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Immediate solutions to address demand and capacity pressures in Hospital Eye Services David Geddes Head of Primary Care Commissioning.

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Presentation on theme: "Immediate solutions to address demand and capacity pressures in Hospital Eye Services David Geddes Head of Primary Care Commissioning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immediate solutions to address demand and capacity pressures in Hospital Eye Services
David Geddes Head of Primary Care Commissioning

2 The double jeopardy of visual impairment

3 The double jeopardy of visual impairment
The presence of multiple health conditions in combination with vision loss compromises functional capacity. Vision loss and hearing loss leads to substantial decrements in the performance of activities and social roles Visual impairment ‘propelling’ the disabling effect of comorbidities – the double jeopardy of sight loss.

4 Sustainability and transformation plans
primary care will be key in driving the local changes to enable wider transformation of services recognising the need for significant development if primary care is to fulfil its potential at the heart of strengthened out of hospital systems. Understanding the key role CCGs have in leading this change.

5 Sustainability and transformation plans
To narrow the health and social care divide To narrow the gaps in health inequality, To improve the health of the populations To help bridge the funding gap Vision -supports the commitment for fully integrated health and social care by 2020 Diagnostic / baseline assessment - Clear assessment and analysis of current landscape including workforce, estates, I.T. and existing at-scale provider collaborations Workforce- the future of the primary care workforce with an analysis of new skills /roles that will be required to deliver future models Access - how this will alter pathways of care, including which pathways will reduce the use of hospital services transferring work to out of hospital Technology - supporting IM&T requirements to deliver the vision Enabling self care Improving quality - Clear identification of how improving quality will reduce inequalities New models of care- Clarity on the Service Offer (Model of Care) to be provided from primary and community setting Finance – secondary to primary care shift Engagement – patients / public , professionals

6 Aims of the day… - making every contact count…
Implications for the STP - in the areas of clinical services, public health, aging and disability, and vision rehabilitation. Highlight the importance of addressing the interaction between visual impairment and comorbid conditions among older adults Improving access to services for older people with vision loss – requiring multiple avenues of assessment, evaluation, and intervention. Doing more to refine local needs assessment, treatment and management, and outcome measurement.

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