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Presentation on theme: "SET USER GROUP MEETING June 12, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the June user group meeting for the System eComm Team (SET)! This month, we’ll focus on Marketing Cloud by exploring send and tracking options. System eComm Team (SET) |

2 Marketing Cloud Sends To kick things off, we’ll get started by learning about the two different send options in Marketing Cloud.

3 Two Send Types Guided Send Salesforce Send Save tracking information
Send wizard Accessed through Content Builder Salesforce Send Save tracking information Configure the send Accessed through import There are two ways to send an in Marketing Cloud: guided send or Salesforce send. Both send types have the option for tracking engagement datat (like clicks adn opens). They differ, though, by the way you create the send and how you access the send type. Let’s take a closer look at both send options... System eComm Team (SET) |

4 Guided Send Accessed through content builder Send wizard
Navigate to the send flow from the content creation flow Send wizard Step by step process Must include an UNSUB if the communication is commercial The guided send process is located within Content Builder. Once you have tested your and are ready to send, you can easily jump from the content creation flow (ie where you build your ) into the the send flow (ie where you send your .) The guided send processes uses a wizard, or setup assistant. It walks you through each step of the send process with slick windows and concise action items. Now is a great time for a friendly reminder that if you are sending a transactional communication, you MUST include the appropriate UNSUB report. System eComm Team (SET) |

5 Salesforce Send Accessed through import Send configuration
Import > Salesforce Send s Send configuration Top-to-bottom flow Must include an UNSUB if the communication is commercial The second send option in Marketing Cloud is a Salesforce send. Salesforce sends are accessed through Import > Salesforce Send s. This will take you to a page where you will configure the send. Every component for the send is housed on this one page. Working from top-to-bottom, you’ll have all of the pieces that you need for your send. Again, a friendly reminder that if you are sending a transactional communication, you MUST include the appropriate UNSUB report. System eComm Team (SET) |

6 Tracking & Data Now that we’ve taken a look at the two send types, let’s jump into data by looking at tracking information.

7 Two Types of Tracking Salesforce Send Active Sends Tracking
Displays the status of the send Unique ID number Further details found in Tracking Tracking Detailed metrics on sends Organized by folder Every is given a Job ID There are two types of tracking data. The first, smaller set is specific to Salesforce send s only. You can view high level tracking data, like the status of the , by navigating to Import > Salesforce send s > Active sends. Note here that Salesforce send s are given an ID number. The second, more comprehensive set of tracking data is found under Tracking. This is comprehensive tracking data for both Salesforce send s and guided send s. Opens, clicks, and other metrics can be viewed through Tracking. TIP: leverage folders to organize your tracking information. For instance, if you send a monthly newsletter, create a tracking folder for the newsletter so that all of your newsletter tracking data will be in one place. Note here that each is assigned a unique Job ID. This is true for both Salesforce send s and guided send s. (The ID and Job ID for Salesforce send s are different.) If you are experiencing trouble with an send, please create a TaskRay task requesting support and add the Job ID to the chat. System eComm Team (SET) |

8 IERs Digging a bit deeper into tracking data, we’ll now explore individual results, or IERs.

9 Salesforce - Marketing Cloud Integration
Salesforce and Marketing Cloud are integrated Users - security & permissions Contacts - CU addresses & tracking data Dynamic integration Updated data In real time Before we jump into IERs, let’s take a look at how Salesforce and Marketing Cloud work together. Salesforce and Marketing Cloud are integrated. Two examples of integration points between these two apps are users and contacts. Your Salesforce user and Marketing Cloud user are integrated, ensuring security and proper permissions. Contacts are also integrated between the two apps. This integration enables us to an alumna at address or an employee at address. System eComm Team (SET) |

10 Individual Email Results (IERs)
IER for short Data housed on the contact Tracked back from Marketing Cloud Uses the Subscriber Key Individual Results object 6 months of data Individual results (IERs) are data points housed on the contact. This data set includes the name of the , if it was opened, when it was sent, and the “from” along with additional data points. All of this data is tracked back to Salesforce from Marketing Cloud. Salesforce and Marketing Cloud utilize the contact ID (aka subscriber key in Marketing Cloud) to keep track of the data. All of the IER data is kept in the IER object and is updated in near real-time. We have 6 months of IER data availible to us, which allows us to track performance over time. System eComm Team (SET) |

11 IER Reports Reporting off of IERs
Native data Special report type Examine IER data across contacts Interested? Set up a meeting with Kate Set-up reports Explore dashboard options Analyze data Because the IER data is housed within Salesforce, we are able to report on it (hip hip hooray!). IERs do require a special type of report, but it allows us to look at IER data across contacts. Cross filtering IER data with other data points (like campus number or affiliation type) can help us glean additional insight. If you are interested in utilizing IER reports in Salesforce, request a meeting with Kate via TaskRay. She’ll touch base with you to walk through discovery of what you want/need in the reports. She can also explore dashboard options with you as well and provide suggestions/insight for analyzing your IER data. System eComm Team (SET) |

12 Q&A Session Questions?

13 SET and Ready to Go! Kate attending conferences
06/ /16 06/ /23 Submit questions via TaskRay New System eComm Interns CU Denver graduate students Nimmi and Nikhil A few quick parting notes: Kate will be attending two conferences later this month. She’ll be out of the office from June and June If you have a question while she is out of the office, please create a TaskRay task and her in in. She’ll get back to you just as soon as she is able. Additionally, I am thrilled to announce that the System eComm shop has two new interns. Nimmi and Nikhil are graduate students at CU Denver business school. We are thrilled to have them on the team and look forward to working with them. If you’re up on the 8th floor for a meeting, pop by to say “hello.” System eComm Team (SET) |

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