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What is AG Biochar Raw & How Can it Help Grow your Business

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1 What is AG Biochar Raw & How Can it Help Grow your Business

2 What is Biochar? Biochar is Carbon for your soil
Made by burning forest debris (soft wood) in an oxygen free environment at about 1000°F The carbon structure in a cubic centimeter is equal to a football field Creates a home for roots, mycelial and the biology in the soil Negative charge protects plant from toxins, including salts

3 Environmental Safe While Reducing Agricultural Waste
Environmental Safe While Reducing Agricultural Waste *Recent research has proven biochar-enriched soils reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (NO2) emissions by 50-80% NO2 is a significant greenhouse gas, 310 times more potent than CO2.

4 Soils Best Friend Biochar's physical and chemical nature has a unique ability for attracting and holding moisture, nutrients, and agrochemicals Retains difficult to hold nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous Nitrogen tends to run-off regular soils, upsetting ecosystem balance in streams and wetland areas.

5 AG Biochar's immense surface area and complex pore structure provides a secure habitat for micro-organisms and fungi a single gram can have a surface area of over 1000 square yards Certain fungi form a symbiotic relationship with plant root fibers allows for greater nutrient uptake by plants Speculation that this fungi may play a part in terra preta‘s (black soil) ability to regenerate itself Enriches Soil

6 Water Conservation Increased Nutrient and Water Retention AG Biochar outshines all other organic soil material Ability to attract and retain water and nutrients, as well as hold phosphorous and agrochemicals Plants are healthier and less fertilizer runs off into surface water and leaches into ground-water In sandy soils in particular, AG Biochar can increase water holding capacity by as much as 50% at high application rates.

7 Enhances Crops Yield When added to soil, biochar improves plant growth and enhances crop yields Increasing food production and sustainability in areas with depleted soils, limited organic resources, insufficient water and/or access to fertilizers On poor soils with low carbon content, many studies have shown biochar can increase crop yields up to four times.

8 Scientific Proof Biochar plus chemical fertilizer yields increased growth of winter wheat and several vegetables by 25-50% compared to chemical fertilization alone Suggested from research presented at a recent American Chemical Society annual meeting Soil Science Society of America experiments found that biochar supplemented with fertilizer outperformed fertilizer alone by 60%.

9 Why AG Biochar is superior over other Biochar
AG Biochar is Agricultural Grade Biochar made specifically for use in agriculture Some certain biochar is made as a byproduct of making Biofuel Can be harmful if used with plants or animals How to know the difference? Easy test is take some in your hands AG Biochar will rinse clean with just water, biofuel biochar will have oils in it requiring soap to clean it from your hands.

10 The AG Biochar Difference
Not all biochar is made the same The key chemical and physical properties of biochar are greatly affected by the type of feed stock being heated and the conditions of the pyrolysis process While other Biochar producers use manure for a higher nutrient content, biochar made with wood cuttings has a greater degree of persistence over a longer period of time The two different chars will look the same but will behave quite differently. AG Biochar is proud to offer a top grade soil amendment produced from forest debris.

11 What This All Mean For You
Up to 30% or more Increase in production 20% less Water needed 20% less Fertilizer needed Protects plants from toxins in the environment and water including salt One Application Lasts Decades!

12 AG Biochar LLC 1027 N Emerald Ave. STE A3 Modesto, CA

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