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Weather Tools.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Tools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Tools

2 BAROMETER A barometer is a weather instrument used to measure AIR PRESSURE changes. Falling air pressure means a STORM is coming. Rising air pressure means it is CLEARING.

3 Anemometer An anemometer is a weather instrument used to measure WIND speed. The wind blows the anemometer cups, then it turns the axle. The axle’s movement is then measured in MPH.

4 Wind Vane A wind vane is used for determining WIND DIRECTION.

5 Psychrometer A psychcrometer is a type of a hygrometer, which is a weather instrument that measures HUMIDITY. There is a wet and dry bulb thermometer. If the humidity is high, the water on the wet bulb will evaporate slowly. If the humidity is low, the water will evaporate quickly and temperature of the bulb will drop.

6 Hygrometer A Hygrometer a weather instrument that also measures humidity, there are two types of these: * Psychrometer * Mechanical Hygrometer

7 Thermometer A thermometer is used to measure temperature.

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