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Dr. Ir. Remus Ion Iacobescu Dr. Ir. Annelies Malfliet

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Ir. Remus Ion Iacobescu Dr. Ir. Annelies Malfliet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Ir. Remus Ion Iacobescu Dr. Ir. Annelies Malfliet

2 From fundamentals… During these 3 days, we gained insights in (amongst others): Slag viscosity modelling considering crystallisation behavior Relation between mineralogy and leaching Fe transformation during geopolymerization Crystallization kinetics in slags Durability test methods for inorganic polymers Thermodynamic modelling of multicomponent systems Novel approaches (eg. modelling, heavy metal encapsulation) for studying the relation between foamed inorganic polymers and properties with a view on application Theory of slag cleaning High temperature slag modification … and many more

3 … to applications … and saw following realisations (amongst others):
Industrial scale inorganic polymer production Near zero waste slag engineering approach Slag as inorganic polymer photocatalytic candidate 3D printing of building elements Submerged arc furnace applications coupled with research Novel GBFS-based products Inorganic polymer as fire-resistant coating

4 A tour throughout the symposium

5 A tour throughout the symposium

6 A tour throughout the symposium

7 A tour throughout the symposium

8 Remarkable quotes “We didn’t have a bauxite problem in Belgium, but now with Yiannis we have” - Bart Blanpain “I am a chemist, for me the periodic table is the most beautiful thing on earth” – Ernst Worrell “BC is for me before computer” – Peter Hayes “Slag production is nothing else than soup cooking” – Dirk Mudersbach “If you want to stay young and beautiful, you should only drink water” – Didier Lootens “It is important to drink together” – Rector of KU Leuven Rik Torfs

9 Thanks to … You for joining us… …and making this a better world All speakers All chair persons All members of the Scientific Committee

10 Thanks to... Our sponsors, exhibitors and supporters

11 Thanks to… Our co- organizers

12 Thanks to… Our conference coordinator Marie-Laure Bettens

13 The end We wish you a nice trip back … and see you next time!

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