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Agenda Situational analysis

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1 Agenda Situational analysis
Detailed annual performance report Q / 2017 Detailed annual performance report Q / 2018 Financial performance report Q / 2017 Financial performance report Q / 2018 Amendments to the Annual Performance Plan 2017 / 2018

2 Situational analysis

3 Situational Analysis NYDA Board of Directors appointed on 5th May 2017 by Hon. President J Zuma and a formal handover has been performed by the Transitional Accounting Authority. The Board of Directors has undergone an induction programme as well as a strategy session to craft the strategy for their term of office. This inclusive exercise together with the Board, was intended to facilitate an inside-out and outside-in analysis of the nexus of forces confronting the youth and the NYDA Annual Performance Plan has been amended and changes included in the presentation today. The Agency successfully hosted the Youth Month programme culminating in the recognition event of June hosted in Ventersdorp in the North West province. The Auditor General of South Africa issued the final NYDA audit report for the Agency on 31 July 2017 which would reflect on two major items: The Agency has sustained its clean audit opinion for the third successive financial year. The Agency has for the first time achieved 100% of all Key Performance Indicators for the financial year. On the whole, the strategic focus of the new Board and the management team to take the organisation to new heights and ‘break new ground’ is positive and will require greater institutional focus, discipline and passion for the cause of young people in South Africa.

4 Detailed ANNUAL (2016/2017) performance report

 PROGRAMME AREA 1: ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To enhance the participation of young people in the economy Number of new youth owned enterprises and youth receiving NYDA grant funding 629 new youth owned enterprises and youth receiving NYDA grant funding 269 698 Annual target met and exceeded due to improved assessment methodologies and accurate awarding of grants Number of young aspiring and established entrepreneurs supported through NYDA Business Development Support Services young aspiring and established entrepreneurs 62 916 63 407 Annual target met and exceeded due to increased reach through Primestar’s programme Number of communities development projects supported through the NYDA Grant funding programme 9 communities 10 communities Annual target met and exceeded due to Partnerships that improved focus on community development Jobs created and sustained through grant funding, cooperatives and business development services 3 176 jobs created and sustained 3176 3718 Annual target met and exceeded due to high demand on voucher and grant programme

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To facilitate and implement education opportunities in order to improve the quality education attainment for the youth Matric re-write hand over report to the Department of Basic Education Matric re- write hand over report to the Department of Basic Education Matric re-write hand over report Matric re-write hand over report submitted Annual target met Number of youth supported through the scholarship programme (Solomon Mahlangu Scholarship Programme) 440 youth supported through the scholarship programme 440 444 Annual target met and exceeded due additional funds from National Skills Fund and the Road Management Traffic Corporation Number of young people supported through individual and group career guidance interventions young people supported with individual and group career guidance activities Annual target met and exceeded due to involvement of the Deputy Minister in championing career guidance programme To facilitate and implement skills programmes Number of youth participating in technical skills programmes 500 young people participating in technical skills programmes 500 745 Annual target met and exceeded due to partnership with Google and provision of digital skills programme Number of young people supported through NYDA Jobs programme young people supported through NYDA Jobs programme 61 205 71 306 Annual target met and exceeded due to Partnership with Catalyx and Jump Start programmes that increased training and placement of young people in the workplace

 PROGRAMME AREA 3: HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To facilitate access to health and wellbeing programmes Number of young people accessing programmes and interventions designed to improve health and wellbeing young people Annual target met and exceeded due to resources leveraged from Start Here and Back to School campaigns

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To create and produce information and knowledge management for better youth development planning and decision making Number of youth development programme evaluations produced by the NYDA 13 evaluations Annual target met Develop research articles related to youth development matters for public and private sector consumption 16 research articles 17 research articles Annual target met and exceeded due to high demand of research requirements on products and services by internal Divisions

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To create and produce information and knowledge management for better youth development planning and decision making Number of youth development knowledge management publications produced by the NYDA 50 knowledge publications 51 knowledge publications Annual target met and exceeded due to the positive response from NYDA staff to write knowledge briefs Develop National Youth Employment Plan (YEP) 2030 Final Youth Employment Plan (YEP) 2030 endorsed by the Presidency of South Africa Letter from the Presidency of South Africa endorsing the Youth Employment Plan received Target met

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To lobby key stakeholders to support and implement youth development programmes Number organs of state partnering with the NYDA to implement youth development programmes 15 organs of state 15 17 The NYDA held several stakeholder engagements with state organs, and out of that, more programmes were implemented in partnership with organisations.  Over and above the programmes, more MOUs were signed to formalise these relationships Number of private sector companies lobbied by NYDA to implement youth development programmes 15 private sector companies lobbied 29 The Unit held a stakeholder engagement session with private sector to clarify and communicate the mandate of the NYDA To create a platform for youth to participate and benefit from democratic process Number of youth participating in youth development related dialogue sessions young people 11 340 11 635 Annual target met and exceeded due to improved response from Municipalities

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To create a platform for youth to participate and benefit from democratic process Number of registered projects to implement structured NYS programmes 50 registered projects 50 54 Most government departments and civil society organisations are implementing NYS projects Number of young people participating in expanded volunteer programmes young people 40 000 44 962 Engaged with TVET Colleges, CBO’s and Schools which assisted in exceeding targets Number of young people enrolled in NYS category 1 young people 10 000 11 446 Department of Public Works and Dept. Infrastructure Development (Gauteng) had a large numbers of young people enrolled for the NYS projects Number of government Departments, Civil Society organizations coordinated by the NYDA to implement NYS 100 institutions 100 132 Most government departments and civil society organisations have always been implementing NYS projects in an uncoordinated manner, the role of NYDA was to ensure alignment and coordination

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual Number of youth in conflict with the law supported through the NYDA training interventions 1000 youth in conflict with the law 1000 1511 Demand enabling young people in conflict with the law was high from the Correctional Facilities and enabling access to NYDA products and services in assisting youth to transition back into society Number of youth with disability supported through the NYDA Business Support Services and training interventions 500 youth with disability 500 795 Response from the Organisations working with People with Disabilities was positive To mobilise and leverage financial resources from key stakeholders Value of funds committed to support youth development programmes R99 million R Annual target met and exceeded due to increased NYDA profiling on 2nd Clean Audit, more organisations showed confidence in working with the NYDA and invested funds in programmes and projects.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To establish a credible, efficient and effective organisation Efficient and effective IT systems to support youth development -Implementation plan of phase 2: Implement 70% of ICT architecture -Evaluation of the roadmap implementation Implementation plan of phase 2: Implement 70% of ICT architecture Phase 2 of the ICT road map implemented 70% of ICT architecture implemented ICT roadmap implementation evaluated ICT has committed more resources on the implementation of IT road map phase 2 and place more focus on IT governance. Review of identified policies, guidelines and processes for increased efficiency Evaluation of the roadmap Evaluation of the roadmap Evaluation of the roadmap report submitted Annual target met Number of staff who received training and capacity building to enhance staff performance 380 employees trained 380 employees trained 595 employees trained The target was met and exceeded due to: - LYO training - Organisational re-orientation of staff Improved turnaround service delivery from Learning and Development

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To establish a credible, efficient and effective organisation Number of young people receiving information on youth development through NYDA access points 1 320 000 young people 1 320 000 young people young people Annual target met and exceeded due to an increase in number of young people who visited NYDA branches The placement of interns at Local Youth Offices increased the uptake of NYDA products and services Number of information dissemination access points operationalised 33 information dissemination access points operationalised 33 information dissemination access points operationalised 35 information dissemination access points operationalised Annual target met and exceeded due to implementation of the internship programme which contributed to the operationalisation of additional access point

15 Detailed QUARTER 1 (2017/2018) performance report


STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACHIEVEMENT REASON FOR VARIANCE To enhance the participation of young people in the economy Number of youth owned enterprises created through Business Development Support Services 250 38 Due to down time of the system during head office movement disbursements for grants were not executed. Target has been caught up in Q2 Number of beneficiaries supported with key fundamentals for success offered by the NYDA 5000 4279 BMT trainers were re-trained as the programme was changing material from SEDA material to ILO material. Downtime of the system affected the voucher programme. Target has been caught up in Q2. Number of jobs created and sustained through supporting entrepreneurs and enterprises 900 339 The effects of the downtime system affected the deliverables of the grant and voucher programme Target has been caught up in Q2. Number of jobs facilitated through placements in job opportunities 1250 785 Delay in response from opportunity providers for placements. Appointment of new partners now in place and target will be caught up in Q2. To provide access to information and create awareness on youth Number of young people provided with youth development information The June month activities aided in achieving this target

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACHIEVEMENT REASON FOR VARIANCE To facilitate and implement skills programmes Number of young people skilled to enter the job market 16 125 17 515 There was positive response from young people during the month of June (Youth Month) which assisted in meeting the target To facilitate and implement education opportunities in order to improve the quality education attainment for the youth Number of youth supported to access higher education Target applicable in quarter 4 To engage young people in service activities geared towards fostering patriotism, social cohesion and nation building National Youth Service Unit configured to deliver on its mandate Drafted structure for presentation to the board Draft structure prepared and ready for presentation The NYS structure has been presented to consultative forum and will be tabled at the HRR Committee of the Board. Norms and standards for National Youth Service Programme (NYSP) developed and capacity building interventions provided Presented the draft norms and standards document to NYDA EXCO for approval Draft Norms and standards are ready for presentation on internal committees This was due to consultations with stakeholders i.e. business and civil society that took longer than anticipated. Presented in Q2.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACHIEVEMENT REASON FOR VARIANCE To engage young people in service activities geared towards fostering patriotism, social cohesion and nation building National Youth Service Programme (NYSP) Central Information Management System developed Investigated available and the most appropriate information management system in the market The investigation was conducted and completed Target Achieved Annual planning Framework developed and 3018/19 NYSP plans finalised Developed and finalised concept framework draft Concept framework draft was developed internally in consultation with the broad government planning framework.

 PROGRAMME AREA 2: EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACHIEVEMENT REASON FOR VARIANCE To engage young people in service activities geared towards fostering patriotism, social cohesion and nation building NYSP Communication and Marketing plan developed and implemented Developed concept for the Communication and Marketing plan The concept document developed internally and submitted Target Achieved Number of National Youth Service Programme projects registered Develop a project registration tool Project registration tool developed

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUAL REASON FOR VARIANCE To create and produce information and knowledge for better youth development planning and decision making Number of programme evaluations and stakeholder satisfaction surveys conducted Target Applicable in quarter 3&4 To mobilise and leverage financial resources from key stakeholders Total value of funds sourced from the public and private sectors to support the youth development programme base R30 MILLION R The Unit experienced challenges to engage with companies due to the down time created by the Head Office movement, and the Africa/China Youth Festival that took most of the time in March and April. The Unit has however sent out funding requests to different companies and the target will be achieved in Q2. To lobby key stakeholders to support and implement youth development programmes Number of public and private key stakeholders lobbied to implement youth development programmes 2 7 -DAC, DIRCO, DPME -LEAP ( South 32) -Central energy fund -Insika foundation -NSFAS -SETA & SOC -SAYCC, LGSETA, Africa Leadership, SAYC The overachievement was due to the month of June activities and the unit managed to establish and implement partnerships with different stakeholders

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUALS REASON FOR VARIANCE To establish a credible, efficient and effective organization ICT Road Map implemented Implemented 30% of phase 1 to 4 of the ICT road map Reviewed 30% of phase 1 to 4 of ICT road map Achieved 30% implementation and reviewed phase 1 to 4 of ICT road map Target Achieved Human Resources (HR) strategy reviewed and implemented Created awareness and stakeholder buy-in Target was not met as HR Strategy document is in final stages of incorporating inputs for presentation to EXCO HR strategy to be presented to EXCO in order to get approval for awareness and stakeholder buy Year 1 of the 3 year training plan implemented Signed off the roll-out plan The unit managed to develop the Terms of Reference Training plan will be presented in Q2 to the Executive Committee.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 1 TARGET QUARTER 1 ACTUALS REASON FOR VARIANCE To establish a credible, efficient and effective organization Implement an integrated marketing and communication strategy Implemented roll out of branch specific communications plans Integrated marketing and communication strategy still outstanding pending decision by newly appointed Board with regards to reviewing the communication strategy of the agency as well as re-branding. To be submitted to the Board in Q2. Payment of legitimate service provider invoices within the 30 day period 100% of legitimate service provider invoices paid within the 30 day period 100% of legitimate invoices paid within 30 days Paid 100% of legitimate invoices within 30 days.

24 Financial performance quarter 4 2016 / 2017

25 Current performance against budget
Quarter 4 Financial Performance Key Programmatic Area Budget allocation Quarter 4 budget Quarter 4 expenditure % Economic Participation R R 101% Education and skills development R R 102% National Youth Service R R 93% Service Delivery Channel R R 99% Research and Policy R R 103% Administration R R 104% Employee costs R R 98% Total R R 100% Current performance against budget

26 Q4 Financial Performance graphical representation

27 Projects against operational costs

28 Financial Performance Summary: Q4
The Agency has spent its financial allocation for the period under review. There was slight underspending of 7% in the National Youth Service programme as the approval of the NYS coordination framework remained pending and these funds were shifted towards Economic Development and Education and Skills Development. There was savings incurred on employee costs as salary increases were implemented at a lower than budgeted amount and these funds were shifted towards the administration programme to provide for long outstanding administration programmes.

29 Financial performance Quarter 1 2017 / 2018

30 Medium Term Strategic Framework outcome
Budget allocation Key Programmatic Area Budget allocation 15 / 16 % change 16 / 17 17 / 18 Medium Term Strategic Framework outcome Economic Participation R 27% R 16% R Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Education and skills development R 43% R 1% R Quality basic education & decent employment through inclusive economic growth National Youth Service R 177% R R Nation building and social cohesion Service Delivery Channel R -22% R 39% R An efficient, effective and development orientated public service Research and Policy R -18% R -4% R Administration R -7% R -2% R Employee costs R -23% R 5% R Total R R R

31 Quarter one performance
Key Programmatic Area Q1 budget Q1 performance Percentage Economic Participation R R 34% Education and skills development R R 37% National Youth Service R R 75% Service Delivery Channel R R 60% Research and Policy R R 31% Administration R R 70% Employee costs R R 100% Total R R 73%

32 Quarter one financial summary
Financial performance has lagged behind during the first quarter of the financial year, which traditionally focuses on the audit process of the Agency and the June month programme. Overall 73% of the allocated fund have been spent at the end of Quarter 1. Quarter 2 spending has picked up significantly and service providers have been appointed for the Jobs programme of the Agency which should see quarter 2 expenditure in line with expectations.

33 Amendments to the annual performance plan 2017 / 2018

34 Board of Directors strategic focus
1. Establishment of the NYDA Youth Fund Conceptualisation Design Fundraising consultation 2. Establishment of the NYDA Skills Fund 3. Number of young people participating in NYS Category 1 programme (500) 4. Number of young people participating in NYS Category 2 & 3 programme (10,000) 5. Increased service delivery channels for young people: New branches (2) New satellite offices (20) New Outreach vehicles (2) New Information kiosk (4)

35 Strategic Objective 2017/18 KPI’s 2017/18 Annual target 2018/19 Annual Target 2019/20 Annual Target To provide Socio-economic empowerment interventions and support for young people in South Africa Establishment of the NYDA Youth Fund Conceptualisation Design consultation Value of Funds raised for the NYDA Youth Fund R500 million Value of Funds raised for the NYDA Youth Fund (R1 billion) Establishment of the NYDA Skills Fund Value of Funds raised for the NYDA Skills Fund R500 million Value of Funds raised for the NYDA Skills Fund (R1 billion)

36 Strategic Objective 2017/18 KPI’s 2017/18 Annual target
To provide increased universal access to young people Number of service delivery channels operationalised for young people to access NYDA information New branches = 2 New satellite offices= 15 New Outreach vehicles= 2 New Information kiosk= 4 New satellite offices= 20 New Outreach vehicles= 4 New Information kiosk= 10 New satellite offices= 25 New Outreach vehicles=4

37 To increase participation of youth in National Youth Service Programme
Strategic Objective 2017/18 KPI’s 2017/18 Annual target Annual target 2019/20 Annual Target To increase participation of youth in National Youth Service Programme Number of young people enrolled and participating in NYS Category 1 programme 500 5,000 20,000 Number of young people enrolled and participating in NYS Category 2 & 3 programme 10,000 190,000 350,000

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