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Engendering systemic and cultural leadership practices in residential college communities: the Global Leadership Program at International House, the University.

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Presentation on theme: "Engendering systemic and cultural leadership practices in residential college communities: the Global Leadership Program at International House, the University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engendering systemic and cultural leadership practices in residential college communities: the Global Leadership Program at International House, the University of Sydney Presented by Dr Bradley Kunda Acting Deputy Director & Assistant Director (after-hours) International House, the University of Sydney Collegiate Way International Conference Monday 14 November, 2016

2 Leadership as Culture Global leadership: ‘a process of influencing the thinking, attitudes and behaviours of a global community to work together synergistically toward a common vision and common goals’ Osland, Bird, Mendenhall, et al., 2006 ‘…a process, not a position’ Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy, 2015 ‘a phenomenon that emerges when people interact in order to achieve shared goals in a particular context’ Avery and Bergsteiner, 2011

3 An internal global leadership program
‘Without an internal model, the development of global leaders will invariably proceed in a disjointed way… ‘human resource professionals…need to…include characteristics that are generalizable within the company’ Morrison, 2000 ‘…research defining global leadership competencies has taken a content approach that fails to identify the process that global leaders utilise…in specific contexts’ Osland et al 2006

4 Stage 1: Self-Awareness
Globe-Trotters Opportunists Connectors Adventurers Watchers Isolationists A selection of GCI profiles The Kozai Group Inc., Sample Global Competencies Inventory Feedback Report, 2009

5 Global Competence Aptitude Assessment (GCAA)
‘having an open mind while actively seeking to understand cultural norms and expectations of others, and leveraging this gained knowledge to interact, communicate and work effectively in diverse environments’ William D. Hunter, 2004 Source: Global Competence Consulting LLC, ‘Global Competence Model’

6 Global Competence Aptitude Assessment (GCAA)
Source: Global Competence Consulting LLC, ‘Global Competence Model’

7 Stage 2: Workshops Module 1: Frameworks for Understanding Leadership (incl. Sustainable Leadership) Dr Harald Bergsteiner, Macquarie Graduate School of Management and IH Alumnus ( ) Module 2: Communicating in Intercultural Contexts Centre for English Teaching, The University of Sydney Module 3: Listening Techniques & Conflict Resolution Skills Module 4: Technical Competencies Dr Cate Madill, Faculty of Health Sciences, Discipline of Speech Pathology, The University of Sydney

8 Selection of responses
‘Prior to this course, I knew about leadership only at a personal level. Now, my understanding has deepened by knowing more about cooperative leadership’ ‘Leadership also refers to behaviours, organisational systems, policies and traits that help and inspire people’ ‘Leadership is about creating a culture that facilitates individuals’ interactions in working towards common goals’

9 Stage 3: Projects A festival of resident-made films
A major cultural talent night (‘International Night’) A Roundtable workshop on feminism and prejudice reduction #myInternational HouseUsyd Instagram Competition A Roundtable workshop on health awareness and nutrition A spring clean charity event Random Acts of Kindness week Presenting an interactive workshop introducing residents to Chinese languages Running cultural celebrations including Mooncake Festival and Diwali International House Facebook page campaign revealing insights from residents about their countries of origin

10 Summary

11 References AVERY, G. and BERGSTEINER, H., Diagnosing Leadership in Global Organisations (Prahran VIC: Tile Publishing and Distribution, 2011). BIRD, A. and OSLAND, J., ‘Global Competencies: An Introduction’ in The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Complexity (Wiley-Blackwell, 2004) GOULD, J. and KOLB, W. L. (eds.), A Dictionary of the Social Sciences (London: Tavistock Publications, 1964). HUGHES, R., GINNETT, R., and CURPHY, G., Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, 8th edn., (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015). HUNTER, W.D., ‘Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Experiences Necessary to Become Globally Competent’, PhD. Diss. (Lehigh University, July 2004). GLOBAL LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE, LLC, ‘Global Competence Aptitude Assessment – Global Competence Model’, accessed 21 October 2015. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION INSTITUTE, THE, ‘Global Competencies Inventory’, accessed 8 November 2016. KUNDA, B., ‘International House Global Leadership Development Program: Report on 2015 Program’ (2015). MENDENHALL, M., ‘The Elusive, yet Critical Challenge of Developing Global Leaders’, European Management Journal, December 2006, 24/6, MENDENHALL, M., OSLAND, J., BIRD, A., et al., Global Leadership: Research, Practice and Development, 2nd ed. (New York, NY: Routledge, 2013). MORRISON, A., ‘Developing a Global Leadership Model’, Human Resource Management, Summer/Fall 2000, 39/2, OSLAND, J., BIRD, A., MENDENHALL, M., et al., ‘Developing global leadership capabilities and a global mindset: a review’, in Günter Stahl and Ingmar Björkman. (eds.) Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006). THIAGARAJAN, S., BARNGA: A Simulation Gam on Cultural Clashes (Boston, MA: Intercultural Press, 2006).

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