As modern children, we have a huge number of electronic devices available to us. We might use computers, tablets, mobile phones or games consoles; for.

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Presentation on theme: "As modern children, we have a huge number of electronic devices available to us. We might use computers, tablets, mobile phones or games consoles; for."— Presentation transcript:

1 As modern children, we have a huge number of electronic devices available to us. We might use computers, tablets, mobile phones or games consoles; for example play-station, X-Box Live or DS. Technology like this is great fun, but there can also be dangers. We must take care to keep ourselves safe.

2 Keeping information private
Click on me to get back to this page. Keeping safe online Keeping information private Protecting passwords Mobile phones Digital Footprints Unpleasant things Stranger Danger Downloading Gaming Chat rooms

3 These instructions will help keep your electronic privates safe.
Some information is used to make it clear who we are – it makes us different from everyone else. If a stranger gets hold of this information, they can steal our identity. They could pretend be us on line. These instructions will help keep your electronic privates safe.

4 Top 10 tips to keep safe on line
1.Never fib about your age. 2.Don’t share your name 3.Age restrictions are there for a reason. 4.Don’t give information to strangers. 6.Don’t give people your phone number. 7.Don’t give people your address. 8. Don’t give out your date of birth. 9. Don’t share your e. 10. Ask your parents to help you if you want to sign up for something on line. You may need to give personal information to show who you are. .

5 Don’t give your school address – again people could find you.
Private Information Never give your address out to other people – because they would know where you live. Never give your phone number to anyone – as they could bully you or make rude phone calls. Never give your real name – as they could trace you – find out details about you. Don’t give your school address – again people could find you. Don’t share passwords – because they could hack into your private details and find you! Check with parents before signing up to anything such as club penguin, moshi monsters, minecraft.

6 Change your password regularly - at least every six months.
We need passwords to keep things like bank accounts, messages and shopping on-line safe. Passwords stop other people playing games like Club Penguin using your name. Computers are fun but there is a danger. We must make sure that people can’t guess our passwords and we don’t want people taking our password. Top tips: Change your password regularly - at least every six months. Don’t use a password from a dictionary. Don’t leave your password on a piece of paper next to your computers. Passwords Are Private Passwords!

7 Here are some ideas to help keep you safe:
Mobile phones are useful because they can help you talk to people. You could use it in an emergency. Some phones let you play games too. However, phones can also cause problems. You might receive nasty messages, someone you don’t know might call or text you. Here are some ideas to help keep you safe: Talk to an adult immediately if you receive a message that hurts your feelings. Don’t reply to messages from people you don’t know or that are nasty. Think about what you are saying before you send it. Never meet someone that you don’t know. Don’t give your number to strangers or leave it lying about. Don’t send messages to people you don’t know in the real world.

8 BUT here are some dangers!,
It is fun to go online and share photos with your Friends and Family and also chatting. BUT here are some dangers!, 1. Every time you go online you leave a trail behind. 2.keep your personal details private. 3.Use a nick name instead of your real name. 4. Never go and add a friend that you don’t know because something DANGEROUS could happen… 5. You shouldn’t say a mean thing online – you may not be able to fully delete it. 6. Don’t share silly things when you are older and you get embarrassed you might want to delete it - you can’t. 7.Only say something that your grown up would be happy for you to say. Try and protect yourself by thinking what you write first.

9 Handling unpleasant things online
On the internet you can do many enjoyable things but unfortunately some websites can hold horrible things. Think of the internet as the world because anyone can add to it and there are no rules to stop them. Here are some top tips to help you keep safe! Unpleasant pictures, unkind words and links to viruses are all things that can upset people on electronic devices. You must close the lid of your device if something is worrying you then go and tell an adult. Having problems bothering you is not a nice thing so here is a number that you can dial to help: Child Line:

10 Games are fun. But you can get Cyber bullied on online games and consoles. Only play games if an adult that you trust is nearby. Do not play online games if you’re near a stranger and they’re watching you. If you see or hear things you don’t like, ALWAYS TELL A TRUSTED ADULT.

11 CHAT ROOMS We all like to chat to our friends and make new friends
CHAT ROOMS We all like to chat to our friends and make new friends. Most of us now have access to the internet on our electronic devices. We can all face dangers when chatting online, here are a few examples, The person you are talking to may have lied about their identity , You could give personal information to somebody dangerous. Online Bullying can happen to anybody, even famous people! Some popular websites such as Club penguin will only allow you to chat after they have your parent’s permission. We found that 10 people out of 23 in our class regularly use chat rooms.

12 Here are a few tips on how to keep ourselves safe.
Find somebody you know and chat about stuff you like and reply to them only if you know them. Only chat to people you know and keep your identity private. If you find a message that upsets you press print screen and paste into a document, this means you can print it off and show an adult. Never give personal information out to people you don’t know, the person you are chatting to may not be who they say they are! Never arrange to meet people you chat with online because you don’t know who they are, people can lie about their identity, It is always safer to arrange meeting friends through your parents.

13 1 Tell a grown –up if you think your getting cyber bulled.
People like going on sites for example Club penguin to meet friends. But the dangers are strangers. If you know them in real life you can be friends with them. If you don’t –then you have no way of knowing who they are! So follow these suggestions to stay safe. 1 Tell a grown –up if you think your getting cyber bulled. 2 DO NOT tell them your real identity. 3 Never meet somebody you don’t know in the real world.

14 If you feel like downloading a game check with an adult.
Sometimes, we might need to download something. For example, games, programmes and updates or attachments like photographs or Word documents. But this can be dangerous because if it has a virus it can effected your computer and your internet. The latest virus it can wipe all your games back to the start. Never call online people that you don’t know. If you feel like downloading a game check with an adult. Never open an attachment from someone you don’t know. Always use a virus checker.

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