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The Safeguarding Spectrum from cradle to grave

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Presentation on theme: "The Safeguarding Spectrum from cradle to grave"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Safeguarding Spectrum from cradle to grave
The CCG Safeguarding Team: Sally Rogers - Executive Nurse & Director of Quality Moira McGrath - Designated Nurse Children Lindsay Ratapana - Designated Nurse Adults Jackie Goodall - MCA/DoLS Practitioner Sheila Williams - Designated Nurse Cared for Children

2 Voice of the Child

3 Child Protection – Information Sharing (CP-IS)
A national system that connects local authorities’ child social care IT systems with those used by NHS unscheduled care settings (e.g. ED) in England, to provide better care and earlier intervention for children who are considered ‘vulnerable and at risk’ Cathy Sheehan Clinical Lead CP-IS NHS England

4 Improving Quality of GP Practice in Safeguarding
Named GP for safeguarding children has Revised safeguarding children training across Eastern CCCG Developed forums for the Safeguarding Lead GPs to develop knowledge and processes within their own practices Work with the LA to promote effective information sharing for child protection case conferences between GPs and LA safeguarding team . This work is resulting in a very positive increase in both frequency and quality of information sharing .

5 Specialist Nurse Child Sexual Exploitation- Overall Aim
To resource professionals who are involved in supporting young people who are at risk of being sexually exploited, to help them identify, understand and respond to their needs and the risk appropriately Specialist training and awareness raising for specific professional groups e.g GPs, Sexual Health, Pharmacists

6 Cared for Children – Highlights Emotional and mental health
CCG has funded research into the mental health needs of adopted children Multi professional Conference planned for next Spring with the participation of children and young people to raising awareness regarding the emotional and mental cared for children and young people .

7 Transition planning Patient story
Times of transition are particularly important Entering care Moving placement - especially out of area Placement for adoption Starting & moving school Leaving care Importance of identified health practitioner Patient story

8 From the pond to the sea – promoting the health of care leavers…
22.8 cm 16+ and transition nurse role Patient story

9 Adult Safeguarding – What does this mean for service users in our community?

10 Advances in Adult Safeguarding utilising Section 75 of the NHS Act 2006
Pooled budgets in Health & Social Care – Safeguarding Adult Board Better Care Fund – Commissioning Standards – joint contracts Joint Commissioned Services – Setting clear standards in safeguarding

11 Emerging Adult Safeguarding is everyone's business

12 Mental Capacity Act 2005 & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards 2009
Joint partnership working Commissioning standards No decision made about me without me Least restrictive care Times of transition are particularly important Entering care Moving placement - especially out of area Placement for adoption Starting & moving school Leaving care Importance of identified health practitioner Patient story Primary care training advice & support Quality and safeguarding Empowering

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