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What is the world wide web?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the world wide web?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the world wide web?

2 What is the original meaning of the word “web”?
Think of as many collocations with the word “web” as you can.

3 Web browser Web server Web site Web host Web language Web address

4 Seams / seamlessly Bunch Utility company Interconnected Redirect Expand on

5 What is www?

6 Answer the questions from the video:
What do millions of people use the WWWfor on an everyday basis? Where do we use the WWW from? What is the difference between the WWW and the Internet? What are the uses of Internet communication? What is the WWW similar to?

7 Answers: Checking weather, ordering food, chatting with friends, to raising funds, sharing news or starting revolutions Phones, computers, cars Internet is the way computers connect with each other in order to share information , file transfer, conferencing and accessing the WWW Our society and our individual minds

8 Connect the terms and their definitions according to the video:
Website a. Means of communication 2 . Web hosts b. Reserves our web address 3. World Wide Web c. Rent space on WWW 4. Web language d. Room in a skyscraper 5. Web browsers e. Connections between sites 6. Hyperlinks f. Translators of web languages 7. ISP – Internet Service Provider g. Owners of space in skyscrapers 8. Hosting company h. A large city 9. Registrar i. We gain access to WWW by paying them

9 Correct phrases: Website d. Room in a skyscraper 2 . Web hosts g. Owners of space in skyscrapers 3. World Wide Web h. A large city 4. Web language a. Means of communication 5. Web browsers f. Translators of web languages 6. Hyperlinks e. Connections between sites 7. ISP – Internet Service Provider i. We gain access to WWW by paying them 8. Hosting company c. Rent space on WWW 9. Registrar b. Reserves our web address

10 Watch the video again and try to write down all the components of the WWW.
Now try to connect it in a story.

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