Capstone Design Project

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Presentation on theme: "Capstone Design Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capstone Design Project
EE Capstone Design Project Spring 2005 Team #3

2 Team #3: Staff Nole Martin Paul Simons Eric Ritzke Tom Reuter
Steven Krol Murtadha B. Tunis BSEE

3 Team #3: Expertise & Experience
Expertise: Power distribution Experience: Cooper Power Systems Expertise: Organizational skills, wiring hardware, Product Development Experience: Honeywell FM&T Expertise: Computers / Law Experience: MPC Computers Expertise: Computers and Communications Experience: JCI Internship Expertise: Amplifier / Filter Design Experience: Academic Expertise: Drives, Power Systems Controls and Professional Presentations Experience: P & H Mining Equipment Nole Martin Paul Simons Eric Ritzke Thomas Reuter Steven Krol Murtadha B. Tunis

4 Team #3: Weekly Availability Worksheet
Nole Martin Paul Simons Eric Ritzke Tom Reuter Steven Krol Murtadha B Tunis Time: Wednesday 3:15PM – 6:30PM Time: Wednesday 3:15PM – 6:30PM Time: Wednesday 3:15PM – 6:30PM Time: Wednesday 3:15PM – 6:30PM Time: Wednesday 3:15PM – 6:30PM Time: Wednesday 3:15PM – 6:30PM

5 Team #3: Weekly Project Meeting Plan
Weekly Meeting 1: 3rd Floor Lab, Wednesday 3:15-6:30 Everyone, Organization Note: Meeting Owners Send Weekly Notices, Record Business-Issues-Actions, Keep Weekly Attendance Records

6 Team #3: Total Resources
1200 Man hours $1000 for material and prototyping Based on our individual experiences and knowledge our team will strive to exceed all project expectations.

7 Team #3: Decision Making
Majority Vote In event of a tie, project leader will decide.

8 Roles to Define & Assign
Project Integrator: (Paul Simons) Owns weekly progress reports to TA. Logistics and communication of team meetings. Develops and Tracks overall project plan. Integrates Block design plans. Tracks expenditures. Owns project level verification and validation plan, capture and documentation of results. Presentation Mgr: (Murtadha B. Tunis) Owns master MS Powerpoint slide set for team including formats, logos, fonts, colors, header/footer, backgrounds, rev control, submission of master floppy or CD for P1-P4 and Final Presentation. Report Mgr: (Steven Krol) Owns master MS Word document for team including revision control, formats, logos, fonts, colors, header/footer, table of contents, submission of master floppy or CD for Final report. Archive Web Mgr: (Eric Ritzke) Owns weekly backup of all electronic material generated that week. Backup for Presentation Mgr and Report Mgr. Management of any team Web site resources. Assembly & Proto Mgr: (Nole Martin) Owns overall assembly level definitions, basic assembly drawings, master prototype & product parts lists, collection of block parts lists, procurement of proto components. Overall prototype mechanical and electrical assembly PCB Layout Mgr: (Tom Reuter) Owns overall PCB layout, Block to PCB mapping, PCB tools, PCB design drawings, PCB procurement, PCB assembly including special tools, soldering, wire-wrapping, drilling, and gluing.

9 Weather Buoy: Features
This is a buoy which takes in weather data, such as wind speed, air temperature, water temperature, and barometric pressure and transmits the data remotely to a digital display via RF. The buoy will also beacon a light source during night time hours. Power will be generated from sunlight

10 Weather Buoy: Benefits
Low maintenance. Long-term and short-term cost benefits. Efficiency improved over current designs. Innovative and challenging design concept with a practical application.

11 Weather Buoy Block Diagram
High Intensity LEDs mounted on buoy. Mechanical Buoy Design and Assembly Weather detecting devices and transmission. Battery Charger / Power Distributor Solar Panels Battery

12 Proposed Selected Product
Wireless Weather Buoy Primary Benefit: Real-time Local Weather Information Intended for use by private water-front property owners. Product will report air and water temperature, barometric pressure and wind speed via RF communications. Similar weather stations exist, but not for private use. Maritime Consumer Market

13 Similar Existing Product
Features Wind speed Wind direction Barometer Safety lights GPS Solar power Humidity sensor Water quality analyzer Advantages of our product: Cost effective Only essential sensors will be implemented

14 Project Selection Process
Interest: Project feasibility. Common interest among team members. Similar products exist but in a different market and for a different application. A unique Capstone project. Block Diagram: Available skills and resources match up well with the project blocks. There is at least two design blocks for each team member. Diagram is not too complex, but ideas present sufficient challenges.

15 Project Selection Process
Major project risks include: potentially high base costs and lack of time for research and development. Other project ideas were rejected due to complexity issues. Design issues arose and were resolved with modification of design. The project decision was made by a majority vote.

16 Block Diagram Eric – Green Paul - Yellow
Solar Recharging Battery Pressure Sensor 4 5 7 6 1 11 Microprocessor 2 3 LED w/ Controls 8 10 9 12 Outdoor Unit (Buoy) Indoor Unit (Display) Eric – Green Paul - Yellow Murtadha – Orange Steve – Light Blue Nole – Red Tom – Dark Blue Data Lines Power Lines

17 System Level Requirements
System Performance Requirements: Product integrates wireless technology with the advantages of a personal weather station. Self-sustaining, long-life power supply. Reliable information on current weather conditions. Transmits weather data to a remote display with the aid of wireless technology.

18 System Level Requirements
System Standard Requirements: Market: Est. Total Market Size $700,000 Est. Annual Vol ,000 Min. List Price $700 Max. Product Materials Cost $300 Max. Product MFG Cost $50 Power: Power Sources: - Buoy Power V to 18V - Solar Panel V to 18V - AC/DC Adapter V to 8.7V Max. Total Power W

19 System Level Requirements
System Standard Requirements: Mechanical: Max. Product Vol ,000,000 Max. Shipping Container Vol ,100,000 Max. Product Mass kg Max. # of PCB’s Max. Total PCB Area Max. Shock Force G’s Max. Shock Repetitions Environmental: Operating Ambient Temp. Range °C to 70°C Operating Ambient Humidity Range %Rh to 100%Rh Operating Altitude Range m to 20000m Storage Ambient Temp. Range °C to 80°C Storage Ambient Humidity Range %Rh to 100%Rh Storage / Shipping Altitude Range m to 30000m

20 System Level Requirements
System Standard Requirements: Manufacturing: Min. Total Parts Count Max. Unique Parts Count Max. Parts & Materials Cost $300 Max. MFG Assembly / Test Cost $50 Life Cycle: Est. Max. Production Lifetime years Product Life Reliability in MTBF years Full Warranty Period years

21 Safety Standards UL Power Converters/Inverters and Power Converter/Inverter Systems for Land Vehicles and Marine Crafts UL Standard for Safety for Floating Water Lights Electrical Equipment For Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use ISO 14000 ISO 9001

22 Basic Business Case Estimated Average Product Selling Price: $700
Estimated Product Annual Sales Volume: Units Estimated Per Unit Cost of Parts and Materials: $300 Estimated Per Unit Cost of Assembly, Testing and Mfg: $50 Estimated Total Development Cost (Labor + Material): $494,000 Calculated Annual Sales (ASP$ x Annual Volume): $700,000

23 Basic Business Case Calculated Per Unit Cost Margin (ASP$ - [Parts + Materials + Mfg] x Costs$): $350 Calculated Cost Margin (Per Unit CM$ / ASP$): 50% Calculated Annual Cost Margin (CM% x Annual Sales$): $350,000 Calculated Return On Investment (Est. Dev. Cost$ / Annual CM$): Years.

24 Block #1: Power Block

25 Block Diagram Data Lines Power Lines Solar Recharging Battery Water
Temperature Sensor Pressure Sensor Microprocessor Light Controller Circuits Outdoor Unit (Buoy) Indoor Unit (Display) Data Lines Power Lines

26 Functional Purpose To receive Infra red rays from the sun
to charge the solar panels To regulate the solar voltage for the charging circuit To recharge the available power for the battery through an intelligent regulator To output the required regulated voltage for the power conversion circuit

27 Standard Requirements
Block cost <$120 Parts count <30 Unique parts count <20 PCB Area <350mm2 Operating temperature range -5 to 70 C Storage temperature range -20 to 80 C Reliability MTBF years Operating Humidity – 100% Percent Allocations % of cost 45% of mass 33% of parts 17% of total area

28 Performance Requirements
Battery Life years Battery Type V Deep cycle battery Rated Capacity < 7AH Supply voltage Vdc ± 3% Supply current <50mA Solar Panel <17V

29 Electrical Interface signals
Signal or Grouped Signal Name Power Signals Type Direction Voltage Voltage Range Freq Freq Range % V-Reg V-Ripple Current Nominal Min Max Battery DC Power Output 12.0V 10.5V 13.7V DC N/A 14.00% 1.13A Power4 VCC +12V Input 14.0V 13.0V 17.0V 20.00%

30 Detail Design of Charging Circuit
Block Interface SUN Infra-Red Rays Intelligent Voltage Regulator Solar Panels Detail Design of Charging Circuit Voltage Regulator Power Conversion Circuit Deep Cycle Marine Battery

31 Prototype Plan 3.5mm Male CUI Inc. MP-3501 0.33649 Part QTY
Description Manufacturer/ Distributor Part # Cost ($) Solar Panels 2 Kyocera photovoltaic module Kyocera Kc60 $75/unit Battery 1 12 volt Deep Cycle At 8AH U.S.Battery/ Northern battery 24TM $49.95 Regulator Adjustable micropower National Semiconductor LP2951 $1.48 Plug 3.5mm Male CUI Inc. MP-3501

32 Task Estimates Cost of components $120 Estimated Man Hours 100

33 Block #2: Power Regulation and Switching

34 Power Regulation and Switching
5V DC Switching Regulator 12V Battery Sensors Switching Circuit MPU LED, Transmitter

35 Functional Purpose To convert battery voltage from 12V to 5V
To distribute power to sensors, LED display, transmitter, and MPU. To include a switch so that the processor can power down the sensors.

36 Power Regulation and Switching Standard Requirements
Block Cost <$10 Parts Count <20 Mass < 1Kg Voltage Provided V +/- 4% Operating Temperature C to +70C Storage Temperature C to +80C Reliability Range years Operating Humidity %

37 Power Regulation and Switching Performance Requirements
Output Voltage V +/- 4% Supply Current >800 mA User Interface-On/Off Toggle Switch Minimum Life years

38 Power Conversion and Switching Electrical Interfaces
Signal or Grouped Signal Name Power Signals Type Direction Voltage Voltage Range Freq Freq Range % V-Reg V-Ripple Current Nominal Min Max Power1 +12V DC Power Input 12.0V 11.25V 12.75V DC N/A 5.00% 0.1V 0.5A Power2 +5V Output 5V 4.9V 5.1V 1.00% 0.01V 0.3A Digital Signals Dir Tech Logic Input Characteristics Structure Vih Min Iih Max ViL Max IiL Max Sensors On/Off from CPU Digital Standard TTL 2.0Mhz 2.0V 400uA 0.8V -1.2mA

39 Power Regulation and Switching Prototyping Plan
Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors 300 Solder 8 Plug(1)

40 Task Estimates Cost of components $10 Estimated Man Hours 20

41 MPU 5V DC Microprocessor Wind Sensor Pressure Sensor Transmitter
Air Temperature Sensor Switching Circuit Water Temperature Sensor

42 Functional Purpose Read analog outputs of the sensors and convert them to digital. Process the results to obtain meaningful data. Send meaningful data to the transmitter. Control power to sensors.

43 MPU Flowchart Start Initialization Active mode Power on sensors
Read senor data and process results Transmit Data Power off sensors Sleep mode Watchdog Wake-up

44 MPU Standard Requirements
Block Cost $7 Parts Count <10 Unique Parts <5 Operating Voltage V+/- 4% Operating Temperature to +70C Operating Storage Temperature to +80C Reliability years Operating Humidity % Disposal Throw Away

45 MPU Performance Requirements
Operating Modes Off/Sleep/Active User Interface Push-Button Reset Switch

46 MPU Electrical Interfaces
Signal or Grouped Signal Name-power Power Signals Type Direction Voltage Voltage Range Freq Freq Range % V-Reg V-Ripple Current Nominal Min Max Power1 VPP +5 DC Power Input 5.0V 4.75V 5.25V DC N/A 5.00% 0.1V 1.2A Power2 VDD +5

47 MPU Electrical Interfaces
Signal or Grouped Signal Name - Digital Digital Signals Type Dir Output Input Tech Freq Logic Structure Nominal Voltage Digital1 Sensor Power On/Off Pin 34 Digital Tristate Standard TTL 5.0Mhz 5V Digital2 Serial Transmitter Pin 25

48 MPU Electrical Interfaces
Signal or Grouped Signal Name-Analog Analog Signals Type Direction Coupling Voltage Max Impedance Freq Range Amplitude Min Max Analog1 Pin 2 Analog Input Direct 5.0V 800 ohm 1.2Kohm Analog2 Pin 3 Analog3 Pin 4 Analog4 Pin 5

49 MPU Prototyping Plan Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB
Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors 50 Solder 6 n/a

50 Task Estimates Cost of components $10 Estimated Man-hours 100

51 Block #3: Water Temperature Sensor

52 Block Diagram Data Lines Power Lines Outdoor Unit (Buoy)
Water Temperature Sensor Pressure Sensor Solar Recharging Battery Microprocessor Light Controller Circuits Outdoor Unit (Buoy) Indoor Unit (Display) Data Lines Power Lines

53 Functional Purpose To measure the current water temperature
To convert the temperature into a positive voltage that is needed for the MPU to read the voltage. The reading sent to the MPU will have an accuracy of ±2.5C (max) over a range of -10C to 180C

54 Standard Requirements
Block cost <$40 Parts count <8 Unique parts count <5 PCB Area mm2 Power consumption <5 mW Operating temperature range -10 to 180 C Storage temperature range 15 to 65 C Reliability MTBF 5 years Operating humidity 0 to 100% Disposal Throw away % allocations Cost 12.5% Parts 5% Unique parts 7% PCB Area 5% Power <1%

55 Performance Requirements
Voltage Supply = 5 V ±5% Output = 0 to 5 V Current Output < 1mA Temperature Measurement -5 to 100C Accuracy ±2.5C over full range

56 Electrical Interface signals
Power Signals Type Direction Voltage Voltage Range Freq Freq Range % V-Reg V-Ripple Current Nominal Min Max Power1 VCC +5 DC Input 5V 4.75V 5.25V 1GHz 5.00% 0.1V 1mA Analog Signals Type Direction Coupling Voltage Max Amplitude Impedance Freq Range Leakage Min Analog1 Carrier Output Analog Capacitive 5.25V 1pF 5µF 0Hz 1GHz 25μA

57 Water Temperature Sensor Block Interface
5V DC Power Supply Temperature Sensor Amplifier Circuit MPU

58 Water Temperature Prototyping Plan
Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors 15 200 Solder 4

59 Task Estimates Cost of components $40 Estimated Man Hours 88

60 Bill of Materials Part QTY Description Manufacturer/ Distributor
Cost ($) Type J Thermocouple 1 Iron vs. Constantan Vout = -10 to 15mV J & W Instruments Inc JAA OP Amp Vin = -13 to 13V Vinoffset < 6mV National Semiconductor LM741CN .68 Resistor 10kΩ ¼W 5% tolerance Radioshack .99 100Ω ¼W Total 2.66

61 Air Temperature Sensor

62 Block Diagram Data Lines Power Lines Outdoor Unit (Buoy)
Water Temperature Sensor Pressure Sensor Solar Recharging Battery Microprocessor Light Controller Circuits Outdoor Unit (Buoy) Indoor Unit (Display) Data Lines Power Lines

63 Functional Purpose To measure the current air temperature
To convert the temperature into a positive voltage that is needed for the MPU to read the voltage. The reading sent to the MPU will have an accuracy of ±2.5C (max) over a range of -40C to 120C

64 Standard Requirements
Block cost <$7 Parts count <5 Unique parts count <5 PCB Area mm2 Power consumption <5 mW Operating temperature range -5 to 70 C Storage temperature range -20 to 80 C Reliability MTBF 5 years Operating humidity 0 to 100% Disposal Throw away % allocations Cost 2.5% Parts 5% Unique parts 5% PCB Area 5% Power <1%

65 Performance Requirements
Voltage Supply = 5 V ±5% Output = 0 to 5 V Current Output < 1mA Temperature Measurement -30 to 120C Accuracy ±2.5C over full range

66 Electrical Interface signals
Power Signals Type Direction Voltage Voltage Range Freq Freq Range % V-Reg V-Ripple Current Nominal Min Max Power1 VCC +5 DC Input 5V 4.75V 5.25V 1GHz 5.00% 0.1V 1mA Analog Signals Type Direction Coupling Voltage Max Amplitude Impedance Freq Range Leakage Min Analog1 Carrier Output Analog Capacitive 5.25V 1pF 5µF 0Hz 1GHz 25μA

67 Air Temperature Sensor Block Interface
5V DC Power Supply Temperature Sensor MPU

68 Air Temperature Prototyping Plan
Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors 4 Solder 3 TBD

69 Task Estimates Cost of components $6 Estimated Man Hours 40

70 Bill of Materials Part QTY Description Manufacturer/ Distributor
Cost ($) Temperature Sensor 1 Vin = V National Semiconductor LM20BIM7 1.24 Capacitor 2 .1µF 50V 10% tolerance Radioshack 1.29 Total 2.53

71 Wind Sensor

72 Block Diagram Data Lines Power Lines Outdoor Unit (Buoy)
Water Temperature Sensor Pressure Sensor Solar Recharging Battery Microprocessor Light Controller Circuits Outdoor Unit (Buoy) Indoor Unit (Display) Data Lines Power Lines

73 Functional Purpose Wind is used to force an object to rotate
The wind speed sensor measures the horizontal speed of the wind using a conversion of frequency to mph

74 Standard Requirements
Block cost <$40 Parts count <5 Unique parts count <5 PCB Area mm2 Power consumption <5 mW Operating temperature range -5 to 70 C Storage temperature range -20 to 80 C Reliability MTBF 5 years Operating humidity 0 to 100% Disposal Throw away % allocations Cost 12.5% Parts 2.5% Unique parts 3% PCB Area 3.75% Power 3%

75 Performance Requirements
Voltage Supply = 5 V ±5% Current Output < 3mA Wind Measurement 0 to 110 mph Accuracy ±1.5mph over full range

76 Electrical Interface signals
Power Signals Type Direction Voltage Voltage Range Freq Freq Range % V-Reg V-Ripple Current Nominal Min Max Power1 VCC +5 DC Input 5V 4.75V 5.25V 1GHz 5.00% 0.1V 3mA Analog Signals Type Direction Coupling Voltage Max Impedance Freq Range Leakage Amplitude Min Analog1 Carrier Output Analog Capacitive 5.25V 1pF 100µF 0Hz 1GHz 200μA

77 Wind Sensor Block Interface
5V DC Power Supply Wind Sensor MPU

78 Power Regulation and Switching Prototyping Plan
Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors 40 300 Solder 1 TBD

79 Task Estimates Cost of components $40 Estimated Man Hours 80

80 Bill of Materials Part QTY Description Manufacturer/ Distributor
Cost ($) Wind Sensor 1 Vin = V Inspeed 30.00 Total

81 Block #4 Pressure Sensor

82 Functional Purpose The pressure sensor sends a voltage to the CPU to accurately measure pressure in kilopascals (kPa). Allows for the prediction of weather with change in pressure.

83 Pressure Sensor Standard Requirements
Block Cost < $25 Parts Count < 5 Mass < 20g Voltage Required 5V +/- 5% Operating Temperature -5C to +70C Storage Temperature -20C to +80C Reliability Range 5 years Operating Humidity 0-100%

84 Pressure Sensor Performance Requirements
Output Voltage 0.2V – 4.8V Supply Current mA User Interface - None Minimum Life 5 years

85 Pressure Sensor Electrical Interfaces

86 Pressure Sensor Prototyping Plan
Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socket Components Types of Connectors 20 Solder 4 Long Lead

87 Pressure Sensor Task Estimate
Cost of components: $25 Estimated Man Hours: 20 Hours

88 Pressure Sensor Schematic

89 Light Controller Circuit and LEDs

90 Functional Purpose 10 LEDs will act as a light beacon.
All 10 LEDs will flash at the same time. The LEDs turn on at dusk and off at dawn.

91 Light Controller Circuit and LEDs Standard Requirements
Block Cost $30 Parts Count < 30 Unique Parts = 5 Operating Voltage V +/- 5% Operating Temperature to +70C Operating Storage Temperature to +80C Reliability years Operating Humidity % Disposal – Throw away

92 Light Controller Circuit and LEDs Performance Requirements
Uses a photomicrosensor to turn on the LEDs at dusk and off at dawn. The controller circuit makes all the LEDs blink at the same time.

93 Light Controller Circuit and LEDs Electrical Interfaces

94 Light Controller Circuit and LEDs Prototyping Plan
Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors 100 Solder 27 Long Leads

95 Light Controller Circuit and LEDs Task Estimate
Cost of components: $30 Estimated Man Hours: 50 Hours

96 Light Controller Circuit and LEDs Schematic

97 Block #5: RF Transmitter

98 RF Transmitter Block Diagram
Tuned 900MHz RF Antenna RF Transmitter (on buoy) MPU Serial Data Interface Controller Amplifier Synthesizer 5V DC Switching Regulator RF Receiver (on display) Crystal Oscillator

99 RF Transmitter Functional Purpose
Read digital data signal from the microprocessor Encode the data to prepare for wireless transmission Modulate the data signal using a high-frequency carrier Amplify and transmit the modulated signal to the receiver

100 RF Transmitter Performance Requirements
Operating Modes: Off / Standby / Transmit RF Band: ISM (900MHz / 868MHz Europe) Channel Selection Option

101 RF Transmitter Standard Requirements
Block Cost: ~$15 Total Parts: < 15 Unique Parts: < 2 Operating Voltage: 2.2 to 5.4 VDC Operating Temp: -5 to 70ºC Storage Temp: -20 to 80ºC Operating Humidity: 0 – 100%rh Reliability: 5 Years Compliance: EMC, FCC part 15 (no license required)

102 RF Transmitter Electrical Interfaces

103 RF Transmitter Prototyping Plan
Block Area: 75 cm2 PCB Area: 50 cm2 PCB Substrate: TBA Comp. Attachment: Surface mount w/ Sn-Pb Solder Socketed Components: None Types of Connectors: 50Ω Coaxial Antenna Connector

104 RF Transmitter Task Resource Summary
Estimated Block Cost: $15 Estimated Man-hours: 100

105 RF Receiver Block Diagram
RF Transmitter (on buoy) RF Receiver (on display) Display Logic Circuits Tuned 900MHz RF Antenna Demodulator Filters Amplifier Data DSP Controller 5V DC Power Source Control Interface

106 RF Transmitter Functional Purpose
Receive modulated signal from the buoy transmitter Amplify, filter and demodulate the received signal Decode the demodulated signal Output the decoded digital data signal to the display logic circuits

107 RF Transmitter Performance Requirements
Operating Modes: Off / Standby / Receive RF Band: ISM (900MHz / 868MHz Europe) Channel Selection Option High noise rejection

108 RF Transmitter Standard Requirements
Block Cost: ~$15 Total Parts: < 15 Unique Parts: < 2 Operating Voltage: 2.2 to 5.4 VDC Operating Temp: -5 to 70ºC Storage Temp: -20 to 80ºC Operating Humidity: 0 – 100%rh Reliability: 5 Years Compliance: EMC, FCC part 15 (no license required)

109 RF Transmitter Electrical Interfaces

110 RF Transmitter Prototyping Plan
Block Area: 75 cm2 PCB Area: 50 cm2 PCB Substrate: TBA Comp. Attachment: Surface mount w/ Sn-Pb Solder Socketed Components: None Types of Connectors: 50Ω Coaxial Antenna Connector

111 RF Transmitter Task Resource Summary
Estimated Block Cost: $15 Estimated Man-hours: 100

112 Block #6: Display Power

113 Purpose of Display To display the collected data from the buoy sensors to the customer in their home/cottage To provide the customer with easily visible and readable weather information

114 7 Segment Display 7 Segment Display 5V Source RF Receiver
Logic Circuit

115 Standard Requirements
Block cost Parts count Power consumption Operating temperature range Storage temperature range Reliability Operating humidity Disposal % allocations $40 <30 <4 W -5c to +70 C -20 to +80 C 10 years 0-100% as long as it stays dry Throw away Cost 15% Parts 10% Mass 3%

116 Performance Requirements
Digital VIL(max) 1 V VIH(min) 3 V Power Voltage 5 V ± 5% Current 400 mA User interface for entire product On/Off Switch Visual Display Size 0.39” x 0.13”

117 Display Electrical Interface

118 7 Segment Display Prototype Plan
Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors 200 100 Solder 11 NA

119 Task Estimates Cost of components $40 Estimated Man Hours 100

120 Display Power Functional Purpose
To Power the Display Unit of the Product To input 120V AC Power and convert to 5V DC To distribute the necessary power to each component comprised in the Display Unit

121 Display Power 120V AC to 12V DC Power Adapter PCB Toggle Switch
12V to 5V Voltage Regulator 7 Segment Display Units Logic Circuit RF Receiver

122 Display Power Standard Requirements
Block cost Parts count Unique parts count Mass (power supply) PCB Area Operating Voltage Operating temperature range Storage temperature range Reliability Operating humidity Disposal % allocations $10 <20 <10 1 kg 1000 mm2 120 VAC +/- 5%, 60 Hz -5 to +70 C -20 to +80 C 10 years 0 to 100% Throw Away Cost 5% Parts 10% Mass 10%

123 Performance Requirements
Output Voltage 5 V +/- 4% Output Current : 460 mA 7 Segment Displays : 40mA/Display *10 Displays = 400 mA Logic Circuit : 10 mA Receiver : 50 mA Power Connection AC/DC Plug Adapter User Interfaces Toggle switch (to turn on/off power) Mechanical Interfaces 12V DC power supply will need to be connected to a jack on the indoor unit Jack will be connected directly to voltage rectifier on the PCB

124 Display Unit Power Electrical Interface

125 Display Power Prototyping Plan
Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors 300 Solder 7 NA

126 Task Estimates Cost of components $20 Estimated Man Hours 20

127 Task Estimates and Plan
Manhours – 620 Cost- $

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