Fawn Jackson CCA Policy Assistant CYL Program Coordinator

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1 Fawn Jackson CCA Policy Assistant CYL Program Coordinator
Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Development Program Fawn Jackson CCA Policy Assistant CYL Program Coordinator Rosie Templeton 2010 CYL Graduate

2 Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL)
Provides industry-specific training and mentorship to beef enthusiasts between, the ages 18-35 Explore a potential fulfilling career choice or involvement with an industry leader within a provincial/national producer or affiliate organization Grooming beef advocates When it started and why – brief overview Last year had a pilot this year are running nation wide

3 Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Development Program
Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Development Program Professional Mentorship 3 different levels of mentorship or involvement: 1) industry-specific training and mentorship to assist the Beef industry into the future. Helps people make career choices or changes or further develop their career. Team up with influencers in industry Make meaningful connections Participate in high level events Collect insights on areas of interest Develop expertise and business skills Provide valuable input to industry and government Give examples: Cody Schooten - 10,000 head feedlot operator with his father and two brothers in the Diamond City area His main focus in the program is working with a mentor with whom he hopes to learn more about beef marketing alternatives and strategies to help further his knowledge. Scott Entz and Derek Hill were his mentors from Cargill who specialized in Beef Marketing Samantha Sperber Commercial Cow/Calf and Grain operation outside of Rimbey Samantha’s aim is to learn more about running Purebred cattle having minimal previous experience. Jordan Buba from Lewis Farms in Spruce Grove Rosie was also had a professional mentorship and she is going to tell you more about her experience in a minute.

4 Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Development Program
Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Development Program Industry Leader Mentorship The Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Development Program provides industry-specific training and mentorship to assist the Beef industry into the future. Team up with influencers in industry Make meaningful connections Participate in high level events Collect insights on areas of interest Develop expertise and business skills Provide valuable input to industry and government Examples: Ricky Flemming: Ricki is currently the Senior Herdsperson at the Animal Disease Research Institute (ADRI) in Lethbridge, as well as a purebred angus breeder and running their own commercial operation at home. Ricky wanted to learn about biosecurity, nutrition & managing health issues and so she was matched with mentors; Drs. Jelinski and Dorin are managing partners in Veterinary Agri-Health Services Ltd Nanita Blomquist is a fourth generation cow/calf producer from Big Valley, Alberta she wanted to understand how our beef is marketed and what we as producers and a nation can do to help further market our product is key for success. Her mentor was Judy Nelson – a commercial producer herself Nelson is also long-standing delegate for the Alberta Beef Producers (ABP). She also sits as an ABP delegate for the Beef Information Centre (BIC), a committee she currently chairs. Her focus is on promotional and marketing strategies for Canadian bee

5 Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Development Program
Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Development Program International Mentorship CYL MEMBER Once a participant becomes a CYL member by completing either a professional or industry leader mentorship, the participant can qualify to apply for several International trips, including conferences, farm tours and exchanges. This program will tie in with both the Professional and Industry Leader mentorship areas. Young producers who demonstrate excellence in the completion of these programs will attend hosted events with peers in other countries through the Five Nations Beef Alliance, International Livestock Congress, USA state organizations, and educational youth activities of the NCBA Young Producers Council. Candidates will work closely with staff and directors to prepare for active and fulfilling discussion in committee meetings, industry conventions, forums, presentations. The International Partnership mentorship offers CYL members the chance to represent Canada at several international forums throughout the next several years.

6 Industry Leader Mentorship
Dianne Finstad- Mentor Rosie Templeton CYL Graduate I worked with the CYL Program Coordinator to determine what kind of mentor I would be placed with. Interest in agricultural communications, marketing, and industry issues made Dianne Finstad a very well-matched mentor for me. Dianne has spent nearly 30 years covering the agriculture and rodeo beat from Red Deer and has been involved in TV broadcasting, radio and newspaper reporting. She is currently the Agriculture and Rodeo Director for CKGY Radio in Red Deer. 6

7 Rosie & Dianne’s Mentorship
Completed road map Meeting schedule Interviews Events Canadian Finals Rodeo Farmfair International Olds Media Tour CYL Fall Forum Radio Station Days Over the course of our mentorship, Dianne and I kept in constant contact to achieve my road map goals. How you achieve these is at the discretion of the participant and mentor, but we ed and phoned often with face-to-face meetings whenever possible. The highlight was the CFR and getting a behind-the-scenes look at agricultural broadcasting.

8 International Mentorship Five Nations Beef Alliance Young Ranchers Program Denver, CO
Evening with Dr.Temple Grandin International Livestock Congress 2011 FNBA Roundtable and National Presentations Ranch tours Events at the National Western Stock Show International networking

9 Benefits of Becoming a CYL Graduate
Industry connections Great reference for resume Contact with your mentor New knowledge and resources 2011 CYL Graduates: Cody Schooten, Ricki Fleming, Samantha Sperber, Rosie Templeton, Nanita Blomquist

10 If you want to find out more info or to see the videos in the future

11 CYL 2011 24 semi-finalists selected from 50 app. across Canada
16 selected during a round table workshop Mentor selection committee 8 month mentorships with a $2000 expense budget - Complete Masters in Beef Advocacy - Face-to-face meetings with mentor - Attend industry events -Attend a midterm meeting Application of high caliber, round table discussions were thought provoking and had great energy – selection committee was very impressed with the level of knowledge .


13 Exciting Dates October
International Mentorship to Mexico for the FNBA YR Tours, Leadership, Advocacy Open to CYL Graduates & Candidates Throughout the year there are numerous excellent industry events that the candidates will be attending such as; ILC and CCA semi annual meeting in August, CCA bbq on parliament hill, CYL Fall Forum, Provincial events etc.

14 November – Applications open for 2012 program
January – ILC & Denver Stock Show November 2012 – Canada hosts FNBA YR during Agribition

15 Industry Events Throughout the year there are numerous excellent industry events that the candidates will be attending such as; ILC and CCA semi annual meeting in August, CCA bbq on parliament hill, CYL Fall Forum, Provincial events etc.

16 CYL Supporters Foundation Partners Official Supporters
ALMA Cargill CCA Official Supporters Canadian Cattlemen Other supporters FCC, MNP, 4-H, ILC, CYFF, Summer Synergy ALMA – contributed 198,900 over three years in June of 2010 to the development of this national program the following month Cargill became a Foundation Partner 70,000 over 3 years – 5 business units (cargill animal nutition, meat solutions, value added meats, Purina, High River*** double check the contract ALMA Cattlemen Magazine Summer Synergy ILC 4-H CYFF Future Foundation – will allow the CYL program to continue beyon June 2012 when funding from ALMA is discontinued.


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