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Do Now Copy the HW: I’m giving back your projects 

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1 Do Now Copy the HW: I’m giving back your projects 
WHIL due tomorrow I’m giving back your projects  Discuss with your group: Why would the Nazi Party “identify” certain groups of people as outsiders?

2 The Nazis Groups who were targeted were:
Jewish population Some Polish groups Some Russian groups Many other groups of people who had different political, religious, etc., backgrounds Those who went against the Nazis. Hitler and the Nazis needed to create a strong group. One way to do that is to identify groups of people who will NOT be in this powerful group. In other words, the Nazis needed to target certain groups to be excluded from the new German rule.

3 How did the Nazis exclude these groups?
Prejudice: is having an opinion or idea about someone based upon their race , gender, age, or where they are from without enough knowledge about that person “Behind the hostile powers… the Jew. Anti-Semitism Prejudice and hatred towards people of Jewish descent Public displays of anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany took a variety of forms: Posters Newspapers Films Radio addresses

4 Anti-Semitism In September 1941, the Nazis ordered Germany's Jews over the age of 6 to sew on their clothing a yellow Star of David with the word Jude (Jew) in bold, Hebrew-like letters. The following year, the measure was introduced in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovakia, and other lands under German control.

5 Use of Propaganda to Identify Jewish People as the Enemy
Nazis began to use propaganda to make Jewish people “the outcasts.” Encouraged Germans not to go to Jewish owned shops or businesses. Eventually, many Jewish shops or businesses were closed or destroyed by the Nazis. It became common for Jews to be arrested or beaten for no reason.

6 The Nazis said that their “Aryan race,” to which the German people allegedly belonged, stood at the top of a racial “social class.” Nazi Race Laws New race laws defined a person as either: German blood Mixed blood Jewish Laws stated that only people of “German blood” could be citizens from now on.


8 Using old images and stereotypes, Nazi propagandists portrayed Jews as an "alien race" that:
fed off the host nation poisoned its culture controlled its economy This hateful depiction, although neither new nor unique to the Nazi Party, now became a state-supported image.



11 Activity for Today Each answer does not to be in a complete sentence, but you should put a lot of thought into what you are saying. We are going to think, discuss, and reflect on what we have learned today. In your groups: THINK DISCUSS RESPOND

12 Discussion 1. Why did the Nazis need to target certain groups?
It made them more powerful when they exclude people from their Nazi group. 2. What is Anti-Semitism? Prejudice and hatred towards people of Jewish descent

13 Discussion 3. Why do you think the Nazis ordered all Jewish people to wear a yellow Star of David? Helped everyone “identify” Jewish people Made the Jewish people “stick out” from everyone else 4. What effect did the new Race Laws have on Jewish people in Germany? Made it seem “official” that they were not good enough to be real citizens

14 Discussion 5. What effect did all Anti-Semitic propaganda have on non- Jewish people in Germany?  They could “ID” Jewish people. Probably made them think Jewish people were different; possibly in a negative way. 6. Name the ways the Nazi Party attempted to make the Jewish population into outcasts (people who don’t belong). Yellow Star of David Race Laws Propaganda (“Don’t go to their shops!”)

15 So… What do we think about all this?

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