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BGSU Student Teachers Spring 2017

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1 BGSU Student Teachers Spring 2017
Attendance Policy for BGSU Student Teachers Spring 2017

2 First, you should know… Each semester, the College must report to the state the minimum number of days student teachers are expected to attend their field sites. After researching the number of days in several districts’ spring calendars, we determined that 70 days was an appropriate minimum for seniors completing their professional year, spring 2017. Junior preschool (Jr. Pre.) student teachers will have a minimum of 56 days. These are to be FULL days. Most districts have more than 70 teachable days in their calendars. This allows leeway for legitimate absences due to illness, emergencies, weather, etc. However, student teachers are expected to attend their field sites for the maximum number of teachable days in the school’s calendar, excepting illness, emergencies, etc.

3 FAQs Q: Please define a “full, teachable day.”
A: A “full” day is one in which the student teacher attends from the time teachers are required to begin their day, and stays until teachers may leave. A “teachable day” is one in which students are present and teaching can take place, OR you are present for scheduled district Professional Development.

4 FAQs Q: So…attending my school’s scheduled professional development days counts as part of the 70-day (56-day Jr. Pre.) minimum? A: Yes. If teachers are required to be in the building, so are you, since you should be engaging in the many aspects of life as a professional teacher.

5 FAQs Q: Does the Teacher Job Fair count as one of the 70 days?
A: Yes, the Job Fair counts as part of the 70-day minimum requirement. However, if you choose not to attend the Job Fair, you must be in your school placement. NOTE: Junior preschool student teachers do not attend the Job Fair.

6 FAQs Q: Once I reach the 70-day (or 56-day Jr. Pre.) minimum, can I stop student teaching? A: No! You are expected to be present in your field classroom the maximum number of days in your school’s schedule.

7 FAQs Q: What happens if I’m unable to reach the 70-day (56- day Jr. Pre.) required minimum? A: You will receive an “Incomplete” in student teaching and will not be able to complete your semester successfully/graduate until these days are made up.

8 FAQs Q: What happens if illness or other emergencies prevent me from reaching the 70-day (56-day Jr. Pre.) minimum? A: You will need to make up these days...perhaps during exam week.

9 FAQs Q:  Can I count half/partial days as a “full” teaching days, or combine half days to count as a full day? A: No. Schools either have 2-hour delays or cancel. Days on which school has been delayed DO count as a full day, however.

10 FAQs Q: What if I arrange to meet my teacher at the school for a few hours on a non-teachable day? Can that count as part of the 70-day (56-day Jr. Pre.) minimum? A: No. This is a non-teachable day. You are not to ask your teacher to inconvenience him/herself and meet you for a few hours to compensate for “missing” days.

11 FAQs Q: Similarly, what about evening and weekend school events like Parent-Teacher conferences? Can I count these as part of the 70-day (56-day Jr. Pre.) requirement? A: No. These “extras” are considered part of a teacher’s job. They cannot be counted as part of your 70-day minimum.

12 FAQs Q:  Can I plan for absences ahead of time by “banking” days?  For example, could I attend a few extra days at the end of methods, then miss the same number of days during student teaching? A: No. You can’t ethically “bank” extra days in advance to prepare for absences during student teaching. Your 70-day (56-day Jr. Pre.)count begins the first day of your school’s “spring” calendar.

13 FAQs Q: Will I get BGSU’s spring break during student teaching?
A: No. Student teachers follow their school district’s calendar, so you will take the spring break and any other holiday scheduled on that calendar.

14 FAQs Q: Can I take days off student teaching for a family or other type of vacation? A: No. We strongly discourage this, since it shows lack of commitment to your teaching, your students, and to your CMT.

15 FAQs Q:  What about snow days or other weather cancellations? Do these count as part of the 70-day (56- day Jr. Pre.) minimum? A:  No. Cancellations due to weather delays are not “teachable” days.  However, if your total teachable days at the end of the semester is less than 70 (56 Jr. Pre.), you will have to make up missed days.

16 FAQs Q: What happens if there are an excessive number of snow days in my district that automatically prevent me from reaching the 70-day (56-day Jr. Pre.) minimum? A: Most likely scenario: Some of those days would be made up during exam week, or as your district determines.

17 FAQs Q:  Am I able to attend a professional education conference if I still achieve the 70-day(56-day Jr. Pre.) minimum? A:  Yes, but you must mark yourself “absent” on the attendance tracker, since you are missing either “teachable” days or PD days. You must also clear conference attendance with at least three persons: your CMT, UM, and Program Coordinator.  Also, make sure this is a professional education conference…not one related to sports, hobbies, other interests, etc...and make your trip brief.  Again, you must reach 70 (56 Jr. Pre.) full days by the end of the semester!

18 FAQs Q:  What about athletes who must miss student  teaching to attend practice and/or out-of-town games? A:  Whatever your practice or game schedule, you must still reach the 70-day (56-day Jr. Pre.) minimum.  You will have to make up a number of days if you cannot be in the classroom due to your athletic schedule. To avoid problems, be sure your CMT, UM, and Program Coordinator approve this well in advance. If the number of missed days will be excessive, consider student teaching in a different semester.

19 FAQs Q: How will my field attendance be tracked?
A: It is your responsibility to enter your daily attendance through MyEDHD. Your CMT will verify your attendance, which will be monitored by the Office of Field Experiences. Mark yourself “present” for the Teacher Job Fair, or if not attending, indicate “present” in your school, which is where you should be.

20 Sample Scenarios Scenario 1:
My school district has 76 days from January 2 through April 28.   We had three snow days.  Do I have to make them up?  No, since your total number of teaching days is 73.  However, if you’ve missed other days for illness, etc., you may fall below 70 (56 Jr. Pre.) and may ultimately have to make up days. Please note: If your district misses a large number of school days due to weather, it may schedule longer or extra school days, days during Spring Break, on Saturdays, etc., to compensate. You are expected to be present on these make-up days, just as teachers are, through April 28. Check with your CMT about your district’s policies for these situations before scheduling any vacations, plane trips, or other events on Saturdays or during Spring Break.

21 More Sample Scenarios Scenario 2: Scenario 3:
I want to attend the Teacher Job Fair. Will this count against me? No. This counts as part of your required minimum, provided you are either at the Job Fair or in your classroom. Scenario 3: I have to have some minor surgery that will mean I miss five days of school. Do I have to make these up? If your district’s spring calendar has 73 days, missing 5 days will take you down to 68 (51 Jr. Pre.) days.  A senior would need to make up two days. A Jr. Pre would have to make up 5 days. 

22 One More Sample Scenario
Our school missed 10 days because of snow.  The administration has decided to make up days on Saturdays.  Do I have to go on Saturdays? Yes. These are “teachable” days. Districts also sometimes schedule longer school days or days during Spring Break to compensate. If this occurs, you are required to abide by district policy through the end of your student teaching semester (April 28). Check with your CMT about your district’s policies for these situations before scheduling any vacations, plane trips, or other events on Saturdays or during Spring Break…just in case.

23 Other Questions?? contact one of the individuals below:
For Questions about… Your Program Coordinator Attendance policy Ben Martin, Office of Field Experiences: Logging/tracking attendance or Dr. Mary Murray, Associate Dean: Dr. Nancy Fordham, Assistant Dean: Issues not answered in this PowerPoint/or by anyone else Clarifying a more complex attendance or policy issue

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