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The Holocaust Dropping of an Atomic Bomb

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1 The Holocaust Dropping of an Atomic Bomb
Atrocities of WWII The Holocaust Dropping of an Atomic Bomb

2 Nazi anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism: hostility or prejudice toward Jews
A major characteristic of the Nazi party ideology Why single out the Jews? Hitler promoted the idea of the perfect Aryan race Used Jews as a scapegoat for German problems

3 Attacks on German Jews Nuremburg Laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship Kristallnacht “Night of Broken Glass” – two nights of rampage in which Jewish businesses and places of worship were destroyed

4 Attacks on German Jews Ghettos- an area in city in which Jews were confined within its borders Could not leave Extremely crowded Scarce food – lots starved Concentration Camps Prisons – labor, horrible conditions


6 The Final Solution Hitler introduced his plan for the Jewish race- complete and total destruction A genocide (destruction of an entire race) of ALL Jews in Europe …. And many other groups Added 6 new camps – purely extermination camps – individuals were killed on arrival… usually in a gas chamber. Nazis were responsible for the death of 6 million European Jews and 5 million others




10 Pastor Martin Niemoller, A German Theologian
First the Nazis went after the Jews But I was not a Jew So I did not object Then they went after the Catholics But I was not a Catholic Then they went after the Trade Unionists But I was not a Trade Unionist Then they came for me And there was no one left to object Numbers of German Holocaust 5,820, Jews 4,800, Poles/Slavs 250, Gypsies 250, Physically/Mentally Handicapped 80, Freemasons 27, Political Prisoners 25, African-Germans 15, Homosexuals 10, Oppositional Clergy 5, Jehovah’s Witnesses Pastor Martin Niemoller, A German Theologian 10

11 Response to the Holocaust
Initially, America had limited immigration to the U.S. to many European Jews Anti-Semitism was not uncommon in the U.S. The liberation of the camps displayed the horrors to the world and thought changed War Refugee Board- established by Roosevelt in it aided rescue victims of enemy oppression Nuremburg Trials- established after WWII to try those accused of crimes against humanity – 22 Nazis tried for their crimes against the Jews, 12 sentenced to death

12 The Aftermath of Holocaust
Migrations of Jews Across Europe and to U.S. and Latin America NOT to U.S.S.R. due to Pogroms Establishment of Israel British territory established state Conflicts in Israel

13 Other Atrocities of WWII

14 Other Atrocities of WWII
Bataan Death March American troops forced on 60 mile march No food or water Brutal treatment – beheadings, throat cutting, etc 18,000 killed Rape of Nanking Invasion of Nanking by Japanese troops Killed over 260,000 – many as part of “sword games” Raped estimated 80,000 women Brought to tribunal for war crimes 14

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16 Other Atrocities of WWII
Atomic Bombs Dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by U.S. Destroyed 2 mile radius, fire beyond center, radiation Up to 275,000 deaths, many injuries, birth defects Japanese Internment U.S. citizens of Japanese (110,000) decent sent to camps Property confiscated or forced to be sold Accused of spying (men, women, children, babies) Poor camp conditions (food, housing, heat) “Americanized” while in camps 16

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