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Minerals Quartz Apatite Diamond hardness color Topaz fracture Gypsum

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Presentation on theme: "Minerals Quartz Apatite Diamond hardness color Topaz fracture Gypsum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals Quartz Apatite Diamond hardness color Topaz fracture Gypsum
talc Minerals luster Corundum Bell ringer word table activity and group activity Is it a mineral?(answer the 4 questions, show Word Document). density Orthoclase Calcite Fluorite cleavage

2 EQ: What is a mineral? Standard: S6E5.b
Investigate the contribution of minerals to rock composition.

3 EQ: What is a mineral? What is a crystal, and what determines a crystal’s shape? Describe the two major groups of minerals. What is a native element? Crystals p. 67, 2 major groups: Silicate and Non silicate p.68 Native element: a mineral that is composed of only one element.

4 Mineral Structure A mineral is a naturally formed, inorganic solid that has a crystal structure and a definite chemical composition. Minerals may be either elements or compounds. Elements are pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary means. A compound is a substance made of two or more different elements that have been joined together by a chemical bond. Graphic organizer hand out

5 5 Characteristics of a Mineral
Naturally Formed- must form naturally Inorganic- cannot arise from materials that were once part of a living thing Solid- always solid, with a definite volume and a definite shape Crystalline Structure- particles must line up in a pattern that repeats over and over again Definite Chemical Composition- always contains certain elements in definite proportions. NaCl (salt) Give me 5 closing activity—trace their hand and write the 5 characteristics of a mineral

6 Mineral Structure A few minerals, such as gold and silver, are composed of only one element. A mineral that is composed of only one element is called a native element. Native elements are used in communications and electronics equipment.

7 Tuesday: Put up word document, Four Questions
Tuesday: Put up word document, Four Questions. Students work in groups to discuss if objects on table are minerals.

8 Crystals A crystal is a solid whose atoms, ions, or molecules are arranged in a definite pattern. Crystals are solid, geometric forms produced by a repeating pattern of atoms or molecules that are present throughout the material. A crystal’s shape is determined by the arrangement of the atoms or molecules within the crystal. All minerals can be grouped into crystal glasses according to the kinds of crystals they form.

9 Crystalline Structure of a Mineral

10 Two Groups of Minerals Minerals are divided into two groups based on their chemical composition. Silicate minerals are minerals that contain a combination of the elements silicon and oxygen (quartz, feldspar, mica). Silicate minerals make up over 90% of the Earth’s crust. Nonsilicate minerals are minerals that do not contain a combination of the elements silicon and oxygen ( copper, calcite, fluorite, corundum, gypsum, galena).

11 Common Silicate Minerals

12 Classes of Nonsilicate Minerals
Make into foldable

13 Quick Check Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mineral? It is formed in nature. It is a living material. It has a crystalline structure. It is a solid. Quick check at the end on Tuesday

14 Quick Check Which of the following properties of minerals does Mohs scale measure? luster density hardness streak

15 Quick Check 3. Pure substances cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means are called a. molecules. b. compounds. c. crystals. d. elements.

16 Quick Check 4. Which of the following properties is considered a special property that applies to only a few minerals? a. luster b. taste c. hardness d. density

17 Quick Check 5. Which of the following substances is a mineral?
a. fluorite, which is a crystalline solid with the chemical formula CaF2 b. coal, which forms from the remains of living things. c. obsidian, which is a volcanic glass and is not crystalline. d. brass, which is a metal that is made by humans.

18 EQ: How are minerals identified?
What is the Mohs hardness scale? What is the major difference between an element and a compound? Wednesday:

19 Properties of Minerals
A mineral is a naturally formed, inorganic solid that has a crystal structure and a definite chemical composition. Each mineral has its own set of specific physical properties that can be used to identify it (hardness, color, streak, luster, density, crystal system, cleavage, and fracture). An element is a substance composed of a single kind of atom. A compound is two or more elements combined so that the elements no longer have their original distinct properties.

20 Identifying Minerals Hardness- Mohs hardness scale ranks ten minerals from softest to hardest. Color- Because of factors, such as impurities, used only to identify a few minerals Streak- the color of a mineral in its powdered form Luster- how a mineral reflects light from its surface Density- the ratio of the mass to the volume of a substance Crystal Systems- six groups of structures based on the number and angle of the crystal faces Cleavage – splitting along smooth, flat surface Fracture- breaking apart along curved or irregular surfaces Foldable for notebook

21 Mohs Hardness Scale Talc 1 Softest known mineral
Gypsum 2 fingernail can scratch it Calcite 3 scratched by copper penny Fluorite 4 easily scratched by steel knife Apatite 5 can be scratched by steel knife Orthoclase 6 can scratch window glass Quartz 7 can scratch steel Topaz 8 can scratch quartz Corundum 9 can scratch topaz Diamond 10 hardest known mineral

22 Moh’s Hardness Scale

23 Special Properties Some properties are particular to only a few types of minerals: Fluorescence – glow under ultraviolet light Chemical Reactions – reacts to an acid Magnetism – natural magnets that attract iron. Taste – ex. Halite has a salty taste Optical Properties – some can cause a double image Radioactivity – minerals that contain radium or uranium

24 Special Properties of Some Minerals

25 Quick Check 1. What are the two major groups of minerals?
metallic and nonmetallic native elements and carbonates silicates and nonsilicates quartz and mica

26 Quick Check 2. Silicate minerals contain a combination of the elements
Sulfur and oxygen. Carbon and oxygen. Iron and oxygen. Silicon and oxygen.

27 Quick Check 3. Which of the following is a nonsilicate mineral?
orthoclase, KASi3O8 Talc, Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 Almandine, Fe3Al2(SiO4)3 Magnetite, Fe3O4

28 The Formation, Mining, and Use of Minerals (p.74)
Where can you find minerals? What is an ore? Compare surface and subsurface mining. What is reclamation? What are some examples of minerals and their uses? Start on Monday 8/22 and finish Wednesday 8/24; Chapter Review Thursday; Chapter Test on Friday 8/26

29 The Formation of Minerals
Minerals form in a variety of environments in Earth’s crust. Each of these environments has a different set of physical and chemical conditions. The environment in which a mineral forms determines the mineral’s properties. Environments in which minerals form may be on or near Earth’s surface or deep beneath Earth’s surface.

30 Formation Environments

31 The Environments Evaporating Salt Water
When a body of salt water dries up, minerals are left behind. -(gypsum, halite) Metamorphic Rocks When changes in temperature, pressure, or chemical make-up changes a rock, metamorphism takes place. -(calcite, garnet, graphite, hematite, magnetite, mica, and talc)

32 The Environments Limestones
Rocks formed when the surface water and ground water carry dissolved materials to lakes and seas where they crystallize on the bottom. -(Calcite, dolomite) Hot-Water Solutions Environment in which groundwater works its way downward and is heated. Groundwater works its way downward and is heated by magma and then reacts with minerals. -(gold, copper, sulfur, pyrite, galena)

33 The Environments Pegmatites
Teardrop-shaped bodies with large crystals, such as gemstones, that form when magma moves upward. -(many gemstones, such as topaz, tourmaline) Plutons As magma rises upward through the crust, it sometimes stops moving before it reaches the surface and cools slowly, forming millions of mineral crystals. The entire magma body solidifies to form a pluton. Mica, feldspar, magnetite, quartz

34 Mining An ore is the natural material large enough and pure enough to be mined for profit. Rocks and minerals are removed from the ground by one of two methods-surface mining and subsurface mining. Surface mining is used to remove mineral deposits on or near the Earth’s surface. - open pits - surface coal mines (open-pit) - quarries

35 Mining Subsurface mining is used when mineral deposits are located too deep within Earth to be surface mined. Mine reclamation is the process by which land used for mining is returned to its original state or better. Has been required by law since the mid-1970’s. To reduce the effects of mining, reduce our need for minerals, reuse, and recycle.

36 Surface Mining This quarry in northwest Georgia is an open pit used to mine granite.

37 Subsurface Mining Subsurface mining is the removal of minerals from DEEP within the Earth. Passageways must be dug underground to reach the ore.

38 The Use of Minerals Some minerals are of major economic and industrial importance. Metallic minerals have shiny surfaces, do not let light pass through them, and are good conductors of heat and electricity. Nonmetallic minerals have shiny or dull surfaces, may let light pass through them, and are good insulators of electricity.

39 The Use of Minerals Gemstones are highly valuable minerals because of their beauty and rarity rather than their usefulness. Color is the most important characteristic of a gemstone. The more attractive the color is, the more valuable the gem is. Mass of a gem is expressed in a unit known as a carat. One carat is equal to 200 mg.

40 Gemstones The Cullinan Diamond, at the center of the scepter, is part of the largest diamond ever found.

41 Common Uses of Minerals
Copper Electrical wires, plumbing, coins Diamond Jewelry, cutting tools, drill bits Galena Batteries, ammunition Gibbsite Cans, foil, appliances, utensils Gold Jewelry, computers, spacecraft, dentistry Gypsum Wallboards, plaster, cement Halite Nutrition, highway de-icer, water softener Quartz Glass, computer chips Silver Jewelry, photography, electronic products Sphalerite Jet aircraft, spacecraft, paints

42 Some Material Used in the Parts of a Bike

43 Quick Check In a mineral, the particles line up in a repeating pattern to form A. an element B. a crystal C. a mixture D. a compound

44 Quick Check The term that describes how a mineral reflects light is its __________. A. luster. B. streak C. color. D. weight.

45 Quick Check One characteristic that a substance must have to be considered a mineral is _____. A. to be living. B. to be small. C. to a liquid. D. to be a solid.

46 Quick check A compound is two or more ________ chemically combined.
A. atoms B. minerals C. elements D. protons

47 Quick Check An element is a substance composed of a single kind of __________. A. compound. B. atom. C. mineral. D. Mohs hardness scale.

48 Quick Check The groupings silicate and nonsilicate minerals are based on Organic content. Gas and liquid state Chemical composition. Color.

49 Quick Check Nonsilicate minerals Do not contain oxygen.
Include native elements. All have a nonmetallic luster. Are all rare substances.

50 Quick Check Which of the following is NOT a class of nonsilicate minerals? oxides Micas carbonates native elements

51 Quick Check What is a mineral deposit that is large and pure enough to be mined called? gemstone ore pluton pegmatite

52 Quick Check Halides form when fluorine, chlorine, or bromine combine with any of the following elements EXCEPT sodium. potassium. calcium. oxygen.

53 Quick Check What is the name for nonmetallic minerals that are valued for their beauty and rarity rather than their usefulness? plutons gemstones ores pegmaites

54 Quick Check What kinds of mines are open pit and quarry mines?
shaft mines slope mines surface mines subsurface mines

55 Quick Check Which rocks are exposed to more wind, rain, and ice?
A. rocks at a lower elevation B. rocks at a higher elevation C. rocks in streams D. rocks in warm, humid climate

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