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Post WW1 Treaties.

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1 Post WW1 Treaties

2 Background The world in 1919 was a very different world from that of 1914. There had been major shifts in social, political and economic norms. Social - changing attitudes affected women and the class system. Political - new nations formed - the philosophy of national self determination. Economic - the war had devastated European economies - who benefitted? The map of Europe and the Middle East was redrawn - new nations formed. While the Treaty of Versailles is the most discussed of the post-war treaties there were many others…

3 The Treaties The Treaty of Versailles mainly focussed on Germany and German territories. The Allies also entered into negotiations with the other Central Powers.

4 Treaty of St. Germain (Austria)
Purpose: To deal with the Austro-Hungarian Empire Events overtook the treaty process. Austria and Hungary became 2 States. Anschluss with Germany forbidden. Austria is limited militarily and has to pay reparations. Czechoslovakia – Bohemia and Morovia Yugoslavia – Dalmatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina Poland – Galicia Italy – South Tyrol, Trentino and Istria Consequences: Austria is reduced to bankruptcy and its affairs are taken over by League of Nations.

5 The Treaty of Trianon (1920) (Hungary)
Directed at Hungary. Lost 75% of territory and 66% of population. Slovakia and Ruthenia to Czechoslovakia Croatia and Slovenia to Yugoslavia Transylvania to Romania Reparations Hungary was not happy – loss of territory and 3 million Magyars under foreign rule.

6 Treaty of Neuilly (1919) (Ottoman Empire and Balkans)
Bulgaria Lost territory to Greece and Yugoslavia Lost access to Mediterranean. Received territory from Turkey. Other territory ceded to Greece and Italy Reaction Young Turks ( the dominant political party in Turkey) rejected the treaty. War with Greece Renegotiation at Treaty of Lausanne

7 Treaty of Lausanne (1923) (Turkey)
Addressed concerns coming out of the original peace talks. Turkey regained territory and islands in Med. Turkish sovereignty over the Straits recognised. Foreign troops withdrawn from Turkish territory Turkey would not have to pay reparations.

8 Treaty of Sevres (1920) (The Middle East)
Ottoman Empire The Mandate system - divided the Middle East up between Britain and France. They were given administrative control over former lands of the Ottoman Empire. Strategically important - also access to oil - an increasingly important commodity. France – Syria GB – Palestine, iraq, Transjordan and Cyprus Was the principle of national self determination applied in the Middle east?

9 Criticisms Political Principle of Self Determination - was it applied equally and fairly? Bitterness and resentment over new borders. (9 new States) Weak and ineffective governments were unstable. Many States, not just Germany wanted to revise the treaties.

10 Criticisms and Consequences
Economic Europe had been economically traumatised by the war. Currencies became weak and open to inflation. Hit the Middle class the hardest Lost their savings due to inflation and economic collapse Central and Eastern Europe entered into trade wars – high tariffs. Only US and Japan benefitted from the war.

11 Criticisms and Consequences
Social Breakdown of the social order. End to the aristocracy in many nations. Middle Class – suffered due to loss of savings. Working Class – advances due to trade unionism. Government policy – Homes fit for heroes. Housing Act of 1919 Unemployment Insurance Act 1920 and 1921

12 Women Social – changes in fashion and social mores
Looser mores regarding dress, hairstyles etc - smoking in public. Professional opportunities – law, medicine etc Also able to break out of the traditional female ghetto of teacher, maid or nurse. Suffrage Many nations granted women the right to vote as recognition for their contributions to the war effort.

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