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Plant Test Review.

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1 Plant Test Review

2 In gymnosperms, what often carries the pollen from the male cones to the female cones?

3 These plants have true roots, stems, and leaves that provide support and help to circulate water and food throughout the plant. What is the name of this largest group in the plant kingdom?

4 What would most likely happen to a plant without good seed dispersal
What would most likely happen to a plant without good seed dispersal? hibernate die without reproducing grow more colorful flowers wither and die

5 Where are the male reproductive organs of a flower found?

6 What are the colorful petals of a flower used to attract?

7 After seeds are dispersed, they soon begin to germinate
After seeds are dispersed, they soon begin to germinate. Seeds that have been dispersed some distance from the parent plant have a better chance of surviving. Why is this?

8 Some plants make seeds that are to be dispersed by animals
Some plants make seeds that are to be dispersed by animals. These seeds are usually covered with food. What are these types of food called?

9 What path do sperm cells take to get to egg cells during fertilization of a flowering plant?

10 What is the early growth stage or “sprouting” of a young plant called?

11 Why does widespread insecticide usage have harmful effects on some plants?

12 What occurs during the process of reproduction?

13 The terms sexual and asexual both refer to what general cell function?

14 What process is slowed down and controlled by the plant, so that the plant will not wither up and die?

15 Plants must break down the sugar in cells to obtain energy from the food that is produced. What is this process called?

16 What is one reason why transpiration is important in plants. A
What is one reason why transpiration is important in plants? A It produces food from the sugar in the plant cells. B It enables the flow of minerals and water in the plant. C It produces carbon dioxide in the leaves of the plant. D It pulls oxygen into the leaves of the plant from the air.

17 The stomata provide important functions in plants
The stomata provide important functions in plants. One function of a closed stomata is to — A make chlorophyll. B speed up photosynthesis. C start fertilization. D slow down transpiration.

18 What type of energy is necessary for photosynthesis to occur?

19 A green plant must be able to perform three different processes in order to survive. What are they?

20 Changes in temperature or rainfall cause plants to enter a period in which their growth and activity mostly stops. What is this period called?

21 What type of response is occurring when deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall?

22 What term describes the way a plant grows or moves in response to gravity?

23 The old library is made of brick
The old library is made of brick. It has ivy growing up all of its walls. What type of response is the ivy showing?

24 If a water flea touches the bladder of a bladderwort plant the response is to open and snap shut catching the flea inside. This is an example of what tropism?

25 If a plant is responding to the sun what is the stimulus and what type of response is shown?

26 Corn smut is a fungus that has been found in some large corn fields in Horry County, SC. What is the most significant effect that this fungus might have on the crops?

27 Why must fungi rely upon other organisms for survival?

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