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Background and Context Strategic Orientation of the QLTC Pillars Underpinning Community Mobilisation (QLTC) National and Provincial QLTC Structures National Programmes and Key Activities in 2016/17 Provincial Plans 2016/17 QLTC Achievements in 2015/16 Provincial QLTC Achievements 2015/16 Challenges and Remedial Measures Conclusion
Education must be elevated from being a Departmental issue into a societal matter; QLTC is a social compact between education department, stakeholders and communities. QLTC endeavours to promote accountability to all signatories to the pledges and in striving to adhere to the non-negotiables; The major thrust of the QLTC is to provide a platform for communities and broader society to actively and constructively become involved in the improvement of teaching and learning; QLTC still remains a campaign in the form of a social compact between the Department and the social partners.
QLTC derives its strategic campaigns focus from the Cabinet and Ministerial programme of action. The National Development Plan (NDP) is calling for the strengthening of QLTC by advocating for the mobilisation of stakeholders in the improvement of education: “The interests of all stakeholders should be aligned to support the common goal of achieving good educational outcomes that are responsive to community needs and economic development….” The major task of QLTC in education is to be a catalyst for positive change, quality improvement and transformation. Central, and core to QLTC functions, is the ten point plan which are actualizing the Road Map for Education in South Africa.
Participation: Communities and other stakeholders are consulted and are encouraged to participate in Departmental programmes/interventions and they are encouraged to make suggestions on the possible solutions to strengthen them; Collaboration: Community leaders, social partners and Departmental officials must be involved consistently through all phases of the programme – on an equal basis; Partnership: Is the shared recognition of each stakeholders expertise and skills for implementation and success, transparency, and joint decision-making in the execution of Departmental programmes; Equity: Success for the implementation of the programme must rest on equity being applied across all areas of society – gender, race, class, literacy, and even health status. “The quality of being just or impartial,”; Quality: Quality must be achieved in all components of a successful campaign. All stakeholders must strive for quality
National (DBE) National Steering Committee chaired by the Minister Directorate with 5 Seconded Union Officials E Cape Provincial Steering Committee functional In all Districts ,QLTC was launched by the MEC Directorate F State Dedicated official – MEC Office Gauteng Provincial Steering Committee not functional Majority of Districts have functional QLTC Structures (Ward Based Structures piloted) Assigned official (QLTC as an add on responsibility) Limpopo No dedicated official KZN In all Districts, QLTC was launched by the MEC – although not functional The new MEC has appointed a dedicated QLTC official Mpum In all Districts, QLTC was launched by the MEC N Cape N West W Cape Provincial Steering Committee not functional
Below are the QLTC Campaigns which have been prioritized for the 2016/17 financial year Community awareness about the writing of NSC – support Class of 2016; Mobilising communities and schools in curbing social ills, i.e. drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, bullying, school violence, etc. Parents to play their part in the education of their children; Communities to protect their schools against vandalism and during service delivery protests; Engaging the Faith Communities around the roles of the church in education and community values and morals; Mobilisation of individuals and communities to participate on Kha Ri Gude programme as it is winding down; Minister’s campaign to get the nation to read – Read to Learn campaign (mobilisation of all stakeholders and the public at large to play their part); QLTC will continue to mobilise business community in adopting especially the underperforming schools in line with the NEDLAC Accord; QLTC to mobilise stakeholders and communities in monitoring and supporting the state of readiness in the reopening of schools on a quarterly basis and the delivery of quality learning and teaching; Provincial QLTC Coordinators meeting to be convened to ensure the Plans are aligned to the national programme and are implemented
Training and strengthening the functionality of QLTC structures at all levels especially at local/school level; The 560 schools project to be rolled out in all Districts – mobilisation of stakeholders and communities in turning around the underperforming schools Monitoring and supporting the QLTC, EMGD and NECT pilot programme on the two (2) Districts on parent and community involvement in the 20 identified schools; Mobilisation of stakeholders on the implementation of NEDLAC Accord, i.e. adoption of underperforming schools; Stakeholders to play their part in the enforcement of the non-negotiables and their respective QLTC Pledges
FREE STATE Training and strengthening the functionality of QLTC structures at all levels especially at local/school level; The play your part in defeating gangsterism to be rolled out in other districts, i.e. Fezile Dabi, Sedibeng Municipality; Mobilisation of stakeholders on the implementation of NEDLAC Accord, i.e. adoption of underperforming schools; Stakeholders to play their part in the enforcement of the non-negotiables and their respective QLTC Pledges;
GAUTENG Establishment of the all inclusive Provincial QLTC Steering Committee – to be chaired by the MEC; Roll out plan – training and strengthening the functionality of QLTC structures at all levels especially at Ward level; Mobilisation of stakeholders to ensure they play their respective roles in ensuring that the admission of learners in schools runs smooth; Programme to collaboratively fight all social ills that are impacting negatively towards the delivery of quality education, e.g. bullying, drug abuse, learner pregnancy, etc.
KWAZULU-NATAL Workshop of all Districts on QLTC – strategies to be employed to strengthen QLTC Training and strengthening the functionality of QLTC structures at all levels especially at local/school level; Accountability sessions in all Districts to assess the impact of Operation Bounce Back; Monitoring and supporting the QLTC, EMGD and NECT pilot programme on the two (2) Districts on parent and community involvement in the 20 identified schools;
LIMPOPO Monitoring and supporting the QLTC structures in Vhembe District (Vuwani) to ensure there’s stability in the delivery of education and the communities are conscietise on the protection of schools; Training and strengthening the functionality of QLTC structures at all levels especially at local/school level; Mobilisation of stakeholders on the implementation of NEDLAC Accord, i.e. adoption of underperforming schools; Stakeholders to play their part in the enforcement of the non-negotiables and their respective QLTC Pledges
MPUMALANGA An Imbizo to be convened at Kwaggafontein to report back to the community on the progress of the issues that were raised by the visit to the area by the Deputy Minister and the President; The MEC convened Prayer meetings (motivation sessions) to be rolled out to all other underperforming Districts, e.g. Bohlabela; Training and strengthening the functionality of QLTC structures at all levels especially at local/school level; Mobilisation of stakeholders on the implementation of NEDLAC Accord, i.e. adoption of underperforming schools;
NORTHERN CAPE Monitoring and reporting on the implementation of Education summit resolutions – quarterly report to the stakeholders; The MEC roadshow with all districts, stakeholders and learners is ongoing; Training and strengthening the functionality of QLTC structures at all levels especially at local/school level; Mobilisation of stakeholders on the implementation of NEDLAC Accord, i.e. adoption of underperforming schools;
NORTH WEST All QLTC structures (at all levels) to be monitored and assessed on their functionality and the Report to be shared with the HOD & the MEC on a quarterly basis; Monitoring and supporting the QLTC, EMGD and NECT pilot programme at Bojanala District on parent and community involvement in the 10 identified schools; Mechanism is put in place to monitor and support the roll out plan of the Read to Lead campaign; Training and strengthening the functionality of QLTC structures at all levels especially at local/school level; Mobilisation of stakeholders on the implementation of NEDLAC Accord, i.e. adoption of underperforming schools;
WESTERN CAPE There’s no documented QLTC Plan – Executive Council directive
QLTC ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2015/16 Drop all and Read (Read to Lead Campaign): QLTC was able to spearhead the mobilisation of communities across all nine provinces (at the identified churches)on the Minister’s Drop All and Read campaign hence it was launched on 6 September 2015 in collaboration with the interfaith organisations; QLTC has managed to coordinate, monitor and support the adoption of underperforming schools hence to date 1120 schools have been adopted in line with the NEDLAC Accord across all nine provinces; Library Project: QLTC collaborated with the LTSM Policy Development and Innovation Directorate on the delivery of 1000 Library projects across the provinces – QLTC has been able to convene community meetings to sensitise them on the importance of utilising and taking care of Libraries; Addressing Social Ills: Through stakeholder trainings and engagements, QLTC was able to facilitate workshops with an aim to reduce an impact on education provisioning; Roll out of Kha Ri Gude: QLTC has been the integral part in the rolling out of the advocacy and participation of communities in the programme; Funza Lushaka: QLTC has been able to respond to the enquiries on the shortage of teachers and addressing the level of unemployment amongst the youth by explaining to the communities the advantages this program can bring to the mainly to the rural communities, e.g. Kwaggafontein, Umsinga, Ulundi, Queenstown, etc. Strengthening of the SGB’s: In collaboration with the EMGD, QLTC monitored and supported the strengthening of the functionality of the newly elected SGB’s through workshops & also currently involved in the rollout of the Parental involvement programme in collaboration with the NECT; Involvement of Interfaith organisations in Education: QLTC has managed to forge close links with interfaith organisation in supporting learners of schools around Vuwani through motivation and support during the recent community shut down – the process is ongoing; Commemorations of Historical Events: QLTC continues to be part of the mobilisation of communities and the youth on the significance of national historic events and dates to ensure these dates remains hallmark activities of national importance, e.g. March21, June 16, 20 year celebration of the Constitution
EASTERN CAPE The MEC has extensively utilised QLTC structures to finalise the rationalisation of schools in the province – consultation with communities; QLTC has collaborated with NECT and Circuit managers in reaching out to especially underperforming schools – hence the Circuit managers have been assigned the role of coordinating and reporting on the QLTC successes and challenges; Through the District Education Forum, District Imbizos were convened to strengthen the links between SGB’s, QLTC, SBST and NECT – their respective roles and responsibilities were clearly defined and its ongoing; 560 Schools project (schools constantly underperforming) was launched by the MEC at Libode to improve learner outcomes – social partners communities committed to support this project; The province being spearheaded by the QLTC has managed to finalise the rationalisation of districts – the process of finalisng the organisational structure is still underway; A roll-out Plan has been put in place by QLTC in collaboration with EMGD and NECT to workshop on parents and community involvement in education – pilot Districts (Libode and Mount Frere)
FREE STATE QLTC is mainly spearheaded by the Premier and the MEC hence Municipalities are also board and presentations (on learner and school performances) are delivered regularly in their meetings; Botshabelo had a challenge of gangstersm, the Province through QLTC collaborated with Correctional Service through motivations and sharing of imprisonment life by parolees – there has been a total shift in normalising the situation in the area (1500 learners are part of this ongoing Premiers programme); QLTC has collaborated with other government departments in convening workshops targeted at grade 8-9 girls around Lejweleputswa alerting them on human trafficking (ongoing project); QLTC is currently planning the Heritage Month event to motivate public servants to play their part in supporting teaching and learning through Arts and Culture; QLTC is also pivotal in the adoption of schools in line with the NEDLAC Accord;
GAUTENG As part of strengthening the functionality of QLTC and the impact thereof the MEC has called for the QLTC to be established at Ward level for its impact to be felt at community level, there are six (6) wards where this project was rolled out and its having positive spinoffs; The MEC under the QLTC banner convened an Education Summit where all stakeholders committed themselves in working with the MEC and the Departments to improve delivery of quality learning and teaching; In the above mentioned summit the social partners further committed in avoiding being involved in the disturbance of the delivery of quality learning (labour disputes)
LIMPOPO Since the Province has been categorised as underperforming, the management has requested for the training of the QLTC structures in the Districts – so far Mopani, Mogalakwena, Waterberg and Vhembe Districts have ben trained; Whilst there was long protracted destabilisation of services in Vuwani, the QLTC was able to mobilise stakeholders around the village including Malamulela hence there has been commitment to by the Traditional leaders to convene an Education Expo to also deal with social cohesion issues; QLTC has collaborated with other structures, e.g. Khara Institute and SETA’s to reach out to rural areas in the province on career guidance; A roll-out Plan has been put in place by QLTC in collaboration with EMGD and NECT to workshop on parents and community involvement in education – pilot Districts (Vhembe and Waterberg)
KWAZULU NATAL The new MEC has prioritised QLTC as vehicle to be used in reaching out to communities (especially rural) – hence he has appointed a dedicated official to coordinate, monitor and support QLTC structures across the province; Through the QLTC, the Deputy Minister has convened consultative meetings and Imbizos meeting with communities at mainly rural areas as part of improving learner outcomes, e.g. Umsinga and Zululand; QLTC in collaboration Kha Ri Gude and Fundza Lushaka was able to coordinate the stakeholder forums in reaching out to mainly rural area, e.g. Ulundi; A roll-out Plan has been put in place by QLTC in collaboration with EMGD and NECT to workshop on parents and community involvement in education – pilot Districts (Pinetown and King Cetshwayo); As part of improving on learner outcomes the Department has engaged with the Representative Council of Learners (RCL) – special focus on their roles and responsibilities about the importance of how the Non-negotiables can be realised; The Department has developed a Turn-around Strategy - Operation Bounce Back as Provincial Strategy to meet the set target of 70% NSC pass rate and this strategy has been embraced by all stakeholders
MPUMALANGA The DBE Deputy Minister visited Kwaggafontein (Nkangala District), QLTC was given a responsibility to establish functional QLTC Structures in the Districts – QLTC Directorate in collaboration with the Province and the District has managed to establish and train 20 QLTC structures in all Circuits around Nkangala District (finalised on 25 August 2016) As part of improving learner outcomes in the underperforming Districts, QLTC collaborated with the Province to mobilise the social partners and it was resolved that a District QLTC structure must be established at Bohlabelo District which was achieved. The stakeholders have committed themselves to play their respective roles and responsibilities in the improvement NSC results in 2016 to 70%; The members of the QLTC Steering Committee have individually committed to ensuring that the province achieve 90% in NSC results; A roll-out Plan has been put in place by QLTC in collaboration with EMGD and NECT to workshop on parents and community involvement in education – pilot District: Bohlabela; The MEC has been convening QLTC stakeholders on a quarterly basis to reflect on progress in the delivery of education in the province and to also put in place possible measures to mitigate any challenges; The MEC has convened Prayer meetings (motivation session) especially on the underperforming Municipalities – on 26 August 2016 she met with 2500 learners from Umkhondo Municipality (Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme District)
NORTHERN CAPE Currently the Hon. MEC is meeting with all District Officials and social partners and also motivating learners of underperforming high schools – as part of improving learner outcomes in the Province; The province has increased the QLTC budget to R for the current Financial Year; The MEC has convened a Provincial Education Summit under the QLTC banner as part of strengthening stakeholder relations in the Province (also attended by all MEC’s in the Province & they committed themselves to contributing in improving education); In the above mentioned Summit, all social partners committed to the improvement of quality education system in all grades and to work together in reaching set target of 70% as far as the NSC results are concerned;
NORTH WEST All QLTC District structures at all levels are in place and are functional – there are regular monitoring and assessment of QLTC Structures in the Province – the Report is shared with the HOD & the MEC on a quarterly basis; Training of new SBG, SMT and QLTC structures have been conducted. The process of launching QLTC structures in schools is being rolled out; The Read to Lead Campaign (DAAR) is been rolled out and launched in Districts. 7 Clusters have also launched and outstanding is 3; Feedback meetings on the functionality of QLTC are tabled at Provincial ELRC on a quarterly basis; The QLTC directorate has managed to roll out the Kha Ri Gude and organised graduation ceremonies – QLTC was supported by the mining Industry of PPC in the form of a donation for a cow and also groceries for the participants; The Sekhing Village Municipality sponsored Kha Ri Gude learners with transport to their graduation ceremony in July 2016. All the QLTC events are supported by the Local councilors and municipalities e.g. at the Sekhing Event; ABI and Ikamva Youth opened a second branch in Ngaka Modiri Molema and they are supporting 5 learners from secondary schools as a form of giving back and supporting the call of making education a Societal Matter; The donated buses that are used as libraries have been painted by inmates from Rooigrond Correctional Services – as part of bringing Libraries to the communities; The Mafikeng Bikers donated blankets and shoes to learners and their respective communities as a form of observing Mandela Month and the event was coordinated by QLTC
WESTERN CAPE The former QLTC Coordinator indicated that there’s no QLTC in the Province – decision of the Executive Council
CHALLENGES Challenge Remedial Measure Responsible Level Timeframe
QLTC not properly located uniformly in Provinces For QLTC to assert its authority, it should be located at the MEC’s office Institutionalisation of QLTC National and Province 30 September 2016 Constant QLTC Structural meetings not convened Stakeholders should be constantly convened to assess and reflect on the functionality of structures and QLTC Programmes at Provincial, District and School levels; Schedule of meetings for each quarter at all levels (National, Province and Districts) QLTC Structures at Provincial, District and School levels 31 October 2016 QLTC not adequately resourced QLTC is regarded as add-on responsibility. Dedicated personnel and funding should be assigned to ensure QLTC impact is felt across the system DBE Provinces and Districts
QLTC Roundtable in Mzinyathi District (Msinga)
CONCLUSION The primary mandate of QLTC is to make education a societal matter thereby striving to make all our schools centres of excellence. All stakeholders have pledged to support this.
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