Multiple document interface (MDI)

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple document interface (MDI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple document interface (MDI)

2 Content What is MDI (Multiple Document Interface)?
MDI advantages/disadvantages What is SDI (Single Document Interface)? Short example of MDI application using winforms.

3 What is MDI? A multiple document interface (MDI) is a graphical user interface in which multiple windows reside under a single parent window.


5 Example MS Excel (until 2013)

6 Advantages a single menu bar and/or toolbar is shared between all child windows An application's child windows can be hidden/shown/minimized/maximized as a whole If the windowing environment and OS lack good window management, the application author can implement it themselves.

7 Disadvantages Can be tricky to implement on desktops using multiple monitors The shared menu might change, which may cause confusion to some users. Deeply nested, branching hierarchies of child windows can be confusing

8 What is SDI? A Single-Document Interface (SDI) is a type of GUI. Any program not capable of displaying more than one document per window is considered to use an SDI interface.

9 Examples MS Word MS Excel (since 2013)

10 Demo

11 Thank you for your attention!

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