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Application Method Required by Fortune 500 companies

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1 Application Method Required by Fortune 500 companies

2 SWOT Analytical Method
Significance: With the help of SWOT, you may master the whole situation clearly, analyse your strengths and weaknesses on your resources and take precautions against potential risks and threats. It is very significant for our success. Weakness Strengths Threats Opportunities SWOT Method

3 PDCA Cycle Plan: work out objective and plans
Significance: Everything works are undergone a PDCA cycle. Starting from PLAN, DO, CHECK and ACTION, it comes into the next cycle. Along with time past, continuous improvement will enhance the work qualitative leaps making perfect your every work and yourself. Plan: work out objective and plans Do: List each task out and have them carried out Check: Do check on the key point of process and the final result Action: Make correction of deviation, standardize achievement, set new objective and work out the new plans

4 Method of 5W2H Significance: Thinking in method of 5W2H, it is helpful for us to think in methodization and prevent our blindness. We should report in such method too for saving reading and writing time of report. work description and goal What Reason Why do you Why personnels and personnel in charge Who When or what time do the work When Where is the work done Where How to do this work How How much we shall spend How much

5 SMART Criteria for Management by Objectives
Significance: While people make out their work objectives or task goals, they will see if it is smart. Only smart plan is good enough for enforcement which is also the guarantee on plans implementation. Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time based

6 Those mean: 1. The objective must be specific 2
Those mean: 1. The objective must be specific 2. The objective must be measurable 3. The objective must be attainable 4. The objective must be relevant with other objectives 5. The objective must have the exact deadline

7 Attention: another interpretation of SMAR circulation S is specific which means performance assessment should hit the work objectives in details. M is measurable which means performance indicators can be measured or executed. Those datum or information used for validation of performance indicators are achievable.

8 A is attainable which means performance indicators should be attainable through efforts avoiding making higher or lower objectives. R is realistic which means performance indicators are tangible to be proved and observed. T is time bound which is laid emphasis on specified period of the completion of performance indicator.

9 Both your work objective made for your team and performance objectives of individual staffs must be matching with SMART criteria. None of them is indispensable. Planning process enhance individual competency constantly. Managers must work with staffs together to make improvement on their performance by making high-level performance objectives continuously.

10 Time management-importance and urgency
Urgency: For urgent work requested to be done on deadline, you must do it first. Otherwise, other people cannot proceed if you do not complete it timely. Non Emergency: Preparations, Precautions, Value-Clarification, Plans on establishment of interpersonal relationship, Real Recreation, Enhancement of personal capability Unimportance: No important things covering interferential businesses, phone calls, letters, reports, meetings, expectancies by others and trivial matters

11 Unimportant &Not urgent
Priority=importance*urgency For time arrangement, you have to balance the priority of all kinds of things just like playing piano. We should have foresight on our work to prevent the problems before they happen. If we are always busy for solution like fireman busy for fire fighting, we are forced to do work forever. Important &Not urgent Urgent &important Unimportant &Not urgent Unimportant &urgent

12 Work Breakdown Structure
How to decompose structure? Principle: The major target should be subdivided gradually. The lowest level of tasks can be assigned to the personnel to complete. The principle of each task is to be subdivided until to the end. task Target activity work

13 Method of WBS: Full communication is started from top to down and down to top in reverse, one-to-one communication and group discussion. Standard of WBS: Activity-structure after subdivision is clearer in logical order coming into a big activity which combines all the key factors covering the temporary milestone and monitory point. All activities are defined clearly. Significance: You may know well in your heart and work in order once know how to subdivide your task in refinement. Then you may make overall arrangements of your time schedule.

14 Pareto Principle Pareto’s law: 80% of total result comes from 20% of total time consumed. The criterion of making arrangement in priority subject to the important degree is based on the theory of fewer important things and more trivial things. For example: 80% of sales volume is from 20% of your customers. 80% of phone calls are from 20% of your friends. 80% of the total output is from 20% of products. 80% of wealth is in the hands of 20% of persons. It inspires us that we should master the main contradictions in the work and put our resource on the most important and urgent things from the complicated work.

15 Rottweil Handyware Print
Thank you! Rottweil Handyware Print

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