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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (or is it?)…

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1 A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (or is it?)…
Despite the best efforts of those committed to preserving peace, the Republic is slowly torn apart by dark forces that claim many of the Republic’s own protectors. The Senate is powerless to stop the Republic from splitting apart, and all seems lost until a new hero leads the forces of good to triumph once and for all over evil…

2 What George Lucas never told you…

3 Early 19th Century Politics
is = Early 19th Century Politics

4 The Dark Side A force that tears apart the Republic…
The Secessionists/ Slavery Darth Sidious/ Dark Side =

5 John C Calhoun = Anakin Skywalker
Begins career on the good side and crosses over later Advocates strong central power early in his career He seeks to crush dissent after he switches to the Dark Side

6 Steps Toward the Dark Side
Tariff of 1828 = Death of Anakin’s Mother South Carolina Exposition = Slaughter of the Tuskan Raiders The Compromise of 1850 = final move to Dark Side

7 Henry Clay = Yoda Leaders of their respective movements for many years
Often called on to save the day when all else fails Wise, but ability to read future sometimes clouded A Great Compromiser this one was

8 Andrew Jackson = Mace Windu
Renowned and skillful warrior Has doubts about Anakin/Calhoun Refuses to back down from a challenge; at one point is rescued by Yoda/Clay

9 Obi-Wan Kenobi = John Brown
One of Republic’s top warriors Fights one of earliest battles against the Dark Side (Kansas) Returns to combat to fight Darth Vader before dying (Harper’s Ferry) Influences the Republic’s soldiers even after death (John Brown’s Body)

10 Trade Federation = S.C. & Planter Aristocracy
First to defy the Republic’s power Most active against the Republic

11 Luke Skywalker = Abe Lincoln
Comes from humble beginnings Gains renown in a short period of time Leads his forces to victory against the Dark Side Shows empathy for his enemies

12 R2D2 = Ken Burns Preserver of Documents Projects images
Story is told from his point of view

13 Chewbacca = Shelby Foote
Lovable character Has Strong Opinions Shaped by background experience Crucial to helping us Understand the cause

14 C3P0 = Gen Little Mac McClellan
Good communicator with the troops, yet timid in battle

15 Boba Fet = Stonewall Jackson
Militarily skillful and respected Both come to untimely deaths

16 Princess Lea = Clara Barton
Always in the midst of battle providing a helping hand. Oh, and similar hair cuts

17 Ewoks = The Underground Railraod
Key grass roots movement, able to topple the dark side (slavery) through indigenous efforts

18 Destruction of 1st Death Star = Emancipation Proclamation
Boosts morale of fighters Is not the final defeat of the Dark Side

19 Ulysses S Grant = Han Solo
Often accused of being ill-groomed Unlikely choice to lead Republic’s army Distinguishes himself in smaller battles Helps plan the final battles of the war

20 Millennium Falcon = USS Monitor
envied modes of mobile attack complete with turrets

21 Gettysburg/Picket’s Charge = Snow planet Hoth
-arguable a mistake from which the Dark Side never fully psychologically recovered -The farthest point of significant attack and the high-water mark of the CSA

22 Jabba the Hut = The Copperheads
Threaten the Union’s leadership and struggle though not aligned with the South Deftly handled by Abraham Lincoln’s Union Party Like Clement Vallandigham, Jabba is a “man without a country”

23 Oops, wrong powerpoint!

24 Lando Calrissian = General Sherman
Leads final, crushing attack on the enemy and destroys it

25 Reconstruction Darth Maul = KKK Jar Jar Binks = Andrew Johnson
Violent disguised evil Jar Jar Binks = Andrew Johnson Inept, clumsy and almost forced out by popular demand

26 And so ends the tumultuous 19th century of politics…a period of heroes and villains, republics and galaxies, and ultimately an eternal battle of good versus evil.

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