Howdy Bio Ninjas! Set up Journals: Page:_______

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Presentation on theme: "Howdy Bio Ninjas! Set up Journals: Page:_______"— Presentation transcript:

1 Howdy Bio Ninjas! Set up Journals: Page:_______ Title: Nutrient Absorption EQ: What are the interactions that occur among the systems that perform the function of nutrient absorption?

2 Today’s Standard: describe the interactions that occur among [animal] systems that perform the functions of…nutrient absorption… (B.10A)

3 Glue the reading assignment titled “Nutrient Absorption” into the left page of your notes.
If there is not space, then you may tab it and glue on your notes side and take notes underneath it.

4 Copy this diagram into your notes!
SYSTEMS INVOLVED NUTRIENT ABSORPTION Digestive Respiratory Circulatory Copy this diagram into your notes! *the diagram does not need to take up much space. Be efficient 

5 Reading Article Checklist:
Your highlights and map of the path food takes through the digestive system should look similar to this. BEFORE YOU MOVE ON….Please take the time to make sure you have done this assignment correctly!

6 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Main Parts: Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small intestine
Large intestine

7 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Main Functions:
Mouth breaks down food into smaller pieces Stomach acids break food into biomolecules (carbs, lipids, proteins) Small intestine absorbs nutrients Large intestine absorbs excess water

8 Digestive system short video. *must be in full screen mode to view.

9 Make new section in notes for next system

10 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Main Parts: Nose Mouth Lungs Diaphragm

Nose & mouth filter air as it comes in Diaphragm contracts and relaxes to move the lungs Lungs expand and contract for inhaling & exhaling Oxygen diffuses into blood

12 Super cool cow lung inflation video. *must be in full screen to view
Click this link to get to the video!

13 Make new section in notes for next system

14 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Main Parts: Blood vessels Heart Red blood cells

Heart pumps blood through blood vessels Transports oxygen & carbon dioxide to and from the respiratory system Transports nutrients from the digestive system to the rest of the body Respiratory and Circulatory Systems

16 what’s in BLOOD digested food red blood cells white blood cells oxygen
waste (urea) platelets carbon dioxide plasma hormones

17 DEBRIEF: Explain how all three systems work together for nutrient absorption in the body. Nutrients are taken in by the digestive system through food, and the respiratory system from the air. The nutrients are moved throughout the body by the circulatory system through the blood.

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