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Bovine Mastitis.

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Presentation on theme: "Bovine Mastitis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bovine Mastitis

2 Normal udder

3 Vascularisation of udder

4 Mastitis-inflammed udder

5 What are Milk quarters? Made of 4 independent glands
Interconnected by blood supply Milk does not pass from 1 quarter to other 4 quarter Fore and Hind quarter


7 What is mastitis The most costly disease affecting dairy cattle throughout cattle. Inflammation of 1 or more than 1quarter of udder. Inflamed- swelling, pain, warm, redness, heat

8 Economic impact of mastitis
Milk discarded due to medication , presence of bacteria, white blood cells Decreased milk production Bacteria, blood cells, enzymes Decreasing lactose, casein and fat production Increase in SCC.

9 What are health concerns of mastitis
Animal health Loss of functional quarter Lowered milk production Death of cow Human health Poor quality milk Antibiotic residues in milk

10 Subclinical mastitis Udder appears normal Milk appears normal
Elevated somatic cell count Lowered milk output Long duration

11 Clinical mastitis 5-10% of all mastitis cases Severe and moderate
Includes systemic involvement Acute and chronic Acute- severe type of mastitis Loss of appetite Depression Clots/flakes of blood are present Chronic type- fibrosis, atrophy of mammary gland

12 What causes of mastitis
Bacteria-70%,streptococci, staphylococci, coliform, E.coli,M.bovis S.aureus, s. agalactiae, c.bovis Yeast and molds-2% Unknown- 28% Physical Trauma Weather extremes Contaminated teat dips, skin lesion, mud hole,flies

13 Where do these organisms come from
Infected udder Environment Bedding Soil Water Manure Replacement animals

14 Sitting posture of cow

15 Milking machine for cattle




19 Diagnosis -California mastitis test CMT
Milk from uninfected cow has less than 2,00000 scc/ml. A detergent based test Composed of alkyl aryl sulfonate Sodium hydroxide Bromocresol purple Scoring of milk samples Grade 1, 2,3 Alternatively surf test


21 CMT

22 Milk paddle

23 Treatment Intrammary infusion Bovaclox-cloxacillin
Cefasafe-cephapirine benzathine Spectrazole- cefuroxime Cepravine-cephalonium Oxytetracycline 11mg/kg B.w

24 Intrammary infusion

25 Control of mastitis Milking machine maintenance Teat dipping
Early treatment of clinical cases Culling cows with chronic mastitis Vascularisation of udder Mastitis

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