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Doctor patient relationship

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1 Doctor patient relationship

2 Doctor patient relationship
Matrix within which medical care is maintained. dyadic interaction between physician and patient in which roles and responsibilities are exchanged. Psychological substrate is one of the important factors in this dyad that bond patient and healer.

3 Doctor patient relationship
Consultation Behavior factors Cultural factors Experience Physical handicap Mental illness Personality Social factors

4 Doctor patient relationship
The sick role and illness behavior Sick role is behavior expected by the society on patient when ill including seeking doctor for help stopping work exemption of responsibilities compliance with treatment.

5 Doctor patient relationship
The sick role and illness behavior Illness behavior is the behavior actually practiced and believed with by the patient when ill again seeking help , exemption, compliance …etc. Same parameters but from different perspective N/B Culture

6 Doctor patient relationship
components of doctor patient relationship Trust Warmth Hope Empathy vs sympathy Communication

7 Doctor patient relationship
models of doctor patient relationship activity passivity model guidance cooperation model mutual interaction model N/B cultural variation

8 Doctor patient relationship
compliance with treatment factors favoring better treatment compliance doctor patient relationship good effective Illness acute Consultation short time in waiting room , simple treatment schedule , written diagnoses and treatment plan , benefit outweigh financial And time costs Life style only one behavior change requested ,activities not much interrupted Social support

9 Doctor patient relationship
Difficult situations angry patient seductive patient suicidal patient assess excessively complaining patient

10 Doctor patient relationship
transference and counter transference Transference : patient my feel his doctor unrealistically loving or punitive or all powerful these should not influence treatment plan and may need clear discussion and interpretation Counter transference doctor may feel erotically aroused toward patient or may show over criticism. If doctor is not able to control referral may be decided

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