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Justifying the claim: Vikings were great warriors

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1 Justifying the claim: Vikings were great warriors

2 General Information Viking era started in 736 and ended in 11th century Lived in skandinavia, mainly in todays Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Norway They had their own religion and they spoke old norse language Mostly know for raiding rest of the Europe as well as being great with trading


4 - Navigation in one meter deep water with shallow draft
Great inventions - Oars as auxiliaries - Navigation in one meter deep water with shallow draft - Ships which could be carried - Quick direction changes without turning around - Two ships as battleground - Using whales as a compass - Use of a sun compass But... Ships was not designed for battle at sea

Vikings traveled everywhere during CE They went eastwards as far as Middle East as traiders and westwards into the North Atlantic on unimaginable voyages of exploration



8 Raids and its tactics "Hit-and-run"' Rivers Ships Organized leadership
Naval batttles Hand-to-hand combats

9 VIKING WEAPONRY Vikings used swords, sax, axes, spears, bows and arrows as a weapon They also used shields, chainmail and helmets


11 So what made them so good warriors?
-Their reputation is little over exaggerated -they had advance over other europeans as they have better weaponry and ships eg. -Vikings who attented raids were young and fit and had nothing to lose which made them strong and fast-> -also people who they attacked weren’t always so good fighters themselves

12 sources Peter Sawyer, The oxford illustrated history of vikings, United States, 1997

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