Vocabulary Review Ecology.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Review Ecology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Review Ecology

2 Portion of earth that supports life.

3 Nonliving elements in an ecosystem.
Abiotic Factors

4 Living elements in an ecosystem.
Biotic Factors

5 All the individuals of the same species in an area.

6 A collection of interacting populations.

7 The community plus the physical factors in an area.

8 Variety of life in an area, usually measured as the number of species can live in an area.

9 The place where organisms live out their lives.

10 The role and position a species has in its environment.

11 Animals that kill and eat other animals.

12 Animals that predators hunt, kill and eat.

13 The act of one organism feeding on another.

14 A word that means “living together.”

15 A symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and the other species is neither harmed nor benefited. Commensalism

16 A symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit.

17 A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits at the expense of the other.

18 Organisms that are able to make their own food.

19 Organisms that are not able to make their own food
Organisms that are not able to make their own food. They must ingest food. Heterotrophs

20 Organisms that obtain nutrients by eating other organisms.

21 Animals that feed on animals that have already died.

22 Organisms that feed on dead or decaying plants or animals break them down into simpler molecules and return them to the soil. Decomposers

23 A simple model that scientists use to show how matter and energy move through an ecosystem.
Food Chain

24 Feeding step in a food chain.
Trophic Level

25 Energy decreases as tropic level increases. (True or False)

26 Only 10 percent of energy is transferred from one tropic level to the next. (True or False)

27 The initial source of energy for ecological pyramids is energy from where?
The Sun

28 Cycle where water is reused over and over again.
The Water Cycle

29 The air is what percent nitrogen.

30 6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight & chlorophyll C6H12O6 + 6O2

31 6O2 + C6H12O6 --> 6H2O + 6CO2 + energy
Cellular Respiration

32 Plant-eaters Herbivores

33 Organism that eat plants and animals

34 Organism that eat only animals.

35 It takes a large number of producers to support a small number of primary consumers. (True or False)

36 Interconnected food chains that show the feeding relationships in an ecosystem
Food Web

37 A J-shaped curve shows what type of population growth?
Exponential Growth

38 Cutting down trees to build houses.

39 This gas causes global warming.
Increased CO2

40 Another name for autotrophic Nutrition.

41 The number of organisms of one species that an environment can support.
Carrying Capacity

42 Any biotic or abiotic factor that restricts the existence, numbers, reproduction, of distribution of organisms. Limiting Factor

43 The study of human population growth characteristics.

44 Movement of individuals into a population.

45 Movement of individuals out of a population.

46 An increase in the size of a population over time.
Population Growth

47 An S-Shaped curve shows what kind of population growth
Logistic Growth

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