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Criminal Law.

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1 Criminal Law

2 1.We can identify the terms associated with court procedures
Success Criteria 1/24/2017 1.We can identify the terms associated with court procedures 2.We can compare and contrast the different types of crimes and their punishments. 3.We can analyze scenarios in order to determine which level of crime committed.   4.We can evaluate the use of juries in the court system by writing arguments. Answer in a complete sentence Have any of you ever watched crime shows? What are some things that happen in the court room? Are all crimes treated the same?

3 Success Criteria 11/23/2015 Do Now:
We can identify the elements of criminal law. We can evaluate the use of plea bargains as an alternative to litigation. We can identify the elements of civil law. We can compare and contrast criminal and civil law. We can understand our rights when dealing with the police. Do Now: If you were arrested for committing a crime, would you plead guilty to take less years in jail, or would you try to fight it out? Explain your answer

4 Remember! Are you doing what you need to do to be prepared for class when the bell rings? Homework due Thursday! Sign up for Remind 101 to get extra credit

5 Midterm Exam Re-Bubble
Soooooooo the program we use to grade your exams broke Soooooooo we need to re-bubble our tests from the midterm If you choose to NOT do this, I will grade your scantron as is (you don’t want that) I will bring candy as a thank you!

6 Have any of you ever watched crime shows?
What are some things that happen in the court room? Are all crimes treated the same?

7 CRIMINAL LAW The investigation and prosecution of those accused of committing a crime

8 CRIMINAL LAW Cases where the gov’t charges someone with a crime, ALWAYS the prosecutor vs. the defendant

9 What is the prosecution?

10 What is the prosecution?
Prosecutor Defendant

11 Attorney = lawyer, someone who specializes in knowing the law and making arguments

12 The attorney who represents the government in a criminal case
Prosecutor The attorney who represents the government in a criminal case

13 The defendant in a criminal case
Who is the defendant?

14 The defendant in a criminal case

15 The person accused of the crime
Defendant The person accused of the crime Defense The attorney who defends the individual

16 The defendant has two choices
Representing yourself in court (be your own lawyer) Or be represented by a lawyer

17 Can you figure it out? Misdemeanor or Felony

18 Can you figure it out? Misdemeanor

19 Can you figure it out? Misdemeanor or Felony

20 Can you figure it out? Misdemeanor

21 Can you figure it out? Misdemeanor or Felony

22 Can you figure it out? Felony

23 Misdemeanor A minor crime usually punished by a fine or a short jail sentence

24 Felony A serious crime punished by a longer jail or prison sentence

25 Involuntary Manslaughter
Misdemeanor Felony Littering Disturbing the Peace Trespassing Vandalism Harassment Stealing Assault Embezzlement Burglary Arson Robbery Involuntary Manslaughter Justified Homicide Murder/homicide

26 Juries Group of impartial people who decide the outcomes of criminal cases. Impartial - meaning they are supposed to make decisions solely on the facts presented

27 Grand jury - Large jury that determines whether there is enough evidence to go to trial

28 Petit jury - citizens chosen to issue a verdict in a criminal trial

29 Burden of Proof Jurors must believe some is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict them This means they have to be almost 100% positive the person is guilty to send them to jail

30 Quick /24 Why is it important for jurors to believe someone is guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt” before sending them to jail? Do you think jurors are always as fair as possible? What things might make them biased against a defendant?

31 Indictment an accusation presented by a grand jury in a serious criminal case.

32 Plea Bargain Negotiation where the defendant is allowed to plead guilty to a reduced charge.

33 Why would anyone do this?
Prosecutors: May get one person to testify against another Court is expensive and time-consuming, so they help things go faster Defendant: Reduces time in jail, court fees

34 Why do so many people take plea deals when charged with a crime?
Is this a good thing or bad thing? Why?

35 Misdemeanor or Felony Story
You are going to pick a MISDEMEANOR or FELONY to be the focus of your story. You are going to write a 10 sentence story stating the facts of the crime, what happens to the accused person, and the eventual outcome of the case. You should use words such as: verdict, defendant, prosecutor, etc.

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