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New Annual National Accounts Publication

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1 New Annual National Accounts Publication
Working Party on National Accounts 14-16 October 2008

2 Background List of indicators Format for presentation

3 Background Decreasing role of paper publications as snapshots of databases Review of NA publications Some modifications to suite of publications but main object of review: current volume I on ‘Main aggregates’ Objectives: Add value through indicators and synthetic presentation Convey message: national accounts have more to offer than GDP

4 Detailed list of indicators
GDP - measuring economies and economic activity Gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices and current PPPs Real GDP Growth GDP per capita (year 2000 = 100) GDP per capita (OECD=100) converted with fixed PPPs Where GDP is generated: production Value added by main industry, shares of total Value added by main industry, contributions to growth of total Gross value added at basic prices, growth rates Components of gross value added (generation of income), percent

5 GDP: expenditure components
Household consumption Real household final consumption expenditure, growth rates Household final consumption expenditure, share of GDP Household consumption expenditure, percentage of actual final consumption Household actual final consumption per capita, OECD=100 Government consumption Real general government consumption expenditure, growth rates General government consumption expenditure, share of GDP Investment Real gross fixed capital formation growth Gross fixed capital formation, share of GDP Exports and imports Exports growth Imports growth Imports, percentage of GDP Exports, percentage of GDP The relative importance of demand components Contribution to GDP growth by final demand components, percent, current prices. Depreciation Depreciation, percent of GDP Real NDP growth

6 Income General government Capital
Net domestic product (NDP), percentage of net national income (NNI) Net national income (NNI), percentage of net national disposable income Real national disposable income, growth rates Real adjusted disposable income for households per capita, growth rates Saving, percentage of GDP Net lending/net borrowing by institutional sector, percentage of GDP General government Total expenditure, share of GDP Taxes (indirect, direct and on capital), share of GDP Social contributions, share of GDP Social benefits, share of GDP Financial assets net of liabilities, percentage of GDP Capital Financial and non-financial assets held by households Index of net capital stock, volume (2000=100) Index of residential net capital stock (2000=100)

7 Reference series GDP at constant prices and PPPs
GDP per head at current prices and current PPPs GDP per head, at constant prices and PPPs GDP per head, at constant prices and PPPs, OECD=100 Actual individual consumption, at current prices and current PPPs Actual individual consumption, at constant prices and PPPs Actual individual consumption per head, at current prices and current PPPs Actual individual consumption per head, at constant prices and PPPs Actual individual consumption per head, at constant prices and PPPs, OECD=100 Population


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