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Perceptions about Giftedness….The student voice

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1 Perceptions about Giftedness….The student voice
“Being one of the smarties isn’t easy. Actually, it is on the same wave length to some people as a man with one leg. It’s a social handicap and everyone stares.” -anonymous gifted child “I Don’t like being lumped in with others. I am an individual who shares similar accomplishments.” -10th grade NC student identified as highly capable

2 What We See On the Surface
Giving Model Student Kind Have knowledge in a range of areas Open-minded Friendly Typically ahead of class Full Schedule Mature Intense Competitive Practical Self-Motivated

3 Everything is fine…Where is the Problem
Overexcitibilities: a reaction that is stronger for a longer period of time than normal to a stimulus that may be very small. Positive & Negative 5 areas we see this: Psychomotor, Sensual, Intellectual, Imagination, Emotional Gifted Academically does not mean social & emotional characteristics are at the same level

4 What is Living Below the Surface
Take on too much Responsible for Social Justice Difficulty with Relationships Very Self Centered Peer & Parent “I don’t know my own needs” Poor Self-esteem Spicy Strong Willed Burden of Label Deeper Emotions Look to escape reality Photo credit: Andreas Franke

5 Patterns in Variance Gender Sibling Girls First born More Organized
Struggled more socially Lower levels of self-esteem reported Boys If they are not organized, tend to be male Escape from reality more often (video games, daydreaming, movies, books) Sibling First born Higher levels of stress reported Superior personalities A bit narcissistic Feels weight of parent expectations Difficult for parent Perfectionist Middle/youngest More easy going Less of a “know it all” Feels weight of living up to older sib Struggle socially if older sib appeared to do well

6 School Specific Social & Emotional Issues
Struggle When… Pressure to be like sibling School is too easy They don’t respect a teacher To persevere when answers aren’t immediate Perceived parent pressure Not being gifted in every academic area Motivated When… Working in a subject area that interests them Adult praise Peer recognition They respect their teacher Dislikes… Asking for help Being a “helper” or “mini-teacher” Group projects Can’t work at own pace Locker partners!

7 others…. Student Y: The Outliers Student X: Extreme Narcissism
Looks down on those around her (including teachers) Would rather be respected than liked Own parent afraid of what they are capable of Student Y: can’t admit when wrong Twice exceptional student with dysgraphia Satisfied we wanted to study her Perfectionist Current grades C’s and D’s Parent wants better results Skipped 2 grades, and one of lowest performers as a junior

8 Perception of Having an Advocate
I’m not allowed to talk to a counselor….but I need you person who I can debrief a difficult day with Learning about me my senior year is too late Feels good to have someone just check in on me

9 Implication of the Findings
Social and Emotional: Not paying attention to social & emotional development for highly capable students is not an option. When we do this, it leaves them thinking only their performance matters PD for teachers Who are these students, and what are their needs Counselor Role Crate a place to gather Transition program from middle to high school Learn where they need an advocate (each will be different) Identify career & college interests early Show them who you are Educate students on how to get involved early

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