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Welcome Year 4 | Thames CURRICULUM evening.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Year 4 | Thames CURRICULUM evening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Year 4 | Thames CURRICULUM evening

2 Taking responsibility
Learning how to learn Taking responsibility


4 Trip to Fitzwilliam Museum Wednesday 27th September 2017.
Ancient Egyptians Trip to Fitzwilliam Museum Wednesday 27th September 2017.

5 LAMDA Whole class session every Monday, to develop oracy and confidence. Small groups will work with the LAMDA teacher on Monday afternoons.

6 P.E. Our topics this term are Ball Skills and Gymnastics.
PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Mr Drane will be teaching Year 4 for the first half of term. Children can leave or take kits home whenever needed. Year 4 children will be having swimming lessons during the school year.

7 Reading Reciprocal Reading Scheme – in school
Reading at home – reading record for your use with your child – this will not be completed in school Bug Club Reading for Pleasure Snuggle with a Story: Wednesday 18th October in the Library at 2.50pm


9 Morning SNAck The children are often hungry by first break, please do supply them with a healthy snack such as fruit (no nuts).

10 Full details will follow.
Year 4 Residential TRIP This will take place at the start of the summer term, at a PGL adventure centre in Suffolk, and will involve 2 nights and 3 days away from home. Full details will follow.

11 school Behaviour system

12 Lines of communication
Please speak to me in the first instance. If things cannot be resolved, the matter can then be referred to an Assistant HT or Dr Biddulph

13 BLOG Updated every Friday with some highlights from the week and information for the following week.

14 Thank you Questions.

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