A harmonized approach towards National Access Points for Information Services in Europe Paper co-authored by: . Ronald Jorna, Mobycon, NL Louis.

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Presentation on theme: "A harmonized approach towards National Access Points for Information Services in Europe Paper co-authored by: . Ronald Jorna, Mobycon, NL Louis."— Presentation transcript:

1 A harmonized approach towards National Access Points for Information Services in Europe Paper co-authored by: . Ronald Jorna, Mobycon, NL Louis Hendriks, RWS, NL Jacqueline Barr, IBI Group, UK

2 Facts and figures In 1606 Willem Janszoon (Dutch) was first European to set foot on Australia Australia is 200 times bigger than The Netherlands Biggest farm in Australia is 3 times bigger than the total area of the Netherlands Mobycon is a traffic & transport consulting firm in The Netherlands

3 Content of presentation
Delegated Regulations from the European Commission Example: delegated regulation on RTTI Examples of National Access Points European ITS Platform projects EU EIP activity 4.6 about National Access Points Harmonisation and knowledge exchange

4 Background & Motivation

5 National Point of Access
Purpose of delegated regulations for priority actions b, c and e: “….ensure compatibility, interoperability and continuity for the deployment and operational use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for the provision of EU-wide traffic information services.” …one national access point per country containing (access to) all traffic related information ....sharing, data exchange, seamless & harmonised approach, access point……

6 Delegated Regulation 2015/962 for RTTI - (b)
Applies from 13 July 2017 RTTI includes: static road data, dynamic road status data & traffic data Trans-European road network (& relevant priority zones) Existing data collected by road authorities, road operators & service providers Member States have to set up a national access point Requires discovery service that uses metadata DATEX II or any machine-readable format Commercial agreements Member States assessments & declarations of compliance


8 National Access Points: European ITS Platform Projects
Three related projects: EIP EIP+ EU EIP In all three EIP projects activity on National Point of Access: EIP Truck Parking (e) & Safety Related Traffic Information (c) EIP+ + Real-Time Traffic Information, RTTI (b) EU EIP All types of information (b, c, e, (multimodal (a))

9 EIP+ Survey findings (1)
September 2015 Status: Generally high level of knowledge of ITS Directive and delegated regulations Data availability: static was considered most widely available Existing national access points: Six for SRTI One for truck parking Two for RTTI Legislative issues: mixed response on obliging private road operators to provide data

10 EIP+ Survey findings (2)
Issues raised: Limited real-time data Complexities of including private sector Required resources to set up and maintain (financial, personnel) Costs implications of providing the required metadata Assessing compliance and data quality Regulations are open to different interpretations Lack of standardised exchange format for ITS related static road data

11 EU EIP SA4.6 Sub-activity 4.6: Monitoring and harmonisation of National Access Points Period: 1 January 2016 – 31 December 2018 Activities: annual monitoring of NAP developments in Europe concerning the implementations for priority actions b, c and e (possibly also a) validation of common Level of Service for NAPs (e.g. 24/7 accessibility, security, number of parallel users, etc.) further recommendations for harmonisation knowledge platform for National Access Points in Europe.

12 Knowledge exchange and harmonisation
Actors involved European Commission Regulation Knowledge exchange and harmonisation Implementation Data suppliers Member States European ITS Platform NAP National Body Service Providers

13 Need for harmonisation
Progress has and is being made, but further work required: harmonisation of metadata to allow better searching for needed data harmonisation of Declaration of Compliance for the assessment of compliance to the delegated regulations harmonisation of DATEX II profiles for RTTI harmonisation of the definition of data harmonisation of the interpretation of the delegated regulations between the various EU Member States

14 Focus: Assessment of compliance
Observations: Implementation of NAPs (very) slow  EC If data providers or service providers are active in more than one country, they could be faced with >20 different formats, languages and rules for the declaration of conformity  data/service providers If no uniform forms and rules, national bodies have to deal/argue with >200 different data/service providers  national bodies Conclusion: one uniform Declaration of Compliance form needed in English and/or national language  everybody Joint effort of EU EIP and TISA to produce a uniform Declaration of Compliance form  workshop on 7 November 2016 in Brussels

15 DATEX II For Safe and Secure Truck Parking:
DATEX II profiles available Parking Publications are part of DATEX 2.3 CROCODILE middleware specification for truck parking For SRTI: A user guideline has been developed to set up a DATEX II profile for SRTI messages No profiles for SRTI CROCODILE middleware specification for SRTI But still quite some open issues: Differences in profiles between countries/legacy systems Low level of knowledge about DATEX II Complexity of DATEX II

16 Summary EU countries well aware of the delegated regulations and progress has and is being made Implementation delayed in quite some countries and tendency to implement ‘minimum’ access point Harmonisation activities are needed to create favourable conditions for new ITS services Need for greater private sector engagement (data and service providers) Key issues: harmonisation of self-assessment, DATEX II and metadata Exchange of experiences is important key function of the European ITS Platform: to support & harmonise ITS deployment

17 i More information? Ronald Jorna, Mobycon r.jorna@mobycon.nl
Louis Hendriks, RWS Jacqueline Barr, IBI Group EU EIP Project EIP Deliverables & SPA Coordinated Metadata Catalogue i

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