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Exodus & Wandering in the Wilderness

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1 Exodus & Wandering in the Wilderness
Lesson 21 Duet 27:1-32:47

2 Deuteronomy Outline Do not be afraid (Deut. 1:1-4:43)
Beware Lest you forget to obey (Deut. 4:44-11:32) These are the Laws (Deut. 12:1-26:19) Blessing and Curses (Deut. 27:1-28:68) A Covenant is made on the Plains of Moab (Deut. 29:1-30:20) God Predicts Israel’s Rebellion (Deut. 31:1-32:47) Moses Blesses the People (Duet. 32:48-33:29) Moses Dies (Deut. 34:1-12)

3 (Deut 26:16-19) This day the LORD your God commands you to observe these statutes and judgments; therefore you shall be careful to observe them with all your heart and with all your soul. Today you have proclaimed the LORD to be your God, and that you will walk in His ways and keep His statutes, His commandments, and His judgments, and that you will obey His voice also today the LORD has proclaimed you to be His special people, just as He promised you, that you should keep all His commandments, and that He will set you high above all nations which He has made, in praise, in name, and in honor, and that you may be a holy people to the LORD your God, just as He has spoken.

4 Set Up Whitewashed Stones
Moses tells the people to set up large stones and coat them in lime when they cross over the Jordan and to write the Law on those stones for all to see.

5 When You Cross Over

6 Mt. Ebal Mt. Gerizim Curses Blessings Simeon Reuben Gad Levi Asher
Judah Issacar Josheph Benjamin Mt. Ebal Curses Reuben Gad Asher Zebulun Dan Naphtali He also tells them to divide the people when they arrive at Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim. Put half on the top of Mt. Ebal and the other half on top of Mt. Gerizim.


8 Levites Proclaim The Curse
People Amen “Let it Be” With the people in place God wants the Levites to make the following statements and the people to validate them as truth by saying Amen. Cursed be the one who makes an idol and sets it up in secret. (Amen) Cursed be the one who fails to respect his father or mother. (Amen) Cursed be the one who moves his neighbor’s landmark. (Amen) Cursed be the one who leads the blind off the path. (Amen) Cursed be the one who robs the weak and defenseless of the justice which is due them. (Amen) Cursed be the one who lies with his father’s wife. (Amen) Cursed be the one who lies with any kind of animal. (Amen) Cursed be the one who lies with his sister or his step-sister. (Amen) Cursed be the one who lies with his mother-in-law. (Amen) Cursed be the one who strikes his neighbor in secret. (Amen) Cursed be the one who takes a bribe to kill an innocent person. (Amen) Cursed be the one who does not uphold all the words of this law to do them. (Amen)

9 Deuteronomy 28 Mt. Gerizim Blessings Verses 1- 14 Mt. Ebal Curses
He Will Make You The Head and Not The Tail (v. 13) He Will Be The Head and You Will Be The Tail (v. 44) If you are faithful to follow after Jehovah, He will bless you in every way you turn. (Deut. 28:1-14) He will bless you in the city and in the fields. Your livestock will multiply greatly. The families will also multiply greatly. Your crops will be great. You will receive the rain you need. Your enemy will be scattered before your eyes. They will come at you from one direction but flee in seven different directions. The Lord will establish you as His Holy people. The nations will fear you. Many nations will borrow money from you but you will borrow from none of them. If you are NOT faithful to follow after Jehovah, He will curse you in every way you turn. (Deut. 28:15-68) You will be cursed in the city and in the fields. Your livestock will not multiply Your family will be filled with grief. Your crops will fail. You will suffer with plagues and diseases. You will die from fever, infections, heat and drought. Your enemies will defeat you. You will attack one way and be scattered seven. You will go insane with fear, anxiety and frustration. You will be engaged to a women but another man will go to bed with her. You will build houses but someone else will live in them. You ox will be killed but you will not eat the meat. Your sons and daughters will be given to another people. Your enemy will siege your cities. You will become so hungry that a man will kill his brother and eat him for food. The most loving mother will devour her own child for food. Your enemy will take you away captive. NOTE: This will happen because the people would not obey and accept the joy and happy God is offering. What is even sadder is that these curses come true on the people.

10 A Covenant on the Plains of Moab (Deut. 29:1-30:20)
Like Horeb (Land) You Have Seen … The Words of this Covenant “DO THEM” A Covenant is Made on the Plains of Moab (Deut. 29:1-30:29) This Covenant is much like the one made at Mt. Horeb. However, this one appears to deal more with Israel’s keeping the land. Moses starts by reminding them how God has taken care of them. He reminds them the things God did to Egypt. Moses reminds them their clothes and shoes didn’t wear out during the 40 years they wandered. Sihon and Og came out against us and now their land belongs to Reuben and Gad.

11 A Covenant on the Plains of Moab (Deut. 29:1-30:20)
Leaders, Elders, Officers, Wives, Children, Stranger & those not born Obey and Keep - Blessing Disobey - Curses Moses called for the elders, leaders, officers, all people, little ones, your wives, strangers and those who are not even born yet. God says if they obey His voice and keep His commandments they will live long and prosper in the land. If they don’t obey His voice and keep His commands every curse will be brought upon them.

12 A Covenant on the Plains of Moab (Deut. 29:1-30:20)
Root of Bitterness – curses (v. 18) Desolate Land “When” not “If” De 29:18 "so that there may not be among you man or woman or family or tribe, whose heart turns away today from the LORD our God, to go and serve the gods of these nations, and that there may not be among you a root bearing bitterness or wormwood; Even the man who has become puffed up and says in his heart, I will not get in trouble if I transgress the law. He will receive the curses. When the people rebel against God and receive the curses, the land will look as if it has been rained on by fire and brimstone. It will be desolate and the other nations will say, what happened to make God show the heat of His anger and destroy the land. The answer will be they didn’t obey His voice and His commandment. We need to remember this still today

13 A Covenant on the Plains of Moab (Deut. 29:1-30:20)
When They Repent and Turn Back All their Heart, Soul and Strength God Will Bring You Back (It Happened) 30:1 Notice the language “When” not “if” Then the people will repent and turn back to the LORD. They will obey His voice with all their hearts, all their souls and all their strength. God will have compassion on you and gather you from all the nations where the LORD your God has scattered you. God will bring you back even if you were scattered to the farthest part of the earth. God will put these curses on your enemies instead of you. God will bless you with the blessings He promised to those who obey.

14 A Covenant on the Plains of Moab (Deut. 29:1-30:20)
Today I have put before you life and death, good and evil, choose life. Command Are Not to Hard Today I have put before you life and death, good and evil, choose life. These commands aren’t so high that one has to say who will go up and bring them down to us. Nor are these commandments so low that one has to say who will go into the depths of the see to get them for us. They are not hard and the word is very near unto you, it is in your mouth and in your heart that you may do it. If your heart is turned away and you do not hear and do God’s commands, I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that shall surely perish from the land God will give you. I have set before you this day life and death, choose life.

15 God Predicts Israel’s Rebellion (Deut. 31:1-32:47)
On the Plains of Moab Joshua Commissioned Be Strong and of Good Courage (31:6) Israel’s Rebellion is Predicted (Deut ) Joshua is officially commissioned as Moses’ Successor. Moses told all Israel I am 120 years old and can’t come out and go in. Plus God has told me I can’t go into the land.” Joshua will go over as your leader. BE STRONG AND OF GOOD COURAGE! (Deut. 31:6) Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Moses calls Joshua in front of all the people and said Go with these people into the land God has sworn their fathers. You will cause them to inherit the land. The LORD our God, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

16 God Predicts Israel’s Rebellion (Deut. 31:1-32:47)
On the Plains of Moab Read the Law Every Seven Years All Israel – Men, Women, Little Ones, Strangers They May Hear & Learn to Fear Every seven years gather all Israel, at the Feast of Tabernacles, read this book of the Law in the hearing of men, women, children and strangers.

17 God Predicts Israel’s Rebellion (Deut. 31:1-32:47)
On the Plains of Moab God Tells Moses and Joshua Israel Will Rebel Song of Moses God tells Moses, Israel will rebel against Him. Moses is about to rest with his fathers. After this the people will rise up and play the harlot with the gods of the foreigners of the land. They will forsake God and break His covenant. God will bring the curses upon them for this disobedience. After this Moses inaugurates Joshua and tells the people of their rebellion to come after they enter the land.

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