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Chapter 13 Zoonotic bacteria

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1 Chapter 13 Zoonotic bacteria

2 What’s zoonosis? Zoonosis Zoonotic bacteria
a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans Zoonotic bacteria bacteria causing zoonosis


4 What’re primary zoonotic bacteria?
Content Source of human infection Disease Brucella Pigs, cattle, goats, sheep Brucellosis Yersinia pestis Rodents Plague Bacillus antracis Cattle, goats, sheep, horses Anthrax

5 Brucella

6 Brucella B.abortus: cattle B.melitensis: goat,sheep B.suis: swine
B.canis: dog

7 Biological properties
Shape and structure Coccobacillus: ~ μm Gram-negative Nonmotile, non-spore-forming microcapsule (some)

8 Biological properties
Culture Obligate aerobes 5-10% CO2 (B. abortus) fastidious slow growth: 2~5d Facultative intracellular pathogens

9 Biological properties
Antigenic types LPS, endotoxin two major serological determinants: A and M A---abortus antigen M---melitensis antigen

10 Pathogenicity Virulence factor endotoxin (main)
invasiveness: capsule, hyaluronidase

11 Pathogenicity Transmission intestinal tract: infected milk
respiratory tract: aerosols containing the bacteria contact

12 Pathogenicity animals: infections of genital systems
Disease: brucellosis animals: infections of genital systems abortion (erythritol) inapparent infections (source) humans: undulant fever organism (as a facultative intracellular parasite) → lymphatic system → blood (bacteremia) liver, spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes undulant fever


14 Immunity Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) Humoral immunity

15 Control Prevention Treatment tetracycline, ampicillin
pasteurization of milk for drinking animals: slaughter immunization humans: vaccination for persons at high risk Treatment tetracycline, ampicillin prolonged treatment

16 Yersinia

17 Yersinia Species Transmission Disease Y. Pestis Flea bite
Respiratory tract Plague Y. Enterocolitica Digestive tract Contact Enterocolitis Y. Pseudotuberculosis Digestive tract

18 Y. Pestis During 14th century over a 5-year period
25 million deaths The most recent pandemic in Asia in 1904 a million deaths

19 Biological properties
Shape and structure ~1-2μm, coccobacillus Gram-negative, bipolar staining capsule nonmotile non-spore-forming

20 Biological properties
Cultivation facultative aerobes slow growth colony--irregular and rough optimum temperature: 27~30℃

21 Biological properties
Antigenic structure F1 antigen (fractionⅠ): capsular antigen V-W antigen: protein-lipoprotein Yop (Yersinia outer membrane proteins) murine toxin (MT): exotoxin released only when cells are lysed potent endotoxin: LPS

22 Pathogenicity Virulence factor F1 antigen V-W antigen Yop endotoxin MT

23 Pathogenicity Transmission
rat ←→ rat (by direct contact or biting of rat fleas) ↓by rat fleas person ←→ person (by human fleas or respiratory route)

24 Pathogenicity Disease--- plague Bubonic plague Pneumonic plague
Septicemic plague

25 Pathogenicity Bubonic plague the most common
enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes (around armpits, neck and groin) mortality rate: 30-75%

26 Pathogenicity Pneumonic plague mortality rate: 90-95%
the second most common mortality rate: 90-95%

27 plague / black death Infected fleas bite bubonic plague spreads pneumonic plague disseminated intravascular coagulation intravascular thrombi and purpuric lesion gangrene and blackening all over the body (the black death)

28 Pathogenicity Septicemic plague the most rare
mortality rate: close to 100%

29 Control Prevention elimination of rats and fleas Treatment
effective formalin-killed vaccine Treatment streptomycin, tetracycline rapid treatment

30 Bacillus

31 Bacillus B.anthracis: anthrax B.cereus: food poisoning

32 B. cereus Virulence factor: enterotoxin Disease food poisoning
transmission: digestive tract clinical types: emetic type, diarrheal type eye infection transmission: trauma clinical manifestations: keratitis, endophthalmitis, panophthalmitis others

33 B.anthracis

34 Bacillus B.anthracis: anthrax B.cereus: food poisoning

35 B.anthracis

36 Biological properties
Shape and structure 1-3~5-10μm Gram positive rod with square ends in long chains (bamboo) central spore capsule (D-glutamate) nonmotile

37 Biological properties
Culture aerobic or facultative anaerobic colony: irregular margins non-hemolytic

38 Biological properties
Resistance strong resistance: dry heat desiccation disinfectant sensitivity: oxidant autoclaving

39 Pathogenicity Virulence factors capsule: Poly-D-glutamate polypeptide
anthrax toxin: protective antigen (PA): proteolytic activation lethal factor(LF) edema factor(EF) PA+EF=edema toxin PA+LF=lethal toxin responsible for shock and death

40 Pathogenicity Disease - anthrax source: herbivorous animals
transmission: direct contact digestive tract respiratory tract clinical types: cutaneous anthrax (90%) intestinal anthrax (5%) pulmonary anthrax (5%) Papule丘疹- Vesicle水泡- Ulcer - Eschar焦痂 eschar

41 Control Prevention Treatment animals: burn or deep bury vaccination
humans: vaccination Treatment Penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin Sporulation of B anthracis requires oxygen therefore does not occur inside a closed carcass regulations in most countries forbid postmortem examination of animals when anthrax is suspected The vegetative cells in the carcass are killed in a few days by the process of putrefaction

42 B. cereus Virulence factor: enterotoxin Disease food poisoning
transmission: digestive tract clinical types: emetic type, diarrheal type eye infection transmission: trauma clinical manifestations: keratitis, endophthalmitis, panophthalmitis

43 Question 1. What is zoonosis ?
2. B.anthracis is responsible for three clinical forms of anthrax. Name them and the route of acquisition. 3. What are the two major virulence factors of B.anthracis ? 4. Please choose the one best response to each question. 1)Transmission of Y.pestis (bubonic form) is by a. fleas b. ticks c. lice 2) Plague is caused by a. Y. pestis b. Y. enterocolitica c.Y. pseudotuberculosis 3) which bacteria can be cause food poisoning? a. B.cereus b. Y. pestis c. B.anthracis

44 4)Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, is enzoonic in the United States west of the one-hundredth meridian. Human plague can be bubonic or pneumonic. The primary epidemiologic difference between the two clinical forms of plague is a. season of the year b. route of infection c. age of the patient d. health of the animal vector 5. Please match the organisms with the animal reservoir B.abortus goat B.melitensis cattle B.suis dog B.canis swine

45 Disease Anthrax--- herbivorous animals ---Sudden onset
---Bleeding from body openings (epistaxis) --- Edema (bloating) --- High fever --- "Peracute" death (within hours after onset)

46 Evolution of an anthrax eschar in a 4-year-old boy.
(A&B) the lesion when first seen (day 0).Note the arm swollen from the characteristic edema. (C) Day 6. (D) Day 10. (E) Day 15.

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