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Kingdom – Plantae Phylum - Anthophyta

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1 Kingdom – Plantae Phylum - Anthophyta
Also known as Angiosperms, or to most people flowering plants

2 Anthophyta - Angiosperms
Produce flowers and form seeds enclosed in fruit Fruit protects the embryo inside the seed and aids in seed dispersal Fruit develops from a flowers female reproductive structure



5 2 classes Monocots (one seed leaf) Common monocots – corn, grass, lilly, and orchid Dicots (2 seed leaves) Common dicots – Maple tree, tomatoes, potatoes, and dandelion


7 Can be divided by lifespans
Annuals (live for one year or less) Corn, beans, tomatoes, and many food crops Biennials (lives for 2 years ) Parsley, carrots, Sweet William, raspberries Perennials (can live for several years) Asparagus, hostas, roses, peonies, coreopsis and many others



10 Why flowers? location for sexual reproduction in Angiosperms
co-evolved with the pollinators symbiotic relationship – all species involved benefit!

11 Flower Anatomy Many sizes, shapes and colors
Most contain the following organs in some shape or form Petals Sepals Stamens Pistols

12 Petals Usually brightly colored
Often have perfume or nectar at the base Provide surface for pollinators to rest on as they feed All of the petals together are called the corolla

13 Sepals Usually found in a ring at the base or outermost portion of the flower Serve as protective covering for the flower bud All of the sepals together are called the calyx

14 Stamen – male reproductive structure
Made up of the anther and filament The anther is found at the tip of the filament – this is where pollen is produced The number of stamens varies from flower to flower

15 Pistil/Carpel – female reproductive structure
Made up of the Stigma, Style and Ovary The stigma is at the top of the pistil. It’s role is to receive the pollen The style connects the stigma to the ovary The ovary is at the base. It contains ovules that produce eggs The number of ovaries varies in flowers


17 Complete vs Incomplete Flowers Perfect vs Imperfect Flower
Complete flowers: pistils, stamens, sepals and petals Incomplete flower: lacking any of the parts Perfect flower: has both pistils and stamens Imperfect flower: lacks either pistils or stamens

18 Monoecious vs Dioecious
Monoecious –separate male and female flowers on the same plant Ex. Corn, pecans, walnuts, cucumbers, and squash Dioecious – separate male and female plants Ex. Holly, ginkgo, pistachio, and marijuana

19 Photoperiodism Photoperiodism: response of flowering plants to daily daylight-darkness conditions Ensures all plants of the same species bloom at the same time

20 Critical Period The specific daylight-darkness conditions that will make flowering begin Day length is not what matters – amount of darkness is what matters The names are misleading – the categories were named before scientists realized it was darkness, not light, that prompted flowering

21 4 Categories Short-day: daylight is shorter than critical period – asters, poinsettias, strawberries Long-day: daylight is longer than critical period – carnations, petunias, potatoes Day neutral – flowers over a range of daylight hours, day length is not what induces flowering Intermediate day – will not flower if days are longer or shorter than critical period – sugarcane and grass


23 Pollination & Fertilization
Aka – the birds and the bees 

24 Development of the female gametophyte
Inside the flower the sporophyte produces haploid spores Female spores are megaspores The nucleus of the megaspore undergoes mitosis 3 times to produce the female gametophyte One nucleus becomes the egg, another becomes the egg, another two become the central cell.


26 All of this is taking place inside the ovaries, which are part of the pistil.

27 Development of the male gametophyte…so much simpler than the female
Microspores are produced inside the anther Microspores develop into the male gametophyte – the pollen grain The haploid nucleus undergoes mitosis, but only once One nucleus is the tube nucleus, the other is the generative nucleus


29 Now that we have sperm and eggs, how do we get them together?
POLLINATION! Definition – the transfer of the pollen grain from the anther to the stigma Possible pollinators – wind, water and animals

30 Adaptations in flowers
Some features that attract animals Strong scent Nectar Bright colors Patterns invisible to the human eye

31 Adaptations in wind pollinated plants
Lack of petals – no need to waste energy attracting the wind Overproduction of pollen – to make up for the pollen that never makes it to the stigma

32 The pollen grain has landed on the stigma, so what’s next
The pollen grain has landed on the stigma, so what’s next? Double Fertilization!!


34 & Vegetative Reproduction
Seed Germination & Vegetative Reproduction


36 Seed germination Dormancy – the period of inactivity in a mature seed
Varies greatly between species Ends when the seed germinates Germination – the beginning of the development of the embryo into a new plant

37 Germination Water, oxygen and warm temperatures activate the metabolism Some seeds have specific requirements Ex. Animals digestive system, freezing temps, extensive soaking in saltwater, specific daylengths, exposure to fire.

38 Dicot germination Radicle – embryonic root appears first
Hypocotyl – portion of stem nearest seed Cotyledon – plants first leaves In monocots the cotyledon remains below the surface



41 Vegetative reproduction
A new plant is produced from a stem, root or leaf This is essentially cloning – producing new plants that are genetically identical to their parents Tissue culture and/or cuttings.

42 Chapter 24.3 Seeds and Fruit

43 Why? The seeds and fruits formed help ensure survival of the next generation

44 Seed formation After fertilization Zygote divides = embryo Triploid cell divides = endosperm Ovule wall = seed coat

45 Fruit formation Fruit – the structure that contains the seeds of an anthophyte Fruit – the enlarged ovary surrounding the seed Can be made up of other organs as well.


47 Fruits Fleshy fruits – apples, grapes, melons, tomatoes, cucumbers
Dry fruits – peanuts, sunflower seeds, walnuts. The ovary around the seeds hardens

48 Seed dispersal Fruits aid in dispersal Dispersal reduces competition
Animals – digestion and/or carrying the seed on the body Wind – dandelion, tumbleweed Water – coconut and water lilies

49 Pictures – from flower to fruit


51 What about seedless fruit?
Ex. Watermelon and bananas Triploid plants – prevents meiosis from happening and no gametes are produced So where do the plants come from if there are no viable seeds?

52 Bananas – vegetative reproduction
Watermelons – Cross a diploid with a tetraploid to produce a triploid seed Diploid (2) + Tetraploid (4) = 6 sets of chromosomes Divide 6 by meiosis to get 3 sets of chromosomes. Pollination triggers fruit formation – without seeds. The plants must be grown with a diploid variety for pollen

53 Seed germination Dormancy – the period of inactivity in a mature seed
Varies greatly between species Ends when the seed germinates Germination – the beginning of the development of the embryo into a new plant

54 Germination Water – activates the metabolism
Some seeds have specific requirements Ex. Animals digestive system, freezing temps, extensive soaking in saltwater, specific daylengths, exposure to fire.

55 Dicot germination Radicle – embryonic root appears first
Hypocotyl – portion of stem nearest seed Cotyledon – plants first leaves In monocots the cotyledon remains below the surface

56 Vegetative reproduction
A new plant is produced from a stem, root or leaf This is essentially cloning – producing new plants that are genetically identical to their parents Tissue culture and/or cuttings.

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