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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING FOR LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION"— Presentation transcript:

Ramazan Basturk, Ph.D. «From Distributed to Shared Leadership» Corinth, June 2014

2 Content About me Concept What is Leadership ? Exercise 1, Video 1
What is Distributed Leadership ? Exercise 2, Video 2 & 3 What is Shared Leadership ? Exercise 3, Video 4 Discussions and Conclusions, Video 5

3 About Me, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey: BA in Educational Measurement and Evaluation The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH., USA: MA. in Management and Human Recourses, in Fischer College of Business Ph.D. in School of Educational Policy & Leadership, Emphasis in Quantitative Research, Evaluation and Measurement in Education 2003, Assiss.Prof, 2008, Assoc. Prof, 2013, Full Prof. in Pamukkale University, Denizli Turkey, in Department of Educational Sciences

4 Concepts Mathematics: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, average, division, algebra, square, angle, etc.. Physics: Acceleration, Mass, Angular momentum, Torque, Energy, Electron, Joule heating, etc. Economy: Monopoly, Income, Poverty, Taxation, inflation, devaluation, Chemistry, literature, geography, history, etc….

5 Concepts Education: Cognitive ability, Table of specification, affective domain, Structural equational modeling, Leadership, Bureaucracy, Management, School climate, Organizational culture, Teacher exhausted, Autopoiesis, Cybernetics, Attractor, Fayolism, Taylorism, etc….

6 Leadership ?

7 Leadership If you want to choose a single word to describe the Leadership, what would you say? Please write that word and explain your reasons (Excercise 1, Video 1).

8 What is Leadership ?

9 Leadership is a generic concept that projects visions of strength, authority, competence, action and power. Manager ? Visionary ? Facilitator ? Functionary ? Controller ? Performer ? Motivator ? İnspiration ? even fool ? In short, it is not a concept with fixed meanings (Warren, 1998)

10 Distributed Leadership

11 Distributed Leadership
If you want to choose a single word to describe the «Distributed Leadership», what would you say? Please write that word and explain your reasons (Excercise 2, Video 2, Video 3).

12 It is a kind of vogue. It has become increasingly used in the discourse about school leadership in the last few years and is currently receiving much attention and growing empirical support (Gronn, 2000; Harris, 2002; Hopkins and Jackson, 2002; Spillane et al., 2001).

13 In contrast to traditional notions of leadership premised upon an individual managing hierarchical systems and structures, distributed leadership is characterized as a form of collective leadership in which teachers develop expertise by working together.

14 This distributed view of leadership, it has been suggested, offers a frame for studying leadership practice including ‘every person at entry level who in one way or another, acts as a leader’ (Goleman, 2002: 14).

15 As Elmore (2000: 14) points out, in a ‘knowledge-intensive enterprise like teaching and learning there is no way to perform these complex tasks without widely distributing the responsibility for leadership among roles in the organization’.

16 Distributed leadership, therefore, means multiple sources of guidance and direction, following the contours of expertise in an organization, made coherent through a common culture. It is the ‘glue of a common task or goal—improvement of instruction—and a common frame of values for how to approach that task’ (Elmore, 2000: 15).

17 This is not to suggest that ultimately there is no one responsible for the overall performance of the organization or to render those in formal leadership roles redundant. Rather the job of those in formal leadership positions is primarily to hold the pieces of the organization together in a productive relationship. Their central task is to create a common culture of expectations around the use of individual skills and abilities.

18 Distributed leadership equates with maximizing the human capacity within the organization.


20 SHARED LEADRESHIP If you want to choose a single word to describe the «Shared Leadership», what would you say? Please write that word and explain your reasons (Excercise 3, Video 4).

21 SHARED LEADERSHIP Open, direct, critical communication
Learning for all participants in the group Groups must take responsibility about problem Working interdependently toward solutions Seeking a common good

22 SHARED LEADRESHIP What is not shared leadership?

23 SHARED LEADRESHIP These are not shared leadership’s features:
One leader directing whole team’s activities and goals One person has responsibility for determining answers From top to down communication style Secrecy Goals Learning

24 Why Shared Leadership in Education?
Are these questions answered by the one leader? What do we want students to know and do? How will we know when they’ve learned? How do we react when they fail? What will we do if they are not ready to learn? What will we do when they don’t learn? What will we do if they already know it?

25 What are the Advantages of Shared Leadership?
Real and solid Ownership of the problem Goals based learning Positive attitude towards learning Sharing of best practices and knowledge to whole partners. Positive Synergy

26 Are There Disadvantages?
Responsibility for problem Can’t point fingers Time and effort Different results don’t happen with the same procedures Exposure You can’t hide or “take a free ride”

27 Isn’t This Just Good Collaboration?
Yes and No Must work collaboratively to achieve goals Common target Collaborative protocols Shared tasks Beyond Collaboration Elevating Responsibility and ownership

28 How Can Shared Leadership be Developed in Education ?
Break from traditional leadership What instruction currently exists? Change communication procedures in educational organization Begin to change the organizational culture Don’t expect rapidly overnight changes Long road toward change Reason for change must be logical

29 Discussion and Conclusion
Video 5

30 References Video 1: downloaded 02/07/2014 Video 2: downloaded 02/07/2014 Video 3: downloaded 02/07/2014 Video 4: downloaded 02/07/2014 Video 5: downloaded 02/07/2014.

31 References 6) Doyle, M. E., Smith, M.K “Shared Leadership” downloaded 22/6/14 7) Elmore, R. (2000) Building a New Structure for School Leadership. Washington, DC: Albert Shanker Institute. 8) Goleman, D. (2002) The New Leaders: Transforming the Art of Leadership into the Science of Results. London: Little Brown. 9) Harris, A. (2002) ‘Distributed Leadership: Leading or Misleading?’, Keynote Address, Annual Conference, BELMAS, Aston University.

32 References 10) Hopkins, D. and Jackson, D. (2002) ‘Building the Capacity for Leading and Learning’, in A. Harris, C. Day, M. Hadfield, D. Hopkins, A. Hargreaves and C. Chapman (eds) Effective Leadership for School Improvement. London: Routledge, pp. 84– ) Shared Leadership, Beyond Collaboratıon In A Plc,, downloaded 07/06/ ) Spillane, J., Halverson, R. and Diamond, J. (2001) ‘Towards a Theory of Leadership Practice: A Distributed Perspective’, Northwestern University, Institute for Policy Research Working Article


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