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Perception & Composition

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1 Perception & Composition

2 Journal: What is this?!

3 Directions Text in RED is for your notes
Text in BLACK is extra information Copy any graphic organizers into your notes now, or on your own time.

4 Perception Depending on your state of mind/experiences you will interpret what you see in different ways. You/audiences ascribe meaning to images and words according to your own experiences. Put simply, if you understand puppies to be cute. When you see puppies you will think “cute, vulnerable, precious” etc

5 What does that mean for films….?
Film makers must be aware of how words/names/images will be interpreted by the audience.

6 Getting Back to the Journal…
The “duck-bunny” image is an example of how people bring their expectations, world-knowledge, and even memories into play when interpreting images. Studies were done with children, in which testers showed them the image and asked them to identify what it was. According to one study, children tested on Easter Sunday were more likely to see the figure as a rabbit. Children tested in October tended to see the image as a duck or “a similar bird.” (Source for study:

7 Mini Journal According to the study, why do you think the time of year effected how the children viewed the image?

8 Tower Still 3-2 A-C

9 Definitions Foreground – part of a picture or scene that appears closest to the camera (viewer). Background – part of a picture or scene that appears in the distance, furthest away from the camera (viewer)

10 Key Points Images, like printed text, can be read
Images, like words, have connotations and denotations Denotation – the “dictionary”, factual meaning of an image Connotation – the many different possible interpretations of an image, not “dictionary”

11 Devils Tower, an important landmark for Plains Indian tribes long before the white man reached Wyoming, was called Mateo Teppe, or Grizzly Bear Lodge, by the Sioux. A number of Indian legends describe the origin of Devils Tower. One legend tells about seven little girls being chased onto a low rock to escape attacking bears. Their prayers for help were heeded. The rock carried them upward to safety as the claws of the leaping bears left furrowed columns in the sides of the ascending tower. Ultimately, the rock grew so high that the girls reached the sky where they were transformed into the constellation known as the Pleiades.

12 So… Does that bit of info maybe change how you interpreted the two images? Film makers are VERY aware of how words/images will be interpreted by the audience. That way they can be much more effective when making a film and showing images to the audience.

13 Prof

14 Forward Framing – visual effect created by enclosing or boxing a subject in the middle ground
Creates 3-D effect, especially when the foreground elements are in sharp focus.

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