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Presentation on theme: "Acceleration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acceleration

2 Quick Quiz How is a stationary object shown on a distance/time graph?
horizontal line How can you tell which part of a journey shown on a distance/time graph has the highest speed? steepest line

3 Quick Quiz 3 How can you calculate velocity from a distance/time graph? gradient of line What does acceleration mean? change in velocity in time What are the units for acceleration? metres per second squared

4 Quick Quiz In the acceleration formula, what does u stand for?
initial velocity In the acceleration formula, what does v stand for? final velocity What is the formula for calculating acceleration? change in velocity/time, or (v – u) ÷ t

5 Quick Quiz What is the acceleration due to gravity?
10 m/s2 to 1 sig. fig or 9.8 m/s2 to 2 sig. fig What is the maximum horizontal acceleration students are likely to experience in everyday life? about 1.5 m/s2 (average family car)

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