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EOH3401 Principle of Health (Assignments)

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Presentation on theme: "EOH3401 Principle of Health (Assignments)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EOH3401 Principle of Health (Assignments)

2 Assessments Total 100 Assessments Percentage (%)
Mid-term examination (Chapter 1-5) 20 Continuous Assessments A (Assignment I) 15 Continuous Assessments B (Assignment II) Continuous Assessments B (Assignment III) 10 Final Examination (Chapter 6-10) 40 Total 100

3 Assignment 1 (15%) Search information about public health at your district. Explain about their main activities and facilities in the district. Assignment should include at least the following details; Public health facilities in the selected district. Public health activities in selected district. Assignment should be from 5 to 10 pages, Times New Romans, font size 12, 1 ½ spacing, have page numbers, cover page which consist of students full name and matrix number. Send the assignment via to by week 7.

4 Assignment 2 (15%) Create a poster about a communicable disease which is common among children. The poster should be designed to attract attention from school children. The poster must include your name and matrix number Due date: By week 10 Assessment will be based on the following; Contents Creativity/attractiveness Send the assignment via to

5 Assignment 3 (10%) Explain the haze phenomena at your place in Does your place affected by Haze? Your assignment should include at least the following details; Location of your place The highest API index at your place in 2016. Explain the health effect of haze Describe how are you going to avoid being affected by the haze. Send the assignment via by week 12.

6 Sending your assignment
Ensure that your full name is stated as the sender and the title of your assignment should consists of EOH3401 JXXXX TUGASAN 1/2/3

7 Sending your assignments
State your phone numbers.

8 Due dates If the due date for the assignments has passed, marks will be deducted. The longer the due date has passed the more marks will be deducted.

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