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1 GEOLOGY CMU Bill Palmer
Lecture 15 Glaciers

2 GEOLOGY Glaciers-are slow moving rivers or sheets of ice that survive the summer melt. Found at high elevations in mountains or northern latitudes.

3 GEOLOGY Mountain Glaciers-exist in mountains and high elevations.
Flow from high to low-may be very steep Associated with cirques (bowl shaped depressions on mountain sides)

4 GEOLOGY Mountain Glaciers are rivers of ice.

5 GEOLOGY Continental Glaciers-Cover large areas-Antarctica and Greenland. (over land not water so artic doesn’t qualify)

6 GEOLOGY Continental Glacier

7 GEOLOGY When glaciers move they create crevasses-large cracks in the ice. Crevasses may be 100s of meters long and 10s of meters deep. When glaciers melt it is glacial retreat. When pieces of a glacier break off and fall into the ocean it creates an iceberg. Sea ice is just floating ice on ocean in Artic and Antarctic.

8 GEOLOGY Crevasse Iceberg Sea Ice

9 GEOLOGY Cirque-A owl shaped depression left on a mountaintop by a glacier Horn-a pointed mountain peak with three cirques at base U-shaped valley-scoured out by a glacier Hanging Valley-when glacier cuts valley below a side valley

10 GEOLOGY Cirque Matterhorn Hanging Valley U-shaped valley

11 GEOLOGY Stuff Glaciers leave behind Fjords-steep cliffs into oceans
Glacial Till-Ground up rock and debris transported by glacier and left behind when glacier melts Erratics-boulders left behind when a glacier melts

12 GEOLOGY Fjords Erratic

13 GEOLOGY Stuff Glaciers leave behind-Moraines
Terminal Moraine-at the end of the glacier Lateral Moraine-on the sides of the glacier Drumlins-long hills of glacial till formed by glaciers Kettle-hole formed by glacier

14 GEOLOGY Terminal Moraine Lateral Moraine

15 GEOLOGY Drumlin Kettle

16 GEOLOGY Missouri was covered by a glacier about 10,000 years ago
Missouri River is southern limit of glacier Formed by meltwater from glacier

17 GEOLOGY-Wrap-ups 1. What is a glacier?
2. What are four mountain structures associated with glaciers? 3. What is an erratic? 4. What is a drumlin? 5. How was the Missouri River formed?

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