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Final Exam: Cavities, Bones, Muscles, And Organs.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Exam: Cavities, Bones, Muscles, And Organs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Exam: Cavities, Bones, Muscles, And Organs

2 Cavities

3 Cranial Cavity Cranial Cavity Head Holds Brain

4 Thoracic Cavity Thoracic Cavity Chest Holds Heart, Lungs, + Diaphragm

5 Abdominopelvic Cavity
Abdomen and Hips Holds majority of digestive track + reproductive system Abdominopelvic Cavity

6 Cavities on Pig Cranial Cavity Thoracic Cavity Abdominopelvic Cavity

7 Bones

8 Cranial Skull Mandible Clavicle
Jaw bone Top of the Head Protects the brain Clavicle

9 Upper Arm Scapula Elbow Humerous
Shoulder bone Bone in middle of Arm Humerous

10 Lower Arm Wrist Radius Ulna
Bone between arm and hand Radius Wrist Ulna Bone in upper Part of forearm Under Elbow Ulna Bone in lower Part of forearm Under Radius

11 Thoracic + AdominoPelvic Vertebrae Pelvis Ribs
Spine\ backbone Pelvis Hips Ribs Vertebrae Ribs Chest area Protects internal organs

12 Upper Leg Femur Knee Patella
Bone in thigh Longest bone in body Femur Middle of leg Knee Patella Patella Knee cap

13 Lower Leg Fibula Tibia Tibia Fibula Bone in calf area

14 Bones in Pig Ribs Vertebrae Clavicle Skull Pelvis Patella Scapula
Femur Elbow Knee Humerous Mandible Radius Tibia Ulna Fibula Wrist

15 Muscles

16 Cranial Masseter Masseter Jaw muscle Used for chewing

17 Thoracic + Abdominopelvic Pectoralis Major Trapezius External Obliques
Between shoulders and neck Massage muscles Chest muscles Adduction External Obliques Side: down the ribs Adduction

18 Arm Tricept Branchi Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi
Shoulder muscles Abduction Back arm muscles Extension Latissimus Dorsi Underneath shoulder blade Side muscle

19 Leg Biceps Femoris Biceps Femoris Thigh muscle Extension

20 Muscles in Pig Deltoid Trapezius Latissimus Dorsi Masseter
Tricept Branchi Biceps Femoris Pectoralis Major External Obliques

21 Organs

22 Neck Trachea Esophagus
Respiratory system Brings air to lungs Digestive system Moves food through system

23 Thoracic Heart Diaphragm Lungs
Circulatory system Pumps blood through the body Respiratory system Helps with breathing Diaphragm Lung Heart Respiratory system Helps with gas exchange

24 Abdominopelvic Liver Stomach Gallbladder
Digestive system Breaks down fats Stomach Gallbladder Digestive system Breaks down food Digestive system Stores excess bile from Liver

25 Abdominopelvic Pancreas Messentery Spleen
Holds organs (small intestine) together Digestive system Produces insulin which maintains blood sugar levels Messentery Spleen Circulatory system Stores blood + destroys damaged red blood cells

26 Abdominopelvic Small Intestine Large Intestine
Digestive system Absorbs water Digestive system Absorbs nutrients Large Intestine

27 Abdominopelvic Rectum Anus
Digestive system Eliminates waste from system Rectum Digestive system End of digestive track Anus

28 Organs in Pig Nares Snout Pinna Trachea Lung Diaphragm Heart Liver
Gallbladder Stomach Small Intestine Spleen Pancreas Large Intestine Kidney Ureter Rectum Anus

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