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American Indians of Texas

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1 American Indians of Texas

2 By the end of this unit you should be able to answer the following questions:
How did the physical environment of where the American Indian tribes live affect their housing, occupation and lifestyles? What were the result of farming and the domestication of animals? Compare hunter-gatherers (nomads) to farmers (permanent settlers) How did the American Indians use irrigation to adapt to their environment? What is the relationship between where Native Americans lived in Texas and where Texans lived today? Why is the lifestyle of the Southeastern Native Americans different than those of that lived in the Plains?


4 Gulf Coast Peoples (nomadic and hunter-gatherers)
Karankawa- Southeast, used dugout canoes to fish and hunt small animals. Cabeza de Vaca wrote about karankawas. Coalhuiltecans- South Texas, ate bugs and small animals Atakapans- hunted small animals and fished in dugout canoes, some farming

5 Plains Peoples (nomadic, dependant on the buffalo, fierce warriors)
Comanche-used every part of the buffalo, lived in tipis, domesticated animals before they were introduced to the horse by Europeans. Apache-used buffalo hide to protect themselves from the harsh landscape. For part of the year, they lived in farming communities along rivers and streams called rancherias.

6 (Plains Peoples Cont.) Kiowas-recorded their oral histories on their tipis, made beautiful crafts, developed a calendar, and most-feared group on the plains.

7 Puebloan Peoples (sedentary, farmers, and lived in houses made of adobe)
Jumanos-besides farming, they hunted, traded and lived in beautiful painted adobe homes. Tiguas-known for their beautiful pottery.

8 Southeastern Texas Caddoes-built dome shaped huts, organized government system led by chief, women played important roles, greeted European with the word Tejas, which means friends Wichitas- hunted buffaloes, grew crops, and known for the tattoos around their eyes known as “RACOON EYES”

9 Different types of American Indian Homes

10 Requirements EACH group must create 4 shadowboxes, each box must represent 1 region of Texas and the American Indians that lived there. Each region must show: Climate Way of life Plants and animals Landforms Food source Shelter/homes economy Display all Gulf Coast peoples, Plains Peoples, Puebloan Peoples and Southeastern Texas Peoples in the region that they belong in!

11 Requirements Cont. Write a 1 page paper explaining how climate, way of life, plants, animals and landforms effected the American Indians homes, food and economy. GT: Paper must be MLA format with an annotated bibliography

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