Fire Extinguisher Guidance (Theory)

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Extinguisher Guidance (Theory)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Extinguisher Guidance (Theory)

2 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
Do not attempt to fight the fire : Unless trained to do so with practical training Do not take any personal risks This presentation is Guidance GET OUT STAY OUT

3 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
Only use extinguisher on small fire (maximum size of a waste bin) if fire is blocking direct escape route Only use if trained to do so with practical training You must remove the safety pin before operating/using the fire extinguisher

4 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
All extinguishers are coloured red All display a colour coded panel to differentiate the specific type of extinguisher

5 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
TYPES of Fire Extinguisher within Care Services Water Foam Dry Powder Carbon Dioxide Wet Chemical Fire Blanket

6 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
WATER FIRE EXTINGUISHER Panel Colour is RED Best for: Wood, cloth, paper, plastics and coal Fires involving solids

7 Lancashire County Care Services Fire Extinguisher Guidance
WATER FIRE EXTINGUISHER Danger DO NOT USE on flammable liquids, flammable gases, burning fat or oil or on electrical appliances

8 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
WATER FIRE EXTINGUISHER Water cools the burning material and extinguishes fire Water is applied to fire through discharge hose playing backwards and forwards on the fire

9 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
FOAM FIRE EXTINGUISHER Panel Colour is CREAM Best for: Fires involving solids -wood, cloth, paper, plastics and coal Flammable liquids such as grease, fats, oil, paint and petrol

10 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
FOAM FIRE EXTINGUISHER Danger DO NOT USE on chip or fat pan fires Danger DO NOT USE on flammable oil fires Foam is expelled under pressure through a flexible discharge hose

11 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
FOAM FIRE EXTINGUISHER Foam floats on surfaces of oils and other flammable liquids Has cooling action Extinguishes the fire by smothering and preventing air getting to the fuel

12 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
DRY POWDER FIRE EXTINGUISHER Panel colour is BLUE Best for liquids such as grease, fats, oil, paint, petrol Safe on live electrical equipment

13 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
DRY POWDER FIRE EXTINGUISHER Danger DO NOT USE on chip or fat pan fires

14 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
DRY POWDER FIRE EXTINGUISHER Knocks down the flames and smothers the fire Discharged through hose to a nozzle Forms a barrier between the burning fuel and the air Take care that fire does not reignite

15 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
CARBON DIOXIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHER The fire panel is BLACK Best for Fires that involve electrical equipment Liquids such as grease, fats, oil paint, petrol.

16 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
CARBON DIOXIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHER DO NOT USE on chip or fat pan fires The vaporising liquid gas smothers the flames by displacing oxygen in the air.

17 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
CARBON DIOXIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHER Fumes from Carbon Dioxide extinguishers can be harmful if used in confined spaces Ventilate the area as soon as fire has been controlled

18 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
CARBON DIOXIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHER Can be very noisy Very short operating time small cylinder may last only 12 seconds Take Care to hold and direct by the tube DO NOT TOUCH the horn risk of freeze burns to fingers

19 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
WET CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER Panel colour is YELLOW Best for on cooking oils and fats in kitchens

20 Fire Extinguisher Guidance

21 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
FIRE BLANKET Good for chip pan fires provided the fire blanket completely covers the fire. Fire blanket smothers the fire

22 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
Using a Fire Blanket Pull down the tapes Fully open the blanket ensuring your hands are protected Place the blanket over the flames, do not put yourself at risk Extinguishes by asphyxiating

23 Fire Extinguisher Guidance
Do not attempt to fight the fire : Unless trained to do so with practical training Do not take any personal risks This presentation is GUIDANCE GET OUT - STAY OUT

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