving

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1 Emerging Technologies in Autonomous Driving
Submitted To: CNC Presented By: VISHNU PS


3 INTRODUCTION Autonomous driving is a growing technology
It promise highly increased traffic safety and fuel efficiency , better use of infrastructure and liberation of drivers to perform other tasks. Currently it is developed based on on-board sensors which build a map of the vehicle’s environment. Drawbacks : limited perception range of environment. vehicles are not able to perform due to the complexity


5 It enables two key features:
V2X Communication can overcome (vehicle to vehicle infrastructure) these drawbacks. It enables two key features: Cooperative sensing : increase sensing range by means of mutual data exchange. Cooperative maneuvering :enables group of vehicles to drive co-ordinately according to centralized or decentralized decision making strategy. Integration of on board sensors and V2X communication also results in a cost effective than approach based on high quality sensors.


Convoy driving: Platooning is used. Platoon consist of one master (leading vehicle) and multiple following vehicles. Vehicles in same lane are grouped together in stable formation with small inter vehicle distance to increase road capacity, driver safety and comfort. In multi lane convoy use case, vehicle control in lateral and longitudinal direction is distributed over all members of the convoy. To maintain inter-vehicle distance, convoy members rely on high frequency exchange of vehicular data in the convoy.


9 Cooperative lane change: vehicles share their planned trajectories in order to align and negotiate their maneuveres. Cooperative intersection management: allows vehicles to traverse an intersection without the need of traffic lights. Cooperative sensing: Neighbouring vehicles will share the information gathered from local perception sensors.


Additional vehicle status data-predicted paths are needed for convoy driving and cooperative lane change cases. Convoy management: a vehicle needs to be a group member in the convoy to communicate with neighbouring vehicles Maneuver Negotiation : vehicles need to reserve road space for lane change maneuvers. Intersection management: assign priorities of incoming vehicles, potentially displacing traffic lights etc

12 Cooperative sensing : increases sensors field of view to the v2x communication range and enables cooperative perception among vehicles. High message rate: requires high and fixed broadcast frequency on information about neighbouring vehicles. Data load control: efficient utilization of frequency spectrum, effective prioritization of messages etc are required. Low end to end latency: delay to gather information from sensors, processing delay etc are less. High reliable packet delivery : data delivery should be reliable.

13 Message Extensions for Cooperative Autonomous Driving

14 There are two operating modes in CAM:
Cooperative autonomous driving creates additional communication requirements. Vehicle state information is conveyed in extended CAM (cooperative awareness message). CAMs are broadcasted with variable frequency according to standardized triggering conditions. There are two operating modes in CAM: Normal mode(1 to 10GHz freq) High awareness mode(10 GHz freq)

15 Convoy Control Communication Service (CCCS)
Supports exchange of information among cooperative vehicles in convoy driving. Join/leave convoy: it is a single hop broadcast message sent by an approaching vehicle which detects a convoy and requests to become a convoy member. Lane change : allows convoy vehicles to change their lane. Modify local graph: as result of lane change, local graph of vehicle will be updated

16 Cooperative Lane Change Service (CLCS)
Supports maneuver negotiations among vehicles not belonging to the same convoy and relative space reservation by messages. Search phase: optional and only executed when the subject vehicle has insufficient awareness to the traffic situation. Preparation phase: once prepared for lane change, the peer vehicle informs the subject vehicle for lane change. Execution phase : lane change maneuver is executed in this phase without communication support of the CLCS component

17 Cooperative Intersection Control Service(CICS)
Supports intersection management as the functional requirement. Roadside unit acts as intersection controller to coordinate maneuvers of vehicles approaching the intersection. Message types offered are Intersection entry request-vehicle specifies its entry and exit lanes. Intersection entry cancellation-vehicle informs controller that it wants to cancel previous entry request. Intersection entry status-relative priorities of intersection controller are broadcasted

18 Cooperative Sensing Service (CSS)
Enables sharing of detected objects including vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and so on by means of CSM (cooperative sensing messages). CSM can describe up to 16 objects in terms of their main attributes including speed ,acceleration and respective confidence level. CSS can combine multiple data sensors in order to create more concise detection. CSS can interface with such a process in two ways: as a consumer and as a producer of perception data.

19 CONCLUSION Autonomous driving is a growing trend that has the potential to transform the mobility of people. Most developments targets stand alone autonomous vehicles with limited/no driver intervention. Drawback :lack of coordination among vehicles and the limited range of sensors. V2X communication overcomes these drawbacks by increasing the planning horizon and enabling two key features for autonomous driving: cooperative maneuvering and cooperative sensing.

20 Two key features are: cooperative maneuvering and cooperative sensing
We have presented four use cases for cooperative autonomous driving. Compared to 1st gen V2X communications, cooperative autonomous driving requires adaptations and extensions. The proposed V2X communication system for cooperative autonomous driving uses an enhanced ITS-G5 based protocol stack. These developments will demonstrate the level of automations that can be achieved by V2X communicaton

21 REFERENCES “Enhancements of V2X Communication in Support of Cooperative Autonomous Driving”. Laurens Hobert, Andreas Festag, Ignacio Llatser, Luciano Altomare, Filippo Visintainer, and Andras Kovacs-IEEE Communications magazine December 2015. “Cooperative Intelligent transport System Standards in Europe”. Andreas Festag-IEEE communications magazine December 2011 “Cooperative autonomous driving: Intelligent Vehicles Sharing City Roads” ,J.Baber ,IEEE robotics Automation magazine Vol 12,March 2005


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