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Blogs & Wikis Ricardo Amaral & Rebecca Hottiger

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1 Blogs & Wikis Ricardo Amaral & Rebecca Hottiger
ICT Blogs & Wikis Ricardo Amaral & Rebecca Hottiger 1

2 WHAT IS ICT? Information and communication technologies
The purpose of ICT in education is generally to familiarise students with the use and workings of computers, and related social and ethical issues. ( ation)

3 WHY ICT? Working with the computer is a basic skill like reading or writing The Internet is here to stay! TASK:  What are the advantages / disadvantages of using the Internet in the language classroom? Discuss! 3

4 ICT: ADVANTAGES Internet is one of the most important tools in our daily life  basic skill Using ICT is motivating for learners The Internet provides a wide variety of different themes / topics, accessible in diverse ways Includes many learning styles Develops autonomous learning 4

5 ICT: ADVANTAGES Window on the outside world
Connects people from all corners of the world  multicultural communication possible Involves learners actively AUTHENTIC LANGUAGE 5

6 ICT: DISADVANTAGES Needs detailed preparation
Teacher might be afraid of learners` knowledge in terms of ICT Needs time Can be distractive Teacher out of control Learners are exposed to whatever content they want to take in Needs clear safety restrictions (to protect learners` identity) 6

Internet is not a replacement of classroom teaching The internet can do nothing: It is the teacher who needs to provide clear tasks, also offline activities, to ensure effective learning. (Lewis 2004) 7

8 INTRODUCTION: What are blogs & wikis?
Blogs and Wikis are social softwares They are websites / webpages They are computer tools which allow people to connect, to communicate and to collaborate online 8

9 WIKIs The name „wiki“ derives from a Hawaiian- language word meaning “quick, fast“. A wiki is like a public website / web page, started by one person, but which subsequent visitors can add to, delete or change as they wish Therefore, a wiki is more dynamic and can have multiple authors It has a non-linear structure (Dudney, Gavin and Hockly, Nick (2007), p ) 9

10 WIKIs A wiki is perfect for collecting information and material on a particular subject Wikis have a history function, thus there is no risk of a deletion of correct information  prior version can be looked at all the time Example: Wikipedia

Wikis can be used in various ways, ranging from very simple to more complex levels (only reading / listening  only editing  creating new pages) Vocabulary: Key vocabulary Unit / topic vocab Vocab scrapbook English around you Grammar Error correction True / false friends Questions & problems 11

A wiki is perfectly suitable for developing reading, writing and listening skills: Reading: Learners first have to read what is already there (or follow the links) Learners have to generate knowledge by reading about the content they wish to write about 12

Writing: Leads to collaborative writing Includes all important factors for an effective writing didactic: is meaningful Has a purpose Has readers Learners can choose a content they like 13

Writing: Supports process writing: Brainstorming Draft Revise Edit Publish 14

Listening: Teacher can add links to other pages with videos or upload sound files Learners then work with the source for creating a new page 15

16 WIKIs: An example of a wiki-project
Topic: famous people Teacher sets up first page, outlining the topic and the tasks / steps for the learners In pairs, learners are going to write a description of a famous person. They are asked to include a certain number of factual errors. For collecting material, the learners use online encyclopedias (like After writing, they add the new page to the wiki (needs clear instruction by teacher) 16

17 WIKIs: An example of a wiki-project
Each pair reads a description of another pair. By using the Edit mode, they correct “wrong“ information, also using online encyclopedias. Depending on the level of the class, they then could be asked to add grammatical errors to the page. The first pair of learners then tries to correct the newly added errors.

18 CONSIDERATIONS Considering the public nature of the internet, it is probably worth asking other classes to take a look at the wiki and contribute to it Also parents could be asked to have a look at it Knowing that their products are available for the public encourages the learners to do a good job But: The wiki can also be kept as an internal class project Add a password to the wiki. By doing that, the project keeps the privacy of the classroom and protects the learners

19 LINKS Pbwiki ( MediaWiki (
Wikihost ( WikiSpace ( My own wiki: ICT in the ELT classroom

20 RESOURCES Dudney, Gavin and Hockly, Nick (2007): How to teach English with technology. Pearson Longman Lewis, Gordon (2004): The Internet and young learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press Lewis, Gordon (2009): Bringing technology into the classroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Potts, John (2010): Making more of the internet in your Cambridge Teaching. (October 2010) 20

21 BLOGS What is a blog? Name stands for ‚web log’ An electronic journal
Mostly kept by one person Can be used by multiple actors Posts: comments, thoughts, analyses, experiences etc. Consists of written texts, pictures, photos and videos Usually arranged in backwards chronological order

22 SOCIAL SOFTWARE Blogs allow readers to comment on entries
Only invited members have commenting privileges (measure of security) Link between blog writers and readers Online communities around a topic, interest or a person

23 EDUBLOGS Blogs used in education
Cover wide range of topics related to education Edublog can be set up by teachers, by individual learners and/or by a class 3 types of edublogs: Teacher blogs Student blogs Class blogs

24 blog set up an maintained by a teacher
TEACHER BLOG blog set up an maintained by a teacher learners’ access and reading happens outside the classroom provide learners with: news comments on issues extra reading practice homework reviews of class work online links on specific topics summary of a class for learners who were unable to attend study tips etc. Teacher blog:

25 STUDENT BLOGS Teacher may encourage learners to set up and maintain an individual blog Learners are asked to add a post once/twice a week Content: Comments on currents affairs Descriptions of daily activities Comments and reactions to students blog postings from other classes in other cities, cantons, countries Student blog:

26 CLASS BLOG Blog used by an entire class
all learners post to the same blog Can be used to post comments on certain topics, class work etc. Class blog:

Tutor blog Student blog Class blog Set homework. Personal and family information (including photos). Reactions to a film, article, class topic, current affairs. Provide a summary of class work. Extra writing practice on class topics. Things learners like/don‘t like doing in class. Provide links to extra reading/listening material. Regular comments on current affairs. A class project on any topic. Question and answer (e.g. about grammar, class work). Reserach and present information on a topic (e.g. English-speaking country). Exam/Study tips. A photoblog on learner‘s country, holyday, town.

28 ADVANTAGES blogs provide a ‘real’ world tool
learners practise their written English contacting from other parts of the world; international exchange

‘correction’: How much help are learners given with their written work? Written work should be as accurate as possible  public access! Teacher needs to be well prepared Plenty of time for writing, reviewing, redrafting, checking posts before added to the blog Learners prepare blog entries in word processing program Encourage peer reviewing of work in process

30 ASSESSMENT A blog is essentially a written assignment
Posts can be used for evaluation Criteria for evaluation need to be clear in advance Accuracy Fluency Coherence Relevance Criteria related to the visual nature of this electronic medium Effective use of visuals Visual presentation overall Length of postings Awareness of audience

31 BLOGS IN ELT How to start using blogs with learners
A simple blog project that you can use with learners of all levels is to get your students to set up their own student blogs, writing about themselves, their interests, family, home, country etc. including some photos. Step 1 – Setting up a sample blog Step 2 – Setting up student blogs Step 3 – Posting to and visiting blogs Step 4 – Follow up

Teacher should create a blog in advance Similar to what the learners are expected to do It allows to become familiar with the blog interface and how it works It shows what a blog is It provides a model for the students’ blog in terms of Content: what learners can write about Language: the level of language expected Look: including photos etc.

Help learners to set up their own blogs Individual, pair or groups blogs depending on availability on computers Note that helping learners can be very intensive! Projection of a computer screen with a data projector can take learners through the blog set- up process step by step

Give the learners enough time to prepare and post content, add pictures/photos etc. Encourage the students to share their blog addresses and to visit other’s blogs and post comments

it’s well worth carrying using the blogs for more than a couple of classes encourage learners to post regularly over a certain period of time (term, semester) teacher can provide ideas and suggestions for content blogs can be kept as: internal class project or other classes international network with learners from other countries. note that blogs have a limited lifespan – only 50 percent of blogs are estimated to be active three month after being set up!

36 FREE BLOG SITES Blog pages are freely available on the internet
very user-friendly setting up a blog is a straightforward process no need of specialist technical knowledge Links: Blogger WordPress EzBlogWorld xanga: LiveJournal:

37 RESOURCES Dudney, Gavin and Hockly, Nick (2007): How to teach English with technology. Pearson Longman Lewis, Gordon (2004): The Internet and young learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press Lewis, Gordon (2009): Bringing technology into the classroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press

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