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Patterns S8.A.3.3.1, 2.

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1 Patterns S8.A.3.3.1, 2

2 Physical Patterns (in Nature)
Exist in natural and man-made systems Physical patterns have an object or design that repeats itself Growth rings of a tree can be used to determine the age of a tree and the weather conditions for past years Many trees in temperate zones make one growth ring each year. Adequate moisture and a long growing season result in a wide ring. A drought year may result in a very narrow one.

3 Physical Patterns (in Nature)
The veins in a leaf occur in a pattern and supply the leaf with water and minerals from the roots and transport materials from the leaf to the rest of the plant. The leaf shape can be useful for plant identification when the pattern is distinct and obvious

4 Physical Patterns (Man-Made)
Trusses on a bridge are a man-made physical pattern

5 Temporal Patterns An event or process that repeats on a regular basis over a certain period of time Also called Periodic Patterns Some repeat : 2 times a day once a day (daily) once a month (monthly) once a year (annual) once every X years Seasonal High and Low Tide tide animation Sunrise and Sunset Moon Phases phase animation Seasons animation of seasons Haley’s Comet approaches Earth every yrs seasons link Link to comet slide Repeated pattern in leaves changing colors and falling Migration Hibernation video


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