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Post War America and the Cold War

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1 Post War America and the Cold War

2 Return to Normalcy On the return of the soldiers from WWII, women are forced out of the work force to make room for returning veterans. The GI Bill is passed giving veterans better opportunities for housing and college educations

3 Cold War A fear of Communism will divide the world into the Cold War
Cold War – not a “hot” war – the main combatants fight through others This fear of communism is similar to the Palmer Raids from the 1920’s It takes a new form with the McCarthy Hearings (HUAAC) “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” 1950 – 1954 – Spans Truman into Eisenhower

4 Initial events of the Cold War
Truman Iron Curtain speech 1946 Truman Doctrine Berlin Airlift 1949

5 Initial events of the Cold War
Kennedy Bay of Pigs – 1961 U-2 Spy Plane – 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

6 Hot Conflicts during the Cold War
The Korean Conflict is often known as the “Forgotten War” dwarfed by WWII and the Vietnam War on either side. Korea is left as a divided nation after the Korean War with a communist north and a democratic south – the 38th Parallel

7 Hot Conflicts during the Cold War
The ideas of containment and domino theory are the key ideas of the Cold War that lead the US into the Vietnam Conflict

8 Conflicts during the Cold War
Vietnam under LBJ Gulf of Tonkin Incident Tet Offensive Vietnam under Nixon Kent State My Lai Massacre Ending of the war

9 Domestic Policy Kennedy LBJ Nixon Camelot Peace Corp
Great Society = attempt to end poverty and discrimination Nixon Watergate Crisis

10 Domestic Policy Watergate Scandal leads to impeachment
Missing minutes on taped phone calls – WHY WERE THEY MISSING?

11 Civil Rights Why?

12 Civil Rights Rosa Parks – she sparks the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Brown v. Board of Education – overturns “Separate but Equal”

13 Civil Rights

14 Civil Rights Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that equal rights were guaranteed to all regardless of color March on Washington – A variety of groups supported it I Have A Dream Speech

15 Civil Rights Dissatisfied with MLKJ r’s approach Malcolm X demands black separatism by any means necessary

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