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Composite Measures Indexes Scales Typologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Composite Measures Indexes Scales Typologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Composite Measures Indexes Scales Typologies

2 Why a composite measure?
Functions of composite measures 1. better measurement 2. to aid in defining the concept 3. prevent bias by measuring a sensitive topic covertly 4. data reduction

3 Indexes summated ratings examples - IQ test (Stanford-Binet, Wechsler)
- depression or stress - marital satisfaction - political attitudes

4 Constructing an Index index measure of conservatism
-- do you label yourself a Democrat? (yes / no) (0/1) -- are you pro-choice? (yes / no) (0/1) -- are you pro-gun control? (yes / no) (0/1)

5 Constructing an Index 1. face validity 2. unidimensionality
3. weighting of items 4. correlation of answers Difficulties of Indexes

6 General Social Survey 2008: Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if. . . A. If there is a strong chance of serious defect in the baby? B. If she is married and does not want any more children? C. If the woman's own health is seriously endangered by the pregnancy? D. If the family has a very low income and cannot afford any more children? E. If she became pregnant as a result of rape? F. If she is not married and does not want to marry the man? G. The woman wants it for any reason?

7 Scales assignment of scores to patterns of responses, not just accumulation of responses 1 only, 1+2, 1+2+3, shows that different items have different importance

8 Would you say that in the following situations drinking behavior is… ?
Always appropriate (AA) Somewhat appropriate (SA) Rarely appropriate (RA) Never appropriate (NA)

9 AA SA RA NA 1. on the job x xx 2. studying for an exam xx x 3. at a bar with friends x xx 4. New Year's Eve xx

10 Scales conveys more information
the original responses be constructed from one's score Called Coefficient of Reproducibility yet difficult to construct sample dependent

11 Typologies multiple concepts composed of a combination of several different variables in one example 1: economic and cultural liberalism / conservatism example 2: socio-economic status

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